#source supernatural


Bow: What are we doing?

Adora: We’re hunting a ghost.

Bow: A ghost. Exactly. Who does that?


Bow: Us, right. And that, Glimmer, that is exactly why our lives suck. I mean, c'mon, we hunt monsters! What the hell? I mean, normal people, they see a monster and they run. But not us, no no no, we… we search out things that want to kill us! Yeah, huh? Or eat us! You know who does that? Crazy people! We… are insane! I mean, who wants this life, guys? Huh? Seriously! I mean do you actually like being stuck in a car with me, eight hours a day every single day? I don’t think so! I mean, Glimmer drives too fast and I listen to the same five albums over and over and over again and I- and I-I sing along, I’m annoying, I know that. And Adora… you’re gassy! You eat half a burrito and you get toxic! I mean, you know what, you can forget it.

Glimmer: Bow, where’re you going?

Bow: I am done with this, okay? I’m out. I’m done. I quit.

Adora: Catra isn’t the problem this year.

Glimmer: When are you gonna get it? Catra’s ALWAYS the problem.

Glimmer: Fake ID, fake credit card… You got anything that IS real?

Catra, smirking: My boobs.

Adora: You’re bossy.


Adora: You’re bossy! [laughs] And short.

Catra: Are you drunk?

Adora: Yeah. So?


Adora: Stupid.

V: We thought you were dead! Where are you?

Saeran: A hospital.

V: Are you okay?

Saeran: No.


V: You wanna elaborate?

Zen: Please don’t tell Jaehee! She’s gonna—

Yoosung: Kill your ass?

Zen: Exactly! And I’m very protective of my ass, it’s one of my best features!

Vanderwood: You know something?! I put up with a lot from you!

Luciel: What are talking about? I’m a joy to be around.

Vanderwood: Yeah?! Your dirty socks in the sink?! Your food in the fridge-?!

Luciel: What’s wrong with my food?

Vanderwood: It’s not food anymore, Luciel! It’s Darwinism!

In the Apocolypse Universe

Gabriel: Go. I can buy some time.

Sam: Gabriel, don’t.

Gabriel: All I did on Earth was run. I’m not running anymore.


Gabriel: *Gets stabbed*

Gabriel: It’s only a flesh wound.

Apollo: please don’t tell Arty! She’s gonna—

Meg: kill your ass?

Apollo: exactly! And I’m very protective of my ass, it’s one of my best features!

Wrath: I bid… my own soul!

Envy: Kid, you don’t have a soul.

Mickey: Yeah? What makes you so sure?

Oswald: Because I’m the oldest, which means I’m always right.

Mickey: No it doesn’t.

Oswald: It totally does.

“Haven’t you ever been in a relationship where you really loved somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?”

- Zach about Maxx

AU where this blog started in 2012:

Nintendo:Check out this cool new game! It’s called Paper Mario: Sticker Star!

Me:Paper Mario fandom, grab your Ultra Hammers!


John Green: I just wanted to say Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is one of my favorite games. Not only that, but the original game, Paper Mario, was amazing. Super Paper Mario makes me a little crazy to be honest. Like, I cannot play these three games enough to be satisfied. I’m only satisfied when I see those intense, powerful dramatic arcs come to fruition. When I sit back in my Mario chair with my 3DS, look at my new Chain Chomp, Wiggler, and other diverse partners with distinct personalities, and feel a genuine, positive emotional connection to the heavily embellished and polished content of the RPG I just completed after days’ and weeks’ and months’ worth of thumb-numbingly epic adventure….. That’s when I’m satisfied.
