

I remember a time when

I thought he would change

When I thought that my love

Would take his anger away

What a dangerous choice

I was willing to make

To sacrifice myself for a man

Who could never be saved

I am so tired

It doesn’t matter how much I sleep

The sadness and worry

Are too heavy for me

And everytime I put them down

To breathe a sigh of relief

I hear the sound of fear and anger

Begin to slowly creep

Poetry is my lover

She always let’s me in

To cry

To listen

To confess all my sins

She found me voiceless

Wishing my tears were diamonds

So that I could buy back some time

Her poems come out of my heart

My eyes

My mind

She is so soft

And she never leaves

Thank you

My sweet lover


Was this earth not created through chaos?

Our universe makes love with the clash

Creation is the child of collision

A galaxy of grief

Atom + Eve

Here because God simply said


The day will still come

No matter how hard you close your eyes

The night will kiss the day goodbye

Painting colors in the sky

Welcome the darkness

Embrace the light

Don’t fight against the up’s and down’s of life

If forever is a place

I hope I go there with you

But I know that heaven will sigh

When you arrive with tears in your eyes

Wishing you could face the fire

Just to bring me too

Split in two

The way you say you want to kill me isn’t funny.

You don’t even smile,

So no wonder i don’t want to be friends with you.

You made it like this,

So don’t roll your eyes at me

Because it just makes you look like a fool at this point.

You’re split in two,

One moment you’re smiling and saying good night,

The next you’re glaring daggers in my eyes.

How exactly do you think i will react to that?

Do you think I’ll keep forgiving you and forgetting your words?

Well you’re wrong.

At some point you’ll tip me over the edge and I’ll cut you off forever,

Because you’re not a good friend anymore.

“If everything was okay, we wouldn’t really have anything to write about, would we?”

-Monika, Doki Doki Literature club

A little aro poem i wrote

I’m sorry

I really didn’t know

That i was missing something all along.

The feeling that you get

When you hold their hand

I didn’t get it,

But it’s not your fault.

It’s not your fault that i wasn’t born with insects in my stomach,

It’s not your fault that i don’t catch fire when you touch me,

It’s not your fault i was so stupid,

Mixing thoughts and feelings.

I hope you can forgive me,

For i have lied to you and myself.

I hope i can forgive me as well.

i need to cry

but i think

my tears will run out

before this feeling goes away

the parasite inside my brain

has left my skull

it’s sitting on my head and making me feel heavy

my limbs are barely hanging on

my head is falling to the floor

it’s telling me

“snap out of it”

but im afraid i have forgotten

how it feels to be okay

it’s getting harder to wake up everyday

walking to school has never felt so tiring

i haven’t had a rest in weeks

no wonder im falling apart

I feel like throwing plates

I feel like throwing plates on the ground

I feel like screaming from a cliff

I feel like sobbing in the bathroom

I feel like my playlist doesn’t get me

I feel like I’m lonelier than i think i am

I feel like im numb inside

I feel like I’m faking it

I feel like im going insane

I feel like im terrified of the future

I feel like this is the only way of expressing my feelings

I feel like this poem is my escape

I feel like this is my therapy

I feel like im going insane

Lumière liquide

il y a cette folie qui s'émane.

Hors de la bougie, elle éclaire l'obscurité.

Au fond du gouffre, elle ne fane

S'emparer de nous, pour mieux régner.

Encore une fois, toujours plus fort,

Les nouvelles lueurs s'évaporent.

A l'état liquide, elles pouvaient persister.

Mais encore, cette brume devenue,

A pu, plus ou moins, nous sauver.

Face à toi, je me retrouve à nu,

Et que devenir parmi ces leurs, ces couleurs ?

Ses mots n'ont de cesse de me hanter.

Ils frappent plus fort encore,

Encore une fois, toujours plus fort,

Que les nouvelles lueurs, qui s'évaporent.

- menthaleau

You live, you laugh,

You hope, you try.

You do your best,

And then you die.

If you live your life,

then props to you.

But i can’t do the things normal people do.

What do normal people do?

Original poetry by RumourTalks
