#loving you


“You are my everything, my everything EVERYTHING.. I wake up and you are in my thoughts, I go to sleep to thoughts of you so hot. You are nasty, tasty, beautiful.. everything good in my life. You are everything that I want, everything that gets me going.. you are my home when I feel alone, you are home when I can’t condone. You are my one and only, only being my straight up everything.. nothing less, but so much more than that.”

You know what it’s like to look at a person and see your everything?? It’s like looking down into a volcano and knowing that it’s all yours.. that every kiss will be placed within and it is so damn hot - eUë

“I love sharing my time with you, breakfast time, lunch time, dinnertime, bedtime, and all of the hours between..”

If I had a watch, I would never look at it cause I would always be looking at you - eUë

A series of polaroids of you and I.

1. The sky is dull; not a true blue like I usually like but I smile up at you anyways.

2. The air smells like ice and hot cocoa; you drink and then press your lips against my neck and it sends a tingle down my spine and into my toes which I can barely feel because I always refuse to wear boots in the snow.

3. Once I’ve stepped in too many puddles, you tell me “alright, jump up.” carrying me home on your back; I whisper in your ear and you grin beautifully.

4. We are sitting on the couch under the covers watching Inception for the millionth time.Your arm around my neck, our fingers interlaced, our faces pressed against each other’s; we breathe in the warmth from one another’s lips.

5. I’m standing in the kitchen, coffee in hand, crinkled nose, wearing your hoodie that is 3 sizes too big. My hair is messy but I am happier than usual; it radiates off of my freckled skin.

6. You are fast asleep covered in my favorite ice blue blanket from Kohl’s; my head lies on your chest. Twinkle lights shine down on us, barely lighting the room. My fingers are curled up in your chest hair while I sing “My Everything” by Ariana Grande quietly until I fall asleep too.

ReBecca DeFazio

More Than a Flower


We are two broken bottles from families who loved to smash pretty things. Our edges jagged; sharp in some places and dull in others. We shine brightest when lined up together on window sills where the windows actually open; freedom gracing our figures creating watercolor ballets on the bedroom wall. We are opposite colors. You are red- anger and shame fill up more of you than you’d like to admit but warmth lies inside of you too. I am deep ocean blue-full of more sadness and self hatred than you like to think but my love for you runs to those ocean depths and even further than that. When we dance together we mix so beautifully (even when we don’t.) We can’t fill the empty spaces, fix the cracks, or rewind the time back to when we were whole and new but we sit together, watch the sun rise and fall, create memories that make the old ones a little less vivid; we love through it all.

ReBecca DeFazio



i know we’re both just messing around pretending to be whole but look at me. if the train was coming would you move. if the ground was falling from under your feet would you even notice or would it just be another tuesday for you. if somebody stabbed you could it hurt worse than you already do. what i’m saying is that i love you but i think we both drive over the speed limit when it’s raining. what i’m saying is that i want to hold your hand and i understand about how you sometimes have to sit down in the shower. what i’m saying is that i’m here for you and if the train comes please move.

do not let these mortal turmoils tarnish your golden soul

I have never enjoyed sweet drinks

It’s always, “Liquor and bitters, please”

I never considered myself to be particularly sweet, either

It never went down well, I preferred the burn of whiskey

Rather than being burned.

But, I’m sweet on you - oh, 

I’m sweetest with you.


Once I had you, 

The night I first tried you -

Tasted you.

The night I let myself want you…

I found myself appreciating the sweeter things.

Maybe it’s you, your sweetness

That disarms me

That sweetens me.

Maybe it’s you, sweetheart.

I will give you the love that you haven’t found from someone else and I hope it makes you better.

Mae, my love

There are days when I love you a little more than I should.

Mae, a little more

I have loved you to a point that I can no longer grasp my own feelings.

Mae, blurry

Isn’t it ironic how the world knows that I’m in love with you, except you.

Mae, you have no idea

I will love with a love that is enough and more for the two of us.

Mae, for us
