#new apartment


moving is hard guys, my back feels broken but we finally got the keys and are moving (all my mainly) stuff into our new flat. change is scary and being a adultish is even scarier but i’m ready for this new period in my life. hope you are all having a wonderful start to my favourite month

Getting a new apartment this month and moving out of sober living

We do recover

Whew! Guys! I moved again, this time to my very own one bedroom which has been GREAT but is taking a long time to get set up :) I promise I’ll be back soon with photos (as soon as I find where I packed my camera…) and you may even see a new face in the tank….hehe. Hang tight! 

March 4, 2021

Okay I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and I don’t want speak to any of my close friends or family about it. Mostly because I might only feel this way because I’m pregnant and I don’t want to them to get the wrong idea of my boyfriend. But anyway first let me say this, I love him, I love my boyfriend very much. He makes me so happy… but only to a certain extent. I makes me happy sexually, when we joke around and when we’re just happy in general. But when we comes to serious things in our relationship he just shuts down and goes quite. I thought relationships were about the good and the bad? And what makes things worse is that I’m working but he isn’t. And I won’t be working for much longer because I have to have my baby in July so everything will be on him for awhile. We also still haven’t moved out, and I’m still technically homeless. I just wish I had the money to get my own apartment, my own place to stay were my child and I will be comfortable and safe. I’m honestly thinking about starting a go-fund me since my job is barely paying to anything. I have other bills that need to be paid also, so I really think a go fund me would help out a lot. But who would help? I really don’t know but it won’t hurt to try right? But on a lighter note, guess what?! I am now 19 weeks! And I’ll be 20 weeks on Sunday! It just hit me, I can’t believe I’ll actually be someone’s mother soon.. I really hope I’m a good mom. And I hope my baby loves me as much as I love it. I can feel it moving sometimes. It feels like little butterflies in there. I’m checking to find out the gender next week, and just to get a check up because your girl finally got insurance!!! I’m so happy! But that’s all I have for today. Talk to you later!

December 26, 2020

Sometimes I can’t stand my boyfriend. He acts like he’s the one who’s pregnant, he always has attitudes and it just makes me not want to be around him. Maybe I have been with him for to long. I’m literally been at his house since November, it’s time for us to separate for a little while. But Christmas here was okay. His mom got me some Christmas pajamas and he got me a cool book I’ve been wanting for a very long time. The only bad thing about yesterday was that I couldn’t really keep my food down because of the whole pregnancy thing. Speaking of I’m going to go check my the kid next Wednesday. He thinks we’re going for an abortion but nah I’m checking the kid. And I’m getting my health insurance on Monday! God I’m so excited. I’ve been talking to my best friend and my ex best friend about this whole thing and they’ve really been a big help. I appreciate them very much. I don’t know what I would’ve done without them. Oh! Also since I’ll be a mom soon I need to get my shit together! I need to get my credit right, invest in stocks, and work on my other species of income. You have to spend money to make money and scared money gets you nothing. I also plan to move out of my moms soon. I don’t to have a baby at her house, we need our own space. I was thinking about moving in with my boyfriend but he bullshits a lot and he acts like he can’t save his money. I told him that we need to start saving and he told me “no you need to, I will once I get a job.” Like that makes no sense at all to me. If you’re getting free money wouldn’t you want to save it especially if your ultimate goals is to move out by February or March of next year? All he does is spend his money on weed and food. And I get the food I’m partly to blame for that because of the kid but come on you can go a month or two without smoking to save a leave. Then smoke as much as you want once you’re established. Guys are so backwards to me. Sometimes I feel like I could be with him forever and other times I just want to leave him and be alone. But I do love him, he just need to get his priorities straight because they are all over the place kid. Anyway, I just wanted to update you on what’s been happening. Ttyl♡

So a month ago my fiancé and I moved into our first apartment and since then we’ve received a few pieces of mail for the previous tenant. No big deal right?

Well then he had a large piece of furniture delivered here too. We left the box outside our door (it was too big to be worth it to move inside) and intended to call the shipping company the next day but when we woke up the next morning the box was gone. We didn’t think anything of it.

Well then yesterday we got another box intended for him - this one was smaller so we brought it inside so we could call FedEx about it today and have them come back for it. Woke up this morning to what we thought knock on the door. Went to look and no one was there and thought okay we misheard and it wasn’t a knock it was something else. Well then we heard our little weird doorbell go off so I went to look out the door again but before I even got to the living room I see out my window some creepy old white dude standing on our patio looking in our doors. I’m assuming this was the previous tenant trying to retrieve his packages.

We’re extremely creeped out by this and feel unsafe in our apartment now. It’s been a month since we moved in - there’s no excuse for the previous tenant to not have switched his address right? There’s also no excuse for him to be creeping on our patio and looking into our home!

Not sure what to do about this except going to take the package of his to the leasing office and see what they say. Maybe they can contact him and tell him to stop this bullshit. If this keeps happening we’re just gonna keep his shit and he can fuck off.

At my new home ;) fire place for the first time!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


