#powerful quotes


Know what gives you pleasure. Don’t be shy of it, don’t be scared to guide your partner, show them the way to the ultimate goal❤️‍

It can be hard sometimes, but it will be worth it

Show them where to touch, lick, stare and suck. Show them your most vulnerable, yet powerful spots, show them you weaknesses and strength, show them how to love you.

And love them back. Respect them, listen to them and give back the pleasure you just got.

Remember: you are at your most powerful, when you’re together. Those feelings are what makes you so strong. Hold on to that.

Powerful words from Angela Davis

If you can’t protest, please continue to donate to Campaign Zero, @reclaimtheblock, the George Floyd Memorial Fund, and other great organizations to fund for racial justice. The time is now:




Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car.

Easy to spot opportunity when you are always thinking of opportunity.

Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you are always thinking of being mad.

You become what you constantly think about. Watch yourself.

Taking time for yourself is healthy

Self-care is healthy

You need to learn to respect and take care of yourself. Become aware of what really is worth your energy. Because it is time to do what is best for you.
