
 Curbing the flammability of epoxy resinIn a paper to be published in a forthcoming issue of Nano, a

Curbing the flammability of epoxy resin

In a paper to be published in a forthcoming issue of Nano, a team of researchers from Henan University have investigated the flame retardant performance of epoxy resin using a boron nitride nanosheet decorated with cobalt ferrite nanoparticles.

Polymers are widely used in our daily lives due to good physical and chemical stability, corrosion resistance and other superior properties. However, most polymers, due to their organic nature, are inherently flammable which is a potential threat to the safety of human life and property. In order to avoid or reduce the flammability of polymers, it is a good strategy to add flame retardants to the polymers.

Among them, two-dimensional (2-D) layered inorganic nanomateirals (nanosheets), represented by graphene oxide,molybdenum disulfide, and boron nitride nanosheets (BNNS), exhibit excellent flame retardant performance due to their good physical barrier effects. However, the flame retardance is not enough in the use of such 2-D inorganic flame retardants alone, and in particular, the ability to suppress toxic gases and smoke is weak.

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Bio-based resin: A breakthrough in rapid prototyping

Lithuanian researchers from Kaunas University of Technology and Vilnius University synthesised and tested a bio-based resin for optical 3D printing (O3DP). The bio-based resin made from renewable raw materials proved to be universal for both table-top 3D printers and state-of-the-art ultrafast laser, suitable for O3DP in the scales from nano- to macro- dimensions. This, according to the researchers, is a unique property for a single photo-resin.

Optical 3D printing (O3DP) is a rapid prototyping tool and an additive manufacturing technique being developed as a choice for efficient and low waste production, yet currently associated with petroleum-derived resins. During O3DP, the photo-curable resin is solidified by treating it with light; such technology makes 3D printing very flexible and precise – the elements can reach sub-micrometres, and also can reach macro- dimensions. The main shortcoming of O3DP is connected to the limitations of the printing materials: their origin, physical and chemical properties, which make the resins not suitable for all setups.

“A universal bio-based resin developed by KTU researchers can be used for a multi-scale 3D printing. Up to now, no single resin was developed which would allow manufacturing of ultra-fine nano-/micro-features and macro-objects out of the same composition,” says Dr Mangirdas Malinauskas, Laser NanoPhotonics Research Group Leader at Laser Research Centre of Vilnius University (VU).

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Fire:Carnation, Marigold, Snapdragon, and Sunflower.
Earth: Ferns, Honeysuckle, Oleander, Primrose, and Tulip.
Air:Dandelion, Goldenrod, Lavender, and Lily of the Valley.
Water: Chamomile, Daffodil, Daisy, Jasmine, and Lotus.


Fire: Carrot, Celery, Fig, Leek, Lime, and Radish.
Earth:Corn, Oats, Pea, Potato, Turnip, and Wheat.
Air:Beans, Chicory, Mulberry, Pistachio, and Rice.
Water:Apricot, Avocado, Banana, Coconut, and Plum.


Fire:Basil, Bay Laurel, Dill, Mullein, Peppermint, and Rosemary.
Earth:Barley, Buckwheat, Honeysuckle, Mugwort, and Vervain.
Air:Bergamot, Clover, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, and Meadowsweet.
Water:Catnip, Comfrey, Lemon Balm, Scullcap, Thyme, and Vanilla.

Spices and Resins:

Fire:Dragons-blood, Ginger, Mustard, Nutmeg, and Pepper.
Earth:Chile Powder, Fennel, Garlic Powder, and Patchouli.
Air:Allspice, Anise, Cinnamon, Citron, Clove, and Star Anise.
Water:Mimosa, Myrrh, Papaya, Sandalwood, and Sugar Cane.


