#native plants








I’m very much a proponent of “food not lawns” but I’m also fucking realistic that a ton of people do not have the resources/time/energy and getting into gardening is daunting as fuck. I’ll excitedly encourage it but if people can’t or even just don’t want to then that’s FINE. I hate the posts full of pictures of idealistic food lawns. Even outside of the actual growing and care, just processing a harvest takes so much damn time and More Energy and More Resources or Techniques and acting like it’s as simple as “just grow your own food!” is setting people up for a huge letdown when they realize how much that can take

i watered my garden every single day it didn’t rain last summer. no matter how tired i was, i had to go trundle around with the hose and the watering can. because i didn’t use pesticides, i lost all my pumpkins and squashes to a squash borer. my carrots didn’t really amount to much. all my watermelons died on the vine, tiny. my grape vine still hasn’t fruited. my herbs pretty much universally croaked. my lettuces looked great but were sobitter. i didn’t harvest my cabbages in time and only got to eat one–the slugs got the rest. i planted a bunch of peppers and got almost nothing from them, just weird little gnarled green fists.

then i got an absolutely absurd amount of cucumbers and turned every single jar in my house into a pickle container. i’m still working my way through the six gallon freezer bags of frozen beefsteak tomatoes that august produced.

your garden will produce way less of a lot of stuff you want and way more of some stuff you’re not prepared to consume or preserve. you have to water, to weed, to think about sun exposure, to debate about pesticides.

i love gardening! it’s great, it keeps you grounded, it feels wonderful to materially contribute to the local ecosystem, to see the wasps and spiders and bees and butterflies, and fresh tomatoes are delicious! but it’s SO MUCH MORE WORK THAN A LAWN.

Hi, indigenous person here with good news: The food not lawn doesn’t have to be food -for humans- 

You can do amazing work for your local ecosystem by replacing your lawn with native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. Which have the added benefit of generally not needing any looking after -because they are native and evolved to be there-

The following infographics are going to be North American (and specifically Northeast) centric because guess where I’m from:


^^ this is it, and “what would happen if you did LESS maintenance” is such a good question to center with.

In terms of human food, I’m a big fan of allotment/community garden style food production, where you go away from your immediate home to a place shared with others with individual personal plots for the purpose of producing food. People are available to help, it creates a place to go, it becomes a social center, you can have events and work days, and if you form enough relationships then someone will be available to (say) water your plants through the tricky periods or during vacations; plus, if you get bored or hate the work, you simply stop paying dues and hand the plot to the next eager person. Of course, this isn’t available everywhere - but setting one up might be a valuable use of time and energy, with more resilience than converting your home plot to something high-maintenance.

There’s also a middle ground to all of these. Having less lawn and more native plants is a more practical option or starting point for a lot of people than converting their entire property to native plants at once. Start small whether it’s with native landscaping or food gardens.

Growing natives isn’t necessarily lower maintenance, just different maintenance. They might not need weekly pruning and watering but they do need weeding and a good clean up in the spring or fall. Yes, they’re adapted to your local environment but we have changed that environment profoundly and your front yard, surrounded by cement, partially shaded by trees, with the only grazers being rabbits is a very different environment to a wide open prairie with frequent flooding, seasonal grazing by a wide array of large herbivores, and semi-annual fires. (Assuming you live in an area that was formerly plains, we’re also not even going to talk about invasive plants, worms, bacteria, diseases, soil compaction, etc etc etc)

Give yourself the room and permission to learn in your garden. You will need to acquire new skills to succeed and you will absolutely fail at some things in the process. You will plant things in a location you think will be perfect and they will struggle along or die. You will plant other things that were only supposed to get 3’ tall and instead are taller than you. It’s all part of the process and fun. Start small, get a hang of the new techniques, then grow from there.

As a person who tends other people’s gardens for a living, I’m going to disagree and say that native plant gardens are way lower maintenance, though I do recognize that this might be different in different ecolosystems.

