

Day 17: Ornament

A creepy scene of Padme and Palpatine

The headpiece and facial cosmetics have some reference of 10th century Chinese (Five Dynasties) fashion

Soooo….one of my friends found this Palpatine doll at our local Good Will….and THIS isSoooo….one of my friends found this Palpatine doll at our local Good Will….and THIS is

Soooo….one of my friends found this Palpatine doll at our local Good Will….and THIS is what he looks like under the robe…you’re welcome, internet. ~Zora

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so when are we gonna see young dooku meet a certain naboo senator on screen huh? HUH?

I know they officially first meet in dooku: jedi lost, but it wouldn’t be the first time an animated series contradicted publishing

 fore·seefôrˈsē/verbpast participle: foreseenbe aware of beforehand; predict.



past participle:


  1. be aware of beforehand; predict.

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cherloak:Reylo Ghost hunter AU! commission for @theflirtmeister So dang good! I love it!!


Reylo Ghost hunter AU! commission for @theflirtmeister

So dang good! I love it!!

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Are you ready for it…?

So ready for THE BAD BATCH season 2 to wreck me, make me cry, curse, laugh, want to die and live forever

 This piece is inspired by the last 4 episodes of the clone wars tv show. I loved when maul kept tal

This piece is inspired by the last 4 episodes of the clone wars tv show. I loved when maul kept talking about sidious like he was the boogey man, i wanted that to be represented in this piece. Also used Ahsoka Tano Cosplayer Rei. Kennex from instagram for reference because i wanted this piece to have a very realistic look to it. 

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i have to say, i’ve grown a fondness for palpatine. he’s just…. so completely, wholly, and entirely evil. he’s so evil i don’t think, “evil,” covers it. i think in the pit of dead sith lords he exists in, now, the other sith lords stay away from him because He’s Just So Evil. i mean, this guy looked at tiny anakin, “the biggest problem in the galaxy is that no one helps each other,” skywalker and said, that one. i want that one, and i want to destroy him and warp him so utterly he will be unrecognizable.

and it’s not like he particularly needed darth vader or anything, that was just icing on the cake. he was already well on his way to taking the republic down, he had the jedi’s kill switch in place, and then he just decides to corrupt the chosen one because he could. it’s like the blowout sale of democracy, and palpatine is the one clearing out the story. i will take away your FREEDOM, your BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, i will commit ATROCITIES UNPARALLELED, and i think i’ll take your 9 year old, too. throw him in. everything he does to anakin is so horrifying, but it’s just palpatine taking a victory lap. he’s not only going to crush the jedi and the republic, he’s gonna turn their chosen one into the face of his empire and have him hunt down the last remnants of their order. he did all of that just because he could. palpatine is an unparalleled MONSTER and i kind of love it

#palpatine is fantastic because he’s so /archetypical/ #he is the Ancient Evil Wizard#he’s pure distilled one dimensional evil and he’s so committed to that that he somehow gains dimensions #he’s the kind of character who would lose something if you tried to give him depth the way you usually go about giving characters depth (via@alexkablob)



back on my bullshit rereading bits of my fave star wars novels again, especially palpatine’s scenes in the rots novelisation because they’re all gold. example: here he is telling anakin what he’d do if he met darth sidious

and later at the opera when anakin asks what happened to darth plagueis’ apprentice…

it’s just…. *chef’s kiss*


A magnificent Sith. That’s our Sheev! 


What have I done….?

A slash Plagueis with Sidious… in holocron???

Absolutely beautiful artwork here! There’s not enough Plagueis/Sidious in existence, but quality stuff like this goes a long way to help! 


“Trouble rather the tiger in his lair than the sage amongst his books. For to you the Kingdoms and their armies are things mighty and enduring, but to him they are but toys of the moment, to be overturned by the flicking of a finger."— Gordon R. Dickson,Tactics of Mistake

But seriously, Palpatine is a cerebral villain and academic, which makes him so fantastic! The Darth Plagueis novel makes it clear, and Plagueis even teases him about it. And in other parts of the EU, he was known to write political science books for universities. This doubtless means he guest-lectured, and like many of our world leaders today probably held endless honorary degrees from universities all around the galaxy. 

