

The first stage of liberation from the tyranny of pressure is echoing the behaviour of our ancientselves.

  • Mathew Syed in “The Times”
  • From ‘On The Spot’

“Time and time again, You get half way there, then there’s half more, And just when I was half way to loving you, You were halfway out the door.”

-there’s always half way more to go

But I have music in my ears no one else will ever hear and I like it that way
I am Me and I am me and I can speak freely I can have beliefs and thoughts and dreams
And I can voice every single one of them
and every single word will become a wedge to pry your closed mind open
My facts are merely sandpaper to rid of the rust which has resigned for decades

-i need to finish this poem

Domestic Abuse

Sometimes there’s no out.

Sometimes they are worthless.

Sometimes kicking them out in the street,

Is as good as a death sentence for them.

How can we get rid of them,

Without stooping to their level?

Without inciting fear and pain for them?

You’d think by now,

All compassion and empathy would have diminished.


It’s the only thing,

That will keep me human.

The only thing,

That will keep me in the light.

You crossed a line today,

One that you can never come back from.

Slowly, my humanity is fading.

The only issue,

It’s not happening fast enough.

I would rather burn,

Than be like you.