One of my clients keeps their yard as a mostly native plant space, with a bit of sad lawn because it’s too shady to grow well. I go out there two or three times a year, for about 2 hours each time. While I’m there, I remove any invasive plants, and thin the under story (as they’ve fenced it, so the deer can’t do their job), and occasionally expand the planted areas into the lawn by adding plants, roughly 75% of which are native, and the remaining 25% are adapted to similar climates but are not invasive.

Compare that with most of my other clients, who have similar sized yards, that are a mix of ornamental plantings & lawn. I visit them every other week from April to the end of October, about two hours each visit. I’m pruning, deadheading, trimming, weeding, mulching, dividing, mowing, raking leaves, etc etc etc.

I think it’s helpful to remember that lawns and purely ornamental gardens started as a way to show off wealth, because of how much work they take to maintain. But just because that’s how they started, doesn’t mean they have to continue that way.

From my experience, if you live in an area that was forested, the easiest way to have a yard is to have native trees, with native under story plants, and then leave the leaves & conifer needles alone. Go through regularly and remove any invasive species. If there aren’t enough herbivores and the under plantings start getting congested, start pruning out the oldest stems of multi-stem shrubs- maybe every other year, maybe less often. More specific maintenance is going to depend on your type of forest- not all of them evolved with regular burning.

If you’re starting a forest from scratch, I highly recommend you start by putting down a thick layer of woodchips. That’ll help kill/prevent weeds, increase soil moisture retention, and help keep the soil cool in summer, much like the shade from a forest.

If you’re trying to make an ornamental garden less work:

1. Mulch with woodchips and then plant a ground cover. Do not let soil be bare. Ideally, have multiple layers of foliage, so the soil is very shaded- makes it way harder for weeds to get established.

2. Stop watering. Plants are much more capable of getting their own water than a lot of peels think- and if it can’t in your climate, really think about whether you want it. Watering also makes it easier for weeds to grow.

3. For every tree and shrub, look up its adult width, and plant it no closer to another shrub or tree (unless you’re doing a layered forest on purpose, in which case consider how tall they’ll get), and make sure you plant them far enough away from paths, fences, and buildings that you won’t have to prune them away.

4. Learn which weeds are invasive and will take over, and which you can live with. Bindweed vs dandelion, for example. Ignore the ones you can live with.

5. For things that die back to the ground, mulch every fall. That alone will reduce your weeding by a lot.

6. Figure out which native plants will work in your yard. Some are very adaptable (see: self-heal) and some are much more particular (trout lily). Keep in mind that your region isn’t just one kind of ecosystem- and there’s a lot of habitats within each ecoregion.

I really appreciate native plants because they are so important to other native species- particularly native bees. There’s a lot of bees that are dependent on particular native species, and for whom lavender and all the rest of the non- native flowers people say to “plant to save the bees” do nothing. The best way to save native bees (and birds, and butterflies, and, and, and) is by planting native species & creating habitat

I do agree with the previous poster in large part though.

Silphium integrifolium (Rosinweed)Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep DESCRIPTION: A coarse perennial, 3-6 f

Silphium integrifolium(Rosinweed)

Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep 

DESCRIPTION:A coarse perennial, 3-6 ft. tall with numerous large, yellow composite flowers. Each flower head has 20-30 yellow rays and darker yellow disks. Stout leaves are joined at stem to form a small cup that holds water and attracts birds.(Wildflower Center) This species has square stems and leaves that are mostly opposite, egg-shaped, toothed, with cuplike bases that hold water (Kindscher 1987). The flower heads are rich, golden yellow, 2.5 centimeters in diameter, and closely grouped at the tips of the stems (Hunter 1984). The small, tubular disk flowers are in the middle of the flower and is sterile and does not produce fruits (Ladd, 1995).

PORTION OF THE PLANT USED: Leaves and roots.

TRADITIONAL USES: Chippewa Native Americans used the simple or compound decoction of root for “stoppage of periods,” for back and chest pain and for lung hemorrhage. A poultice of moistened, dried root was applied to wounds to stop bleeding.

Iroquois used the decoction of roots as an emetic and as face wash for paralysis. Burned root soot was placed on child’s cheek to prevent them from seeing ghosts. Meskwaki used the root to “alleviate the vomiting of pregnancy.” Infusion of root taken by women to prevent premature birth. Root used to reduce profuse menstruation and as an anti-emetic during pregnancy.

Ojibwa infusion of root taken for lumbago and other rheumatic back pains, stomach trouble and hemorrhage.

Cup plant’s young leaves were cooked in the spring as a green (Kindscher 1987). It was also used as a chewing gum to help prevent vomiting (Runkel & Roosa 1989). The Winnebagos tribe believed that this species has supernatural powers. They would drink a concoction derived from the rhizome to purify them before going on a buffalo hunt. It is used in the treatment of liver and spleen disorders and has also been used to treat morning sickness (Moerman 1998).

POLLINATOR:Rosin Weed attracts a variety of pollinators but it is especially relished by some of our smaller solitary bees. The plant gets its common name from the sticky rosin it produces, which was used as a chewing gum by the Native Americans. Rosin weed is quick to mature once germinated, reaching flowering size surprisingly fast.

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I’ve been purging my books lately and I came across a few that I literally haven’t opened since I was obsessed with the idea of being a park ranger (I’m named after my great grandfather who was a fish and game warden! It was supposed to be my destiny!!!). I don’t really want these anymore, but I also don’t just want to take them to the used bookstore up the street, so a giveaway seems to be in order.

The chosen person would get all 3 books, they should be a follower of mine, and need to be comfortable giving me a good mailing address. I’ll choose a winner on January 1st using a random number generator. Both likes and reblogs count (I’m not trying to get more followers here, I just want the books to go to someone who would actually love them).

The books are as follows:

Top left - Marci actually gave this one to me when I interned with her in college. It’s a pretty technical book about native Pennsylvania plants and how to use them to provide habitat for animals. It’s seriously very technical. There’s tables with soil types and acidity in there.

Top right- I also got this in college when I went to a PA Game Commison talk. It’s basically a biography of the agency and what cool stuff they’ve done in 100 years.

Bottom middle - A series of short stories told by park rangers. Some are really funny and they all show a pretty good range of experiences by national park rangers across the US.

A winner has been chosen! I’ll send you a message to get all your information soon c:


I’ve been purging my books lately and I came across a few that I literally haven’t opened since I was obsessed with the idea of being a park ranger (I’m named after my great grandfather who was a fish and game warden! It was supposed to be my destiny!!!). I don’t really want these anymore, but I also don’t just want to take them to the used bookstore up the street, so a giveaway seems to be in order.

The chosen person would get all 3 books, they should be a follower of mine, and need to be comfortable giving me a good mailing address. I’ll choose a winner on January 1st using a random number generator. Both likes and reblogs count (I’m not trying to get more followers here, I just want the books to go to someone who would actually love them).

The books are as follows:

Top left - Marci actually gave this one to me when I interned with her in college. It’s a pretty technical book about native Pennsylvania plants and how to use them to provide habitat for animals. It’s seriously very technical. There’s tables with soil types and acidity in there.

Top right- I also got this in college when I went to a PA Game Commison talk. It’s basically a biography of the agency and what cool stuff they’ve done in 100 years.

Bottom middle - A series of short stories told by park rangers. Some are really funny and they all show a pretty good range of experiences by national park rangers across the US.


I’ve been purging my books lately and I came across a few that I literally haven’t opened since I was obsessed with the idea of being a park ranger (I’m named after my great grandfather who was a fish and game warden! It was supposed to be my destiny!!!). I don’t really want these anymore, but I also don’t just want to take them to the used bookstore up the street, so a giveaway seems to be in order.

The chosen person would get all 3 books, they should be a follower of mine, and need to be comfortable giving me a good mailing address. I’ll choose a winner on January 1st using a random number generator. Both likes and reblogs count (I’m not trying to get more followers here, I just want the books to go to someone who would actually love them).

The books are as follows:

Top left - Marci actually gave this one to me when I interned with her in college. It’s a pretty technical book about native Pennsylvania plants and how to use them to provide habitat for animals. It’s seriously very technical. There’s tables with soil types and acidity in there.

Top right- I also got this in college when I went to a PA Game Commison talk. It’s basically a biography of the agency and what cool stuff they’ve done in 100 years.

Bottom middle - A series of short stories told by park rangers. Some are really funny and they all show a pretty good range of experiences by national park rangers across the US.

I’ve been purging my books lately and I came across a few that I literally haven’t opened since I was obsessed with the idea of being a park ranger (I’m named after my great grandfather who was a fish and game warden! It was supposed to be my destiny!!!). I don’t really want these anymore, but I also don’t just want to take them to the used bookstore up the street, so a giveaway seems to be in order.

The chosen person would get all 3 books, they should be a follower of mine, and need to be comfortable giving me a good mailing address. I’ll choose a winner on January 1st using a random number generator. Both likes and reblogs count (I’m not trying to get more followers here, I just want the books to go to someone who would actually love them).

The books are as follows:

Top left - Marci actually gave this one to me when I interned with her in college. It’s a pretty technical book about native Pennsylvania plants and how to use them to provide habitat for animals. It’s seriously very technical. There’s tables with soil types and acidity in there.

Top right- I also got this in college when I went to a PA Game Commison talk. It’s basically a biography of the agency and what cool stuff they’ve done in 100 years.

Bottom middle - A series of short stories told by park rangers. Some are really funny and they all show a pretty good range of experiences by national park rangers across the US.

I’ve been purging my books lately and I came across a few that I literally haven’t opened since I was obsessed with the idea of being a park ranger (I’m named after my great grandfather who was a fish and game warden! It was supposed to be my destiny!!!). I don’t really want these anymore, but I also don’t just want to take them to the used bookstore up the street, so a giveaway seems to be in order.

The chosen person would get all 3 books, they should be a follower of mine, and need to be comfortable giving me a good mailing address. I’ll choose a winner on January 1st using a random number generator. Both likes and reblogs count (I’m not trying to get more followers here, I just want the books to go to someone who would actually love them).

The books are as follows:

Top left - Marci actually gave this one to me when I interned with her in college. It’s a pretty technical book about native Pennsylvania plants and how to use them to provide habitat for animals. It’s seriously very technical. There’s tables with soil types and acidity in there.

Top right- I also got this in college when I went to a PA Game Commison talk. It’s basically a biography of the agency and what cool stuff they’ve done in 100 years.

Bottom middle - A series of short stories told by park rangers. Some are really funny and they all show a pretty good range of experiences by national park rangers across the US.

Happy Wildflower Week!Originally founded in 1988, National Wildflower Week (May 7–13) aims to celebr

Happy Wildflower Week!

Originally founded in 1988, National Wildflower Week (May 7–13) aims to celebrate the beauty and role of the hundreds of native wildflowers across the United States. In addition to beautifying their surroundings, wildflowers help conserve water, protect soil from erosion, and serve as valuable habitat areas for migratory butterflies and birds.

While native plants and wildflowers generally require fewer resources to grow than cultivated plants, they can become at risk from habitat loss and invasive species that compete with them.

Learn more.

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Native Northeast Plants: Cardinal Flower

Lobelia cardinalis, Campanulaceae family

Today in ‘small things that make me happy, because oh child do we live in A Time’:

One of the projects we’ve taken on is slowly transforming a landscape that had been largely taken over by invasive species into one that provides food and habitat for native species. Above is pictured a native dogwood tree, around the base of which I’ve pulled away vinca minor, and transplanted in from elsewhere on the property oregano & sweet sicily. While neither of those herbs are native, they are both edible, liked by pollinators and other beneficial insects, and aren’t invasive while being well-adapted to local conditions.

This is just a mid-way step; the goal is to get 75% of the plants to be native, but it’s a good intermediary step as we can’t do it all at once. It also let’s us continue to pull out invasive regrowth without having to worry about disturbing newly planted natives.

If you want to support bees and have really hardy plants that don’t require a lot of fussing, native plants are the way to go. I’ve got several in my yard, but I’m particularly excited about three berry species: thimbleberries, black cap raspberries, and native blackberries:

There are so many flowers on these guys, and I’ve been seeing multiple native bees on them, including bumble bees. Because they’re native, they’re well adapted and I don’t have to water them- and they don’t care at all about how wet and cold it has been this year. Really looking forward to the berry crop.

Highly recommend looking up what is native to your area and connecting with a native plant salvage group.

happy earth day! here are some native plants from the upper midwest united states. keep an eye out fhappy earth day! here are some native plants from the upper midwest united states. keep an eye out fhappy earth day! here are some native plants from the upper midwest united states. keep an eye out f

happy earth day! here are some native plants from the upper midwest united states. keep an eye out for these and help to preserve them as we head into may!

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The Serotinous Cones of Lodgepole Pine

The Serotinous Cones of Lodgepole Pine

Behind the scales of a pine cone lie the seeds that promise future generations of pine trees. Even though the seeds are not housed within fruits as they are in angiosperms (i.e. flowering plants), the tough scales of pine cones help protect the developing seeds and keep them secure until the time comes for dispersal. In some species, scales open on their own as the cone matures, at which point…

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Meet Erigeron linearis

Erigeron is a genus of herbaceous, flowering plants consisting of between 390 and 460 species and is a member of the aster/sunflower family (Asteraceae). Plants in this genus are annuals, biennials, or perennials and are mainly found in temperate regions around the world. At least 163 species occur in the contiguous United States. Erigeron diversity is particularly high in western states;…

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Nothing cuter than a baby bunny rabbit. I love seeing them in the yard. We keep the grass long for tNothing cuter than a baby bunny rabbit. I love seeing them in the yard. We keep the grass long for tNothing cuter than a baby bunny rabbit. I love seeing them in the yard. We keep the grass long for tNothing cuter than a baby bunny rabbit. I love seeing them in the yard. We keep the grass long for t

Nothing cuter than a baby bunny rabbit. I love seeing them in the yard. We keep the grass long for them, don’t use chemicals, and don’t mow that often.


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Let me keep my distance, always, from thosewho think they have the answers.Let me keep company alway

Let me keep my distance, always, from those
who think they have the answers.

Let me keep company always with those who say
“Look!” and laugh in astonishment,
and bow their heads.

~ Mary Oliver

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“Intuition literally means ‘learn from within’. Most of us were not taught how to use this sense, bu

“Intuition literally means ‘learn from within’. Most of us were not taught how to use this sense, but all of us know that ‘gut’ feeling. Learn to trust your inner feeling and it will become stronger. Avoid going against your better judgment or being talked it into things that just don’t feel right.” ~ Doe Zantamata

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Ojibwe beadwork of important native plants by Jessica GokeyVideo interview with the artist

Ojibwe beadwork of important native plants by Jessica Gokey

Video interview with the artist

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Shoutout to Pokeweed for looking like a fictional poisonous plant in a cartoon that was drawn by an artist trying to make it look poisonous

(If anyone is wondering, it is poisonous. Every part of it, leaves, stems, berries. Some people do eat “poke salad” with the young leaves, but personally I wouldn’t risk it.)

There were years in college when I actively avoided learning more environmental science because I kn

There were years in college when I actively avoided learning more environmental science because I knew it’d be depressing and I already struggled. It meant ignoring part of my soul. Now I work in an environmental agency. I read the environmental news every day as part of my job.

Sometimes choosing joy is hard. But if you let despair eat you, you won’t dothe rest of the work that so needs to be done, all the time, by all of us.

Choose to return the gift.

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