For Palpatine, knowledge is power. 

First attempt to post art on here. So it may or may not work right… xD Young Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, people. It’s a work in progress, but I thought I might as well post it and see what happens. :D 

Emperors are royalty, too. Just sayin’. :) 

I had such high hopes….

I’m sorry, DarthVader#1, but you can’t retcon/rewrite your own canon movie called Revenge of the Sith. Darth Vader does not say no a bunch of times and then throw Palpatine against the wall. 

No. No. No.

Darth Vader screams “Nooooooo” (as cheesy as it may be), and Palpatine stands there totally un-phased and grins maniacally. That is movie-level canon, not a new Disney comic book (a company whose story organizers are already proving just as terrible with continuity and consistency as the Legends material writers - looking at you especially, Wendig ol’ boy). 

Sigh. Why are you doing this, Disney? It does not inspire confidence. You really shouldn’t lessen the original greats to make your money-making sequels sound more impressive.

beewilly:Poor Kit…Palpatine had time today. A surprise to be certain, but a welcome one…. fro


Poor Kit…Palpatine had time today.

A surprise to be certain, but a welcome one…. from a certain point of view… xD (I actually do like that handsome rascal Kit tho)

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Okay… I really don’t get why in the new Maul comic they draw Palpatine like he’s already the Emperor. He’s younger than 50 at this time period, as it is set before Phantom Menace, and in the Clone Wars show they don’t age his face to 80/90 when he is in disguise, and also…. he doesn’t age up in Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, or Revenge of the Sith every time he is in disguise, so I am very befuddled by the artistic choice… like… even his eyebrows are gone, you’d think the other senators might notice that…. xD 

kurtssingh:Destruction, transformation, rebirth. This is absolutely gorgeous. The expression, the ha


Destruction, transformation, rebirth.

This is absolutely gorgeous. The expression, the hands, the clothing and colors. Perfection. 

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Let’s get this fan cast trending, guys!! Otherwise people want to make Pennywise the new Sheev, and Bill is 6+ feet tall and looks nothing like Ian McDiarmid! 

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nice healthy relationship with the home planet there, palps.

The really sad thing about this awful novel is that the author tries to turn Palpatine into a brainless hurr-durr destruction type of Sith. Palpatine was never about “complete destruction.” Anyone who’s taken a longer look than two seconds at his character knows that. He’s not a brute Sith like Nihilus, and in fact in Disney’s new-canon (false canon, tbh) Vader comics, he explicitly points out to Vader that he has no wish to rule over a galaxy of the dead, and he tells Vader to turn down the wanton destruction Vader has been causing. 

In the true canon, the EU, he’s displeased over the destruction of Alderaan, he has an actual fondness for his home planet, and he’s a calculating, thinking, cunning evil son of a gun who wants to rule and turn the galaxy to his vision. He wants to become the galaxy’s god. Not destroy it.

Not what this stupidly written and boring novel would have you believe. It’s a betrayal of his character, once again, thanks to Disney’s Lucasfilm. 


i don’t want to be mean or anything but why is Finn on the dvd of TROS? I expected the whole gang, or Rey or Palp, maybe just Ben but Finn… why

This is what is wrong with the Reylo movement, people. It’s filled with stuff like this transparently racist attack on the character of Finn and his actor John Boyega. I know, they’re going to complain that Finn was a “nothing character,” so he shouldn’t be on the disk and “that’s all it was,” but no. 

That’s not all it is. Had Abrams gotten his way, Finn would have continued being the co-lead with Rey, but Disney/Lucasfilm got scared of China the Reylos and shrunk him on their posters, and it all went downhill from there. We all know the story. 

This was a bonus disk. Let that sink in.

Reylos complain that Finn/Boyega is featured on a bonus disk, when their precious white school shooter space-nazi “Ben” is prominently on the cover and the other disk. How DARE Finn be on a TRoS disk?? /s

Reylos complain that Boyega made one sexist joke about Finn and Rey and say it turns Rey into an objectified sex object. 

Reylos then write 20,000+ erotic smut fics objectifying Rey and Kylo (and also real life Ridley and Driver in many of those fics) and draw even more explicit smut of Rey/Kylo and Ridley/Driver and crow triumphantly about it. Some of them want Driver to divorce his wife and marry Ridley instead. Some of them literally stalk Driver. Literal would-be homewreckers to keep their lily white fictional ship intact. 

