

Gaming wasted my life good I have 2 left.



Bi culture: Being attracted to women with short hair and men with long hair

 also bi culture: being attracted to soft cute men and buff intimidating women



thingsALL dark academics don’t need butDESIRE:

  • Hardcover books with golden intricate spines
  • Silk bedsheets of rich, deep, soft brown colour
  • Libraries with forbidden books
  • Vintage candles smelling of firewood, chestnut and dark chocolate
  • Ancient, metallic candle holders with exquisite carvings
  • Wax seals on envelopes
  • Old typewriters and slightly browned paper
  • Victorian tea cups and black tea
  • Oval mirrors with thickly carved golden frames
  • Ancient Roman corinthian pillars, covered with vines
  • Black thick journals with golden corners
  • Sleek vinyls and classical musical
  • Rings with pretty stones or a butterfly hairpin (possibly old heirlooms)
  • Dark and rich wooden furniture
  • Fountain pens and dark ink
  • Beautiful wooden boxes with carvings
  • Dark chocolate truffles in golden, silver and navy blue wrappers

(and one thing dark academics don’t need is euro-centrism)


I could never tie myself down to one aesthetic.


It’s crazy to me that A Series of Unfortunate Events isn’t more popular in the dark academia corner of the internet. A pretentious secret organization obsessed with codes and puzzles that thinks reading classic literature makes you noble and superior to other people and everyone without academic interests is morally corrupt? Come on!

WOAH. Someone finally has the same thoughts about these amazing books series!


honestly I know enough has been said about those posts that end with the entire bus applauding someone, but like it’s just SO unbelievable?? in my experience if anything of note at all happens on public transport we all just kind of quietly look around at each other with this expression


Sabes que es el indicado cuando al estar con él te olvidas de todo.

Hasta de tu novio.

De eso no hay duda


Cuando te duele el estómago de tanto reírte con tus amigos, te das cuenta que la vida no es tan mala como parece.

Know what gives you pleasure. Don’t be shy of it, don’t be scared to guide your partner, show them the way to the ultimate goal❤️‍

It can be hard sometimes, but it will be worth it

Show them where to touch, lick, stare and suck. Show them your most vulnerable, yet powerful spots, show them you weaknesses and strength, show them how to love you.

And love them back. Respect them, listen to them and give back the pleasure you just got.

Remember: you are at your most powerful, when you’re together. Those feelings are what makes you so strong. Hold on to that.


hi………..ppl with scars are allowed to wear whatever they want and that’s not an invitation to ask them about their scars


me, @ all my mutuals: “wow this bitch can write ❤️❤️