Fire:Alder, Ash, Cedar, Hawthorn, Juniper, and Mahogany.
Earth: Cypress, Mandrake, Hawthorn, Oak, Rye, and Walnut.
Air:Acacia, Aspen, Hazel, Maple, Palm, Pine, and Slippery Elm.
Water:Birch, Cherry, Maidenhair, Myrtle, Willow, Yarrow, and Yew.

spell to banish negative thoughts

pretty self explanatory, this ones a bit experimental but ive got a good feeling about it so far so, ill probably update the post later on with more notes after ive tried it another time or two~

- ⚔️

what you’ll need;

white paper

pure intention, manifestation, wishes

black ink pen

affirmation, manifestation, grounding, strength

black candle

grounding, action, strength, protection, banishing

charcoal disk

energy, invoking, banishing, cleansing, strength

acorn powder

grounding, protection, gentle love, purity, kindness, healing

black salt

banishing, protection, cleansing, strength, power, purification

cayenne pepper

strength, banishing, protection, ward off ill intent, return to sender

frankincense resin

protection, strength, understanding, peace

gently crushed rose petal

love, kindness, gentleness, healing

sage sugar

protection, mental clarity, communication, kindness, strength, tranquility, purity

black pepper

grounding, strength, protection, banishing

bay leaf

banishing, protection, wishes, strength, peace, mental clarity

- ⚔️

now what?

• write your thoughts or fragments of them down on your paper, get things off your chest and reflect for a moment- scribble angrily or X things out that you’re really sick of thinking already, but this really doesn’t need to be the focus, put your paper aside when finished. if you feel the need to cry let yourself let it out, then continue on~

• light your candle and light your charcoal (in your fire safe area disclaimers disclaimers don’t burn your house down)

• add 6 pinches one pinch at a time of acorn powder, working clockwise

• add 3 pinches each; one pinch at a time of black salt and then cayenne pepper, all counter clockwise

• place your paper face down with your writing touching the cayenne pepper

• place your resin on top of the paper

• sprinkle over your crushed rose petal in an even layer across the resin, then toss a pinch of sage sugar on top followed by a pinch of black pepper or a crack of freshly ground

• light a bay leaf and place on top gently and carefully, manifest all the energy you can into banishing your negative thoughts along with the negative energy they bring you. you’re freed of racing thoughts, incessant worry, needless pain, and self doubt or deprecation.

 Prices Still Rising for Volume Resins.   Global supply constraints on feedstocks and some resins, a

Prices Still Rising for Volume Resins. 

 Global supply constraints on feedstocks and some resins, along with strong demand, are driving continued increases.

Prices of PE and PP moved up in double-digits, while those of PS, PVC and PET were also on an upward trajectory, in the first six weeks of this year. The remainder of the first quarter was projected to continue on this track, owing to global constraints on feedstocks and some resins, coupled by continued strong demand in most cases.

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I kinda feel I have not done enough preserving, since in my previous “Need to preserve it? Kyphi it” post, there is a distinct lack of mention of foraged materials. HOWEVER I do use foraged resins and I would like to share with you how to clean them after harvest, to store them for future use. 

I do this every year this time of the summer at my moms cottage, where she has a row of beautiful pines and firs, that have been cut some decades ago, yet still bleed resin profusely.

When in the woods or anywhere, where there are trees, keep an eye on older wounds in the bark, trees that have been cut or pruned and look for spots where your desired (or happenstance) resin leaks. 

While scraping the resin off, take care to not to damage the tree more than it is already.

At home, prepare a water bath using a pot that will forever more be resin coated (!!). Warm the resin until it is fluid and then pass it through a strainer, cloth or some such, that again will be resinous until the end of times. You can however reuse your resin stained tools for the next harvest! It is ideal to pour the resin from the pot, through the strainer and directly onto a sheet of baking paper, where you will leave it to cool and harden for a day or two, before breaking it up and storing it. 

You can also save the saturated bits of wood, needles and other natural pieces left in the strainer to burn as a part of an incense. 

This year, I decided to try and tincture my remaining bits, for a wonderful amber liquid that smells like a forest ♥


Shiny pastelfor@gemkitty

