#poets on mental health


Under Concrete

Under concrete

Swimming to the edge

Air is being tugged from my head

And my breaths are in unrest

Hands are gripping lead

Eyes are closed, too burdened to open

Mouth is squeezing out letters

That will never be heard

Just a string of still verbs

Still stuck under concrete

Nothing can save me

Drying around me

And I’m dying to breathe easy

But I am entombed

Wrapped up in a womb

Of a life I didnt choose

I wish I knew how I got here

But all the thoughts

Have disappeared

Under concrete

I am doomed

Cos here I’m forever tombed

Might as well be the moon

Cos in the dark I rest

And in the light

I am forced to evaporate

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [8.10.19] (Have felt suffocated and emotionally drained so wrote this.)

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You are my second father,

A father who I could relate with

A father who shared the same weakness

The one that I share my despondency with.

You are my second father,

The one who enlightens.

A father who I used to watch

Whenever he lights up a cigarette.

You are my second father,

The one that I used to be closed with.

The one that taught me ways to cope

The one that taught me not to smoke.

But now that I’m older,

You had started building walls.

Our conversations had reached to its end,

As you started flaming your nicotine.

I don’t have much to say now

But just like you, you know that I’m here too.

You might not be able to hear me right now

But please don’t leave me too.


I feel like coming home

Like a faceless facade.

I can make it seem like everything’s okay,

Like a kindergarten, smiling in extreme optimism.

I guess I’m starting to learn the ways of one’s camouflage,

Like a wolf inside a sheep’s garment.

Maybe it’s time to lay down;

To let them mourn in my wicked requiem.

But it still left me wondering.

Will they still love me after this?

Will they remember?

- DaisyInNeptune, 2021


Take me to a wonderland,

Where people dance endlessly.

Take me from this empty room,

I want to meet Rhapsody.

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