
this is my go-to lunch. obviously this is not a mind blowing recipe or anything particularly special

this is my go-to lunch. obviously this is not a mind blowing recipe or anything particularly special but hopefully it will inspire you to mix it up and try a delicious new lunch. 

my go-to green salad


½ head chopped romaine 

½ large avocado 

¼ chopped cucumber 

2tbsp toasted pine nuts 

1tbsp humous (you can try my garlicky humous or buy shop bought)

drizzle extra virgin olive oil

sprinkle pink salt 

sprinkle fresh black pepper

sprinkle nutritional yeast

1. chop all yo veggies and toss together in a bowl. lightly toast ur pine nuts and add to the bowl. 

2. add the humous and drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt, pepper and nutritional yeast and give it a good mix up. (this is especially good when ur avocado is ripe as it creates a creamy dressing)

3. inhale.

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this is something I used to make before I was vegan, with any gourd that was cheap and available whi

this is something I used to make before I was vegan, with any gourd that was cheap and available whilst at university; think sweet potato, butternut squash etc. this incredibly moreish treat is not too harsh on the purse strings and absolutely delicious. So, without further adieu let me introduce you to…

butternut squash mac (the vegan version)


  • 1 butternut squash, cubed
  • 300g pasta of any kind 
  • 4 tablespoons vegan butter 
  • 3 tablespoons plain flour
  • 500ml unsweetened almond milk 
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • ½ teaspoon paprika
  • 75g grated vegan mozarella
  • 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast 
  • 5 sliced sage leaves 
  • salt and pep

1. preheat the oven to 200* and boil a large pan o’salted water. 

2. chuck ur butternut in ur boiling water and boil for about 15 mins/until soft. scoop them out in to a bowl and mash. keep ur butternut water for ur pasta. 

3. in a small pan melt ur butter and whisk in ur flour. once combined and melted take off the heat. slowly add the almond milk and whisk again. put back on the heat and bring to a bubble, until the sauce is thick. add the mustard and paprika. 

4. cook the pasta (2 mins less than packet instructions so it bakes well) in ur water. drain (keep a cup of pasta water). add the pasta to the butternut and mix well then add ur mozza, white sauce and nooch. keep combining, add your pasta water if you need it to be a lil bit smoother then add to a large baking dish. top with a little more nutritional yeast, season well and add your sage.

5. bake for 30-40 mins. et voila! 

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now normally i would say i am not one of ‘these’ vegans, this is very healthy very balanced and gene

now normally i would say i am not one of ‘these’ vegans, this is very healthy very balanced and generally just really good for you. I usually prioritise yumminess over how good the nutritional content is, because, well… lifes a bit too short for that. BUT (and this is a big butt) i have to make an exception with this grain bowl. don’t be put off by how gloriously healthy it is; this really is delish and i recommend everyone gives it a try. 

glorious grain bowl 

serves 1


½ avocado 

handful of leafy greens (i used a bag of pea shoots and spinach, much iron, very health)

handful chopped cherry tomatoes 

1 chopped spring onion 

1/3 cup green lentils 

½ vegetable stock (oxo isn’t vegan just fyi xoxo) 

½ cup brown rice

garlic dressing:

1 garlic clove

1 tbsp veganaise 

1 tsp apple cider vinegar 

big bunch fresh basil 

so really this is quite straightforward and i don’t want to patronise you so lets break it down

1. fresh stuff (avo, greens, toms, spring onion) chop em up 

2. boil the lentils according to packet instructions and add the stock cube in to the water for added flavour. 

3. to be honest i use microwave rice because i’m lazy but otherwise cook that up to packet instructions

4. blend the dressing ingredients 

5. assemble, take a picture, put it on instagram, then feel bloody smug that you’re a healthy bean, well done.

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this salad is not only heavenly, not too sinful but it’s also packed fulla protein and vitamin B12 w

this salad is not only heavenly, not too sinful but it’s also packed fulla protein and vitamin B12 which is wonderful if u r a vegan! I am always mindful of creating and curating recipes that help me reach ma nutrient requirements and this is a super tasty way of doing just that!

smoky chickpea orzo salad

serves 3 as a light lunch or 2 for dinner



1 tin chickpeas

1 tsp paprika

½ tsp coarse sea salt

glug olive oil 


1 cup orzo 

chopped romaine lettuce 

nutritional yeast for topping


veganaise (or any vegan mayo alternative) 

olive oil

1 garlic clove 

apple cider vinegar


6 basil leaves

1. Preheat ur oven to 200*. Coat 1 tin of drained chickpeas in olive oil, sea salt and paprika. Give these a good rub and mix around. Bake for 35 minutes or until their skins are crisp and starting to burst. (these also make a 10/10 protein packed snack) 

2. Boil 500ml of salted water to the boil. Drop in yr orzo and cook according to packing instructions. Drain this once cooked and give it a good rinse with cold water so it doesn’t ruin your lettuce! 

