
Online dating apps like Tinder are linked to sharp increases in interracial marriage, study findsOnl

Online dating apps like Tinder are linked to sharp increases in interracial marriage, study finds

Online dating apps like Tinder and OkCupid have become the second-most common way straight couples meet, and researchers think it could be drastically altering our society. Specifically, a new study suggests that online dating might be responsible for several spikes in interracial marriages throughout the last 20 years or so, which has potentially huge implications for the health of our society more broadly. Read more. 

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Rethink. . . . . . . #relationships #individuality #rethink #flourish #selfcare #selflove #selflovej


#relationships #individuality #rethink #flourish #selfcare #selflove #selflovejourney #models #reality

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Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)

Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)

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Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)

Before Sunset, 2004 (Dir. Richard Linklater)

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ily man

aka wizzy’s rivals to lovers irl happenings

i wish i could find the source of the song, i really do

but it’s a fansong set to the tune of Swing Life Away by Rise Against sung by a tumblr user (probably named Mo? idk) back when Like A Drum by Lownly was a Thing HAHA (RIP this beautiful fic)

anyway the song’s been  in my computer for years and i can no longer find the source : ( but if  ur out there whoever sung this………pls tell me so i can credit u properly

“And in the end, it was your issues that tore us apart,

not mine.”


I will be okay

I say to you and to everyone else.

I will be okay.

I say it to myself, every day.

I will be okay, no matter what it takes.

No matter how long it takes.

I will be okay.

- 18.11.19

“And now I am grieving for the loss of you,

I wonder if my mother grieved for my father in the same way.

Quietly and alone,

so the sorrow remains unknown.”

- no one can know the pain of losing a love that was always in the dark.


“I can be there for you

when you are sad and alone and desperate.

I can hold your hand and hold you together

through your darkest times.

I can come to you when no one else would

and care for you like no one else could.

But I cannot make you love me.”

“You call and I will come to you

Over And Over Again.

Even when my brain is screaming at me to stay put,

my feet will walk to where you are.”