I am so done with this. I come to tumblr to check out Sheev art and fics and general Star Wars fun, not to have to put up with Reylo racism in the Palpatine tag. Reylos have it out for Boyega. I hope he continues to hold his own against them. 

Boyega deserved better than the fans of the sequel trilogy. I wish history could be backed up and Abrams given full story control of all 3 films. Then we would have seen Finn as a triumphant character and a worthy member of the Star Wars saga. He might have been a Jedi. He might have been a mighty resistance leader. He might have been a complex, powerful character.

Alas. The Reylos had to be appeased instead, so we got him riding space horses on a star destroyer that doesn’t know which way is up in a side plot screaming Rey’s name and going nowhere. 

A wild Sheev!Fox has appeared! A fox doodle I did for WagIzhen. :) 

A wild Sheev!Fox has appeared! A fox doodle I did for WagIzhen. :) 

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Another problem with all the “If only the Jedi had [done this; allowed that; been nicer/less strict etc etc] then [Anakin wouldn’t have fallen/the Jedi wouldn’t have been genocided]” takes is that they completely disregard the fact that Palpatine’s plans don’t exist in a vacuum. He’s already set things up so that every choice his enemies and pawns could make benefits him, and in the event that one of them makes a choice he didn’t account for (such as Padmé, frequently, but especially in TPM), he’s extremely effective at adjusting to that and taking advantage of the situation.

Obviously the Jedi had agency in their decision-making and are responsible for the choices that they made (which I’d argue were mostly the best ones given the individual situations and information they had available at the time - again, character knowledge is not the same thing as audience knowledge), but that doesn’t change the fact that the entire war was set up so that they would be destroyed no matter what they chose to do. Palpatine would’ve exploited any choice they made, he would’ve seized on any crack that could be found or manufactured in Anakin’s trust in the Order; he would’ve twisted anything and everything against the Jedi, because he wanted them dead. And he held all the cards in this situation. So to say that the choices the Jedi made, or flaws in their culture “led to their own downfall/genocide” is incredibly disingenuous. They certainly weren’t immune to making mistakes, of course, but those flaws and mistakes are absolutely not, in any way the reason they were genocided. They were genocided because Palpatine/the Sith wanted them dead and manipulated things to make sure that happened, and only because of that.

So the only fill-in-the-blank that could possibly work in the statement at the beginning of this post is “had gotten Palpatine killed or incapacitated” or “had somehow been able to keep Anakin away from Palpatine during his childhood” (though that latter one would’ve only saved Anakin, not necessarily the Jedi as a whole). And without knowing in advance that he was Sith, how would they have known that they needed to do either of those things, or had the means to do so?

It’s Sheev’s Fault. Yes, it is. What a lovely Big Bad. 

Quieev = Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn and Naboo Ambassador Sheev Palpatine. I love the dynamics between thes

Quieev = Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn and Naboo Ambassador Sheev Palpatine. I love the dynamics between these two: the older rogue Jedi padawan who marches to the beat of his own drum, and the younger abused redheaded Sith Apprentice who always has to cause trouble. The Big Bad of the Saga needs his wholesome Jedi to rein him in. My guilty pleasure rare pairing. 

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Okay, so. 

If his ‘son’ is a clone of himself in Disney-Canon, why does he look absolutely nothing like him, not the same hair color (why not go red like Sheev, people??), not the same glorious nose, not the same facial structure, not the same build, not the same anything? Literally nothing about Palps, Jr. is in anyway like Palps the OG. 

Oh yeah, the “not-quite-identical” clone excuse in the novel.  

I know in reality clones don’t have to look the same.

But considering that in the Star Wars universe we already have examples of cloning (Fett), and they do come out the same in that universe, wtf, Disney? 

Look what they’ve done to my boy!


when you desperately need quality palpatine stories in canon again:

James Luceno got out while the getting was good. He saw the Disney writing on the wall and noped out before he could get the mud splashed on him. Good for him! Sad for us. 


one year since this legend scored the biggest i lived bitch in history

*Palpatine laughs in the distance*