3. In a small blender blitz yr dressing ingredients - if yr not mad on garlic i would either leave it out entirely as this certainly packs a punch. ( a delicious punch in my opinion). Remove yr chickpeas from the oven (now all the prep is over, thank god, just have to chuck the lot in a bowl now).

4. in a salad bowl add your orzo, chopped romaine, then chickpeas mix ur dressing in and give the whole lot a good toss. Drop yr chickpeas on top and voila dinner/lunch is served.

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Ever have one of those mornings where you are absolutely ravenous? Often induced from an - accidenta

Ever have one of those mornings where you are absolutely ravenous? Often induced from an - accidental, of course - extra couple of glasses of wine than anticipated. This is the ultimate vegetarian alternative option to a classic fry up. It’s not terrible for you so you don’t need to add on any guilt over eating it on top of the headache you might already have. 

Ultimate Vegetarian Breakfast

Ingredients (for one):

- ¼ block halloumi

- fresh basil

- chopped large tomato 

- avocado 

- 2 slices sourdough 

- 1 cup spinach

- 2 large free range organic eggs (the more local the better) 

- 2 linda mccartney sausages (swear by these and would never use another brand) 

- olive oil


1. Preheat your oven to 180* and pop in a pan greased with a drizzle of olive oil. Roughly chop your halloumi and tomatoes. Once the oven is preheated and your baking tray is hot add the halloumi and tomatoes with a drizzle of olive oil and some fresh basil. On the other side of the tray make a nest of spinach and crack your eggs in to the middle (this does not need to be dainty, it can absolutely be a mess - call it rustic. Also add your sausages to the pan and cook per instructions. 

2. Toast your sourdough. Slice your avocado. Make a coffee. Drink the Coffee. Butter your sourdough (i’m using violife’s coconut butter at the moment, it’s great). 

3. Serve it all up and add salt and pepper. It can be a mess, no one cares. The main thing is all that gorgeous colour being on one plate and all that yummy food in your belly!

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Summer is coming (it’s not quite rearing it’s head in the UK) and the thing I always crave when the

Summer is coming (it’s not quite rearing it’s head in the UK) and the thing I always crave when the weather is good is a mojito. I thought I’d mix it up and create an ice lolly to really add that summer vibe. Here is the recipe, I would highly recommend making this and hope you give it a try! 

Mojito Ice Lolly 

You will need a plastic ice lolly mould kit for this… 

Ingredients (per lolly):

- 25ml Spiced Rum 

- Squeeze of lime 

- Top up with lemonade 

I’m not even going to patronise you with a directions list as you literally add all of these ingredients to your mould. Freeze. Then devour…. I mean savour (conservatively of course).

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Ok so this is one of those recipes that seems blindingly easy. And I don’t want to patronise anyone,Ok so this is one of those recipes that seems blindingly easy. And I don’t want to patronise anyone,Ok so this is one of those recipes that seems blindingly easy. And I don’t want to patronise anyone,

Ok so this is one of those recipes that seems blindingly easy. And I don’t want to patronise anyone, but the idea is simply… warm up a wrap, line your bowl with it, spread some humous or whatever sauce you fancy on the bottom; this, I know, is simple. You can add any salad ingredients or leftovers from the fridge to the ‘wrap bowl’. The great thing is you can dress and mix your salad in it’s ‘bowl’ - meaning the presentation looks far fancier than it really is. A great quick lunch recipe and a real crowd pleaser! Here are a couple of fillings I went for: 

Continental Salad Wrap Bowl:

- Line the wrap with caesar dressing (shop bought or your own) or mashed avocado

- Hard or soft boiled egg

- Rocket

- Chopped cherry tomato

- Chopped spring onion 

- Vegan!!! Bacon crumbles

- Honey Roasted Peanuts 

- Mozzarella

- Avocado

Greek Inspired Wrap Bowl: 

- Leftover Imam Bayildi (there’s a great Ottolenghi recipehere - with a bunch of other aubergine recipes to tickle your fancy)

- Chopped feta cheese

- Rocket

- Humous 

- Avocado

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We made granola bars!! #foodporn #homemade #granolabars #sogood

We made granola bars!! #foodporn #homemade #granolabars #sogood

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