



what happened to the hermitcrafters. why are they mourning. hope you’re good guys cause you sure don’t look it

did something happen to that fucked up little bush guy I care about him

Op, bestie, I don’t know how to tell you this…

The Secret Life of Birds.And more birds.

The Secret Life of Birds.

Andmore birds.

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Megumi uses passive aggressive disappointment to train his divine dogs.

It goes poorly.

fuck it reblog

The polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was litanThe polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was litanThe polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was litanThe polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was litanThe polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was litanThe polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was litan

The polite way of saying “shut up you’re like twelve”

I’m still reeling over wttm that shit was lit



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I feel like an absolute bastard. (cw gender stuff, names, pronouns, family drama)

As a way to update my parents about Janelle Monae saying in an interview that their pronoun is “free-ass muthafucka” (because gender goals x infinity!!!), I casually led into it by mentioning that my new therapist wanted to know my preferred name/nickname and pronouns—all as a means of getting to my stupid punchline, “they/them seems so much easier now, doesn’t it!” ha ha ha I thought we were cool, I’ve been making pronoun jokes since I came out to them last September because I know it’s weird for them to go from having a daughter to having an adult child / offspring / neither daughter nor son. I get it. And I’ve really tried to be cool about them continuing to Female me while also trying to gradually/gently push them with things like… my Kirk haircut, sharing trivia or articles about NB stuff with them (e.g. the Janelle Monae news), etc. Anyway, I didn’t think any of that would come up again, but I’m clearly an idiot because I’ve spent 32 and a half years with one parent who Never Forgets Anything and Never Lets Any Little Detail Go Unnoticed.

Six hours later, my mother asks me what my answers had been when my therapist asked me to pin them down more concretely than “either way, whatever you prefer.” ((Aside: apparently therapists want to know the Real You? and having other people decide who the Real Me is… is not what they mean by that??)) I knew I was trapped but I never want to lie to my mom, right? So I told her honestly that my therapist will be referring to me as “they/them” and “Jim” (aka Not my legal name/what my family calls me, as well as a name which traditionally is given to people who are the “opposite” of my agab). (I also reminded her that my previous therapist knew me as Jim, too, hoping that might soften the blow.) Again: I get it. I knew before I said it that it was going to hurt her because I’m choosing to have certain people call me by a name that’s not the one she and dad gave me when I was born. I understand that it’s hard for them. I understand why it’s hard for them.

(And this makes no never mind, but… it’s hard for me, too. But I know, that’s beside the point.)

After a long, very uncomfortable silence, she said, “Is it okay if I keep saying she/her?” So I counted to five in my head and said it’s fine, because I honestly never expected her or my dad to be fully understanding of any of this. But now (and not for the first time) I’m very much wishing I’d just never come out to them at all, because at least that way I wouldn’t have gotten my hopes up when they responded by claiming that my being NB was fine and claiming that they would be totally supportive/accepting of it. My expectations were low before they knew because I assumed they would be honest with me about how it made them feel, which I assumed would be along the lines of “betrayed,” “inconvenienced,” “confused,” “disappointed,” “skeptical,” “disrespected,” and/or “we failed our child.“ It seems that when they were so chill about it up front, I forgot to keep expecting those reactions in delayed forms, and I guess I let myself believe that they would actually make the effort to shift some of their thinking about me, maybe even start using they/them for me, etc.

Turns out they were enthusiastic to declare their support (which I greatly appreciate, don’t get me wrong) but putting that support into practice has proven to be harder than I think they realized. “Too much has changed too fast” is what I’ve been told now… even though I’m not transitioning to male, I’m not doing HRT or having surgeries, I’m still dressing the same on a daily basis (just changing my “fancy” wardrobe), and the only thing that’s physically different is that I’ve stopped shaving my legs (which neither of them has even noticed because I only wear long pants).

