#pop music


What we’re grateful for, #4729.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Here is a dance-off between a skeleton of Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson in a fat suit as a white man.

<3 20CN

May we offer you The Animals instead of Maroon 5’s “Animals?… or maybe a track from the

May we offer you The Animals instead of Maroon 5’s “Animals?… or maybe a track from the 70s that really is all about that bass…? And please don’t tell us what G.D.F.R. stands for, because we’re just going to play some Louis Armstrong instead (and really, we don’t want to know)

Here’s Take 2 of the Billboard TOP 40, 20TH CENTURY NOSTALGIA’S WAY, for 2015.

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Everyone go watch this video! Holland is the first openly gay kpop idol, and he is going to create so much representation for LGBT+ people!

#holland    #music video    #south korea    #pop music    #representation    #bisexual    #pansexual    #polysexual    #asexual    #demisexual    #korean pop    

  Experiments have revealed the Havana by Camila Cabello is a top notch song to put on and dance your sillies out. Feel free to try to duplicate my results. Having to step OVER the dog who flopped down right in the middle of the room was an issue, but in future experiments the scientist will (hopefully) control for canine interference.

Still Corners – The Last Exit.2021 :  Wrecking Light.

Still Corners – The Last Exit.
2021 :  Wrecking Light.

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hey y’all! so i know i don’t have that big of a following on here, but i’ve been gone for a while because of me not having enough storage on my phone to do anything in regards to school, so here’s the important things (at least, of what i can remember lol) of what’s been going on:


so in my school, it’s a Performing Arts Academy. I am a Musical Theatre major, and so each MT class gets to do showcases, and ours happened to be Once on This Island Jr.! I got to be Mama Euralie, as well as be one of the Vocal Directors of the show! It was an amazing experience and will go down as one of the best things to have happened this school year. Here’s a picture (some) of my class and I during the number, Pray.

(if you’d like to see more videos/pictures, click here!)


So I’m not sure if y’all knew this, but a while back (August, to be exact), I released a single with one of my best friends of about six years and counting, Joey Miceli, who is a senior at my school. This is him:

(he is also, by the way, a TOTAL PRO at what he does– he has two albums out right now, both of which I’m featured on, and every lyric he writes is all his own on both. i truly am not saying this just because he’s one of my best friends, but because he is truly and sincerely talented. it would mean the world to me if y’all checked him out because he deserves WAY more recognition than what he gets right now!! pleaseeee go check out everything he has done!! youtubeinstatwitter facebook itunesspotifywebsite)

So we’ve released a song together back in August called Loveline (x,x,x), and in February, we went ahead and released ANOTHER song together! It’s called Back Again, and it’s a bit different than Loveline, but a good bop nonetheless. Getting to write and record songs is very cathartic for the both of us, and getting to release songs gives us so much joy, and I’d love and appreciate it tons if you guys could give it a listen! (and maybe even let me know what you think?)

Listen to Back Again here: itunesspotifyyoutube

(BONUS: To watch Joey and I perform BOTH Loveline and Back Again LIVE, click here!)

okay so that’s pretty much all i can think of off of the top of my head, also observing the fact that these were the two main events that really have stuck with me and give me a lot of joy and nostalgia lolol. thank y’all for going this far and sticking around, and hopefully i won’t be gone for too long! much love and light to y’all!! <3

“I’ve never really had much of an imagination. But still I would try to picture the exact moment when the beating of my heart would no longer be going on inside my head.”

Albert Camus - The Stranger

-via posttoxic
