#my poetry


“The storms you have endured have weathered pieces of your soul you won’t get back. This too shall pass; these rough seas will shape you. In the end you will sail freely, glad you entered it in the first place.”

My 7th tattoo is one I’ve wanted to awhile to represent my constant battle with anxiety/depression/PTSD. It feels like I’m constantly stuck in my own personal ocean. One I’ll never escape, but this past year I’ve improved so much. There are days I still feel like this, but I know someday I will be okay

how could you be empty and still carry the whole universe inside of you? you beat inside my ribcage like the soft throb of waves on the seashore, yet every day is a prayer to a summer of shadows we still sing under. everyone leaves an echo - darling, you’re the warmth my heart needed to survive. the more I love you, the more alive I feel. don’t want you to become a chapter in my life, I want us to write this book together.

This is my favorite time in history because you’re alive right now.

and maybe I’m cursed with lips that take existence from breaths that aren’t mine, hands that are too fragile to contain the wishes of a dandelion. what did we do to be this alone in the world but never alone with our thoughts? wait for yesterday in my mouth with flowers; I’m not even looking for the light right now, just some company in the dark. life is a collection of experiences, love is how you choose to remember them.

It’s always a beautiful day when you’re on my mind.

Sunsets are born when you let the sadness and happiness inside of you blend. I want to know about the places you go when the world is too much, when the nails in your pockets have tied together sleep. sometimes I touch these words with my fingertips just to feel them, just to remember dancing with the shadows of falling leaves against your skin. Sometimes a poem unfolds into a little I love you. sometimes, some loves only last forever inside you.

being loved by you means I no longer think of my heart in pieces, but how do I fix everything with hands like mine? it can still hurt if you land on your feet. I wear my heart on my sleeve, but it might as well be you. I love you means I’ll be good to you no matter what, and if loving you is wrong, I want to know just how wrong I can be.

I can be a graveyard for all of your dark thoughts, but only if you wish on the broken reflections that sing through the night. for a little while I felt hope, and then I woke up, but I’ve decided I won’t want to keep you if we use our spare change for apologies. I’ll love all your joys more than I’d love to be the reason for your joy. for however long I get to be in your life, I want to be something you remember as good. if you think back to certain smiles & you feel this warmth in your chest like summer never really left, that warmth in your chest is worth it.

I’m a little fucked up, but I’ll love you more than anyone.

Sometimes I don’t know how to let the light in, to reflect in raindrops painting silhouettes of your skin. some feelings are better left unknown, for once they’re felt there’s nowhere one can go without forever knowing what’s missing. I forgive you but it’s different now. I forgive you, but the sadness in you ends in me tonight. you can’t keep letting your heart be a home for people that don’t have one, but every breath is a lesson in letting go.

Maybe we’ll fall in love and maybe you’ll ruin me, but I definitely want to find out.

I don’t want a soft touch. I need a force so strong it obliterates the world, so all that remains is the sound of our breaths, the pounding of my heart, tthe feel of you on my skin. my lips may still burn from our kiss, yet I’ll want nothing but another taste of you.

you’re everything I never wanted to feel, until summer became a time only the rain spoke of kissing. yesterday is just a heartbeat away, but forever has your name on it. Silence has a softer voice when you’re loved, yet nothing is emptier than a room you just walked out of. I smile about you, but I really wish I was smiling at you. If I were to unlove you, it would take all of my heart and more.. so I’m going to start being really good in this life, and maybe I’ll end up with you in the next one.

you left me with feelings I never knew I had.

The romantic poetry

My days are beautiful with him

He is like a light in my heart

Like the sun in the morning and evening

And like the moonlight on a cold night

When i feel doubt about his love

He assured me that he would stay by my side

And always love me

Until death approaches

His love is great for me

He has made me fall in love

I’m grateful and happy to have met him

And my love belongs to him

und sehe ich dem schrecken entgegen

in eine stadt die ich nicht kenn`

alles wofür es sich zu kämpfen lohnte, zerstört in einer nacht

doch ein winzig kleines stück hällt mich am leben

kein leid will ich mehr sehn`

denn heut nacht endet meine reise

ich will nicht schlafen gehn


I’m not a teenager anymore, I haven’t been for a while now. Hard to believe it. My heart seems to hurt all the same, I really thought I’d outgrow heartache. But the years bring more grief, more loss, more hurt. I’m not sure who told me that this would all lessen by now, but all I know for certain, is that they’re a liar.

I miss the way I felt, you touching me- everywhere, anywhere; maybe I’ve never felt lust like that, but I worry, I may never feel that again.


Loki, touching (insomniac series)

“How shall I hold back my soul from touching yours?” Rainer Maria Rilke


I had grown used

to desert cold

hunger hollow

and dust dry thirst

to empty skies

without a hint of stars.


I had not thought

to feel the brush

the feathered touch

of darkness soft

from battered heart

still strong enough to care.


Like ravens bringing

bread and meat

you fed my soul

slacked the thirst

and gentled grief

to golden memory


by drachenkinder

I know just enough

about coping to know that

right now, I am not.


a haiku on coping //r.t.

did he hit you, my therapist asks,

and I stay silent.

I don’t know how to tell her that

the grooves of his knuckles are a city skyline

and the empire state building is powerful enough-

to stand still.

no matter how much you will it to move.

no, he didn’t choose to use his palms to grab

or his fingernails to scratch blood

no, he tracked the highway with quicksand eyes

and arms outstretched like the Messiah

Won’t you always stay mine?

and the words dripped out through his teeth,

I’ll kill myself if you leave-

curbside, I caterpillar curl up

and regress into his jack in the box.

I can take the pressure, tighter and tighter,

until it explodes, and I can’t.

did he hit you, my therapist repeats,

and I say nothing.



if i post the 3rd life scarian poem i wrote today will u all promise to be nice about it

And from your heart my hand comes away bloodied, stinging—

Veins and ventricles tracing the swollen edges of my bruises.

When we came here, this paradise of broken glass, we brought a promise:

You and I, tied in celtic knots, connected as the ouroboros devours its own tail.

Tell me again: what dirge will you sing as your life spills below the gored out sun,

Heart faltering, thread snapped, the snake with its spine in fractures?

You were a cliff, the sea, the song— and I the unlucky fool

Who fell from your heavens with shattered wings of wax.