Anyway she just happened to ask me all this as she was on her way to bed. So there was another awkward silence before she said goodnight, and if 32 years’ experience has enabled me to read any of her moods correctly, then she started crying as soon as I was out of earshot. (I would have confirmed and/or tried to get her to talk to me about it but I’m running, like, a spoon deficit at this point.)

So is my lack of much visible change the problem, then? Is this breaking my mom’s heart because I’m not different enough from my “old” self? Would this be easier in some way if I was transitioning and she could, idk, genuinely mourn the daughter she no longer has? And despite losing a daughter at least she would have a “replacement” kid whose gender still Made Sense to someone entrenched in the gender binary for almost seven decades? Or would it just make things worse?

Should I have simply lied and said I’m going by my legal name with my therapist, because how will my mom ever know that anyway? Has this name thing crushed her so bad because not much else has changed about me otherwise, so she didn’t see it coming? Or am I genuinely the asshole for expecting her to be more supportive/validating too soon, and I just need to be more patient?

((Tangent: she witnessed a really bad impostor-syndrome meltdown of mine a few months ago. I was trying to figure out what to wear to a church function and eventually got so frustrated—and convinced that I’m not really NB, just a pathetic ugly female who hates herself/her body—that I told her to pick out a damn dress for me and take me to a wig shop so I could try and undo everything I’ve done to try and hate my biologically female body a little bit less. And she responded by telling me to wear the pants/button-down/sweater aka “masc-ish” outfit I’d started with. So… is it only if I’m in crisis/panic mode that she can get on board with my being NB? Did my meltdown help her put her own misgivings about this aside? Or was she only okay with my being NB before it included having new people in my life call me by a different name??))

I keep trying to pinpoint what I’ve done wrong, and every time I re-do the math I still can only come up with, “…I was born.” But that wasn’t even my fault. I just feel incredibly selfish for trying to get them to see me the way I see myself. I keep thinking that if I don’t feel female, that’s my problem and I should have kept it to my damn self. If my identity is, in fact, Jim + they/them + non-binary, fine, but I feel like I should have known better than to reveal—to the people who named me and raised me—that I don’t really feel, and never really have felt, like I actually am the person we all assumed I was for 31 years because there didn’t seem to be an alternative.

And this is precisely why I started things off with my new therapist by trying to make her decide whether to call me she or they, Jim or my real name. More than anything—more than being sane, healthy, or alive—Iwantnotto be a burden on others.

But that’s all I ever seem to be able to do without fail.

[image: drawing of Teru and Ritsu from Mob Psycho 100, done in a colorful, scribbly style. The first

[image: drawing of Teru and Ritsu from Mob Psycho 100, done in a colorful, scribbly style. The first is Teru angrily pointing knives offscreen, the last is Ritsu smirking as he reaches offscreen, and in between is the moment when Teru takes Ritsu’s hand and they stand off, Teru smirking and Ritsu freaking out.]

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me

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I got distracted and found a logic puzzle from the LSAT and like…? I wish my standardized tests were that interesting, Jeez. Like, that shit was fun.

I am losing my shit over the fact that my AP Psych textbook quotes MCR. 


i have just woken up and

  • why the fuck am i in a wood
  • why is a deer chewing on my pants
  • why is ovid wearing a pink dress
  • a dress which is not mine nor his
  • what the flying fuck i feel like i’ve been run over by a truck and my mouth tastes like hell

Oh, deer.



He said he wanted to strangle you so I told him off for it. I’m only thinking of you, Gaius, I swear.

lucretius. please. he obviously didn’t mean that seriously. i fucked up and he has the right to be upset, ok? but as i told you many times, he cares about me as much as you do. i love you both very much, and you’re equally fundamental in my life, so please, if you think of me like you say, try not to be that aggressive towards him, ok? especially when he didn’t do anything wrong.

I’m sorry, I thought he meant it literally, I’ll stop now though, for you. I hope everything goes okay with your mom.





That’s good, I wouldn’t want you to accidentally ‘care’ about me like you do :)

I know, