

just neurodivergent things: making strange noises when you get excited.

tw: depression, ableism, cancer, anxiety, ADD

before i ask my question to ppl with ADD. if parts of this story and/or questions are triggering for you i apologize in advance. i am neurotypical and so is my mother so we’re not pretending to know what it’s like to have ADD or be neurodivergent. we are willing to learn though

here it goes: my mother works in a kindergarten. she is 60 years old, a breast cancer survivor, and has a history of depression and anxiety attacks.

a couple of months ago a 24 yo woman (let’s call her Emma) started working at the kindergarten. my mom soon sensed there was “something about her” she noticed Emma was easily distracted, had to take breaks every 10 minutes, has difficulty bonding/playing with the children, and gets nervous at the thought of working the later shifts where she has to close (they never close alone. there’s always a minimum of two ppl closing).

this results in my mom having to carry a heavier work load than she can handle which is making her very anxious and tired.

my mom is not Emma’s boss, they are equal coworkers so my mom asked Emma personally what best ways are on how to divide the workload btwn them and what Emma needs to do her work that feels good to her and be comfortable and still works for my mom too. Emma told my mom she has ADD, but no solution came out of it.

my mom then asked if their supervisor could attend a meeting just the three of them to figure some things out, but still no solution.

my questions to my mutuals or readers with ADD:

  • do you have any tips for my mom on how to help Emma, and by doing that helping herself?
  • what are things coworkers did that made it easier for you to adapt to new situations?
  • what is something you wished every supervisor knew/did where you worked to accommodate your needs?
  • what if my mom and Emma come up with some sort of understanding and solution but after a while one of them starts slipping. what is the best way to call each other out and stay on the right path?

im grateful for any tips. I’m upset with their supervisor for not being able to come up with something and afraid on what her lack of empathy & action might cause on the long term for both Emma and my mom.

A slim, tawny-skinned nude figure with pink hair dances with one arm up and away and one gesturing forward, in an abstract swirl of blue, green and pink clouds.

Sylph (Aster / @pieartsy), 2021, oil on canvas, 60x80cm.
The Beloved Monsters Kickstarter has reached its goal! Back before July 2 for exclusive updates, show invite, affordable prints and originals, and catalogs. Push to 30k to commission short fiction for the catalog! Go to belovedmonsters.art


This is your daily reminder to not be ashamed of making your life easy for yourself.

Cut your food into small pieces, make the font size 30 on your e book, use straws to drink, get a pen that’s comfortable to hold, take more naps, walk slowly, eat another cookie, buy velcro shoes, re-watch the part you couldn’t understand the first time, write things on your hands so you don’t forget it… whatever you want and/or need

Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be doing things. We don’t need to prove each other anything

I embroidered this piece for the British Textile Biennial crowd-sourced exhibition about migration and belonging. I called it “Back to the Shire”, a Tolkien reference, because I went on a long quest over 25 years and travelled many places before returning to my home town in Lancashire. The rainbow infinity loop represents a journey, as well as neurodiversity, and the rainbow badge represents gender and sexual diversity. These are included to show how the outer journey relates to the search for safety and belonging. I sewed it on Mum’s old table cloth using a bit of Nanna’s wedding dress, and buttons and threads from my great aunt. These, along with the cup of tea, represent home!

Update:Here’s the finished work, with a page for everyone who contributed!

Guys, please tell me you guys know what the fuck I mean cause twitter didn’t relate to this much.

It was genuinely such a weird time in my life and I’ve not seen many/ anyone else talk about something similar.

It’s hard for me to pass up landscaping rock and not look for hagstones. My ADHD wants me to hyperfocus and find all of them too.

Neurodivergent mood ™:

Practising facial expressions in a mirror

Neurodivergent mood ™:

Being told that people can tell when your smile is fake because you’re not “smiling with your eyes” and doing the Eye Crinkle ™ so you just learned how to fake that

@hyperfixii ‘s ADHD questionnaire

I’m a final year Psychology student with ADHD, doing a project on ADHD, hyperfocus and creativity. I’m looking to study the experience of hyperfocus and how it might relate to creativity, so if you tend to hyperfocus, please consider taking my questionnaire!

The questionnaire should take no longer than 30 minutes at the absolute most, and it’s completely anonymous. You can take it whether you have an official diagnosis of ADHD or not. The only requirement to take part is that you’re an adult! You’d really be helping me out by taking part, and hopefully my research will be able to contribute to scientific understanding of ADHD.

I’m happy to answer questions if anyone has any! (Tumblr: @hyperfixii)

Click here to be taken to the questionnaire.

Do you think that they should allow adults to be diagnosed with ADHD? I’m not sure how it is everywhere but I’ve known people who tried to get diagnosed after they were 15 and weren’t able to because they were “too old” @noodlecat29

Sent 12th November~


A lot of people have unfortunately been turned away because they’re “too old” for a diagnosis, but ADHD isn’t something that goes away with age. We don’t grow out of it, and we need just as much help in adulthood to cope with work as we need in childhood to cope with school.

A little ADHD life hack for when Executive Dysfunction is making task completion difficult.

A messier comic for messy feelings.

Being undiagnosed most of my life was difficult. I was dealing with anxiety, adhd and trauma as a young child and I felt so alone and misunderstood. It wasn’t fair. I was only a child.

9 panel comic.

First comic panel shows the main character holding a pencil larger than themself and using it to draw a line. The caption says “ADHD Bri’s How To.” The sub caption says “writing alt text”. A disclaimer at the bottom states “this is an example of how I write my alt text and is not perfect nor the only way to write it.”

The second comic panel shows an example comic. The caption states “1. List how many and types of images.” The sub caption says “This lets tour audience know what to expect. Example: “Two panel comic.”

The third comic panel shows the same example comic focusing on the first panel. The caption states: “2. Clarify which image you are describing.” The sub caption says “example: “comic panel one.”

The fourth comic panel shows the example comic. The caption says “3. explain the visual elements of your image.” The sub caption says “example: comic panel one shows the main character leaning back in their chair with their foot on the table in front of them.”

The fifth comic panel’s caption says “Tips”. The sub caption says “use only tangible descriptors. If there are multiple characters, make sure to label which one you’re referring to. Don’t go overboard describing everything. Pick and choose which best tells your story.”

The sixth comic panel’s caption shows the same comic example. The caption says “4. Write the caption or spoken text in image.” The sub caption says “example: the main character asks “how tough am I? Let’s just say I’m not afraid of anything.””

The seventh comic panel’s caption says “Tips”. The sub caption says “the punctuation and symbols are not always screen reader friendly. Be mindful how you use any. If you intentionally misspell or use alternative spelling of something in the image, write it so it can be readable in the alt caption and specify it was written originally in a particular fashion or tone.”

The eighth comic panel shows the same example comic. The caption says “5.) Repeat steps 2-4 for any other image.”

The ninth comic panel shows the example comic. The caption says “The results.” The sub caption says “Two Panel Comic. Comic Panel one shows the main character leaning back in their chair with their foot on the table in front of them. The main character asks “How tough am I? Let’s just say I’m not afraid of anything.” Comic panel two shows a large figure looming over the main character with “making phone calls” written on its chest. The figure asks “you were saying?””

Another example of how “out of sight, out of mind” affects me. Unless it’s something I’m REALLY looking forward to, I often forget it’s even supposed to be arriving if it takes longer than a week or so.
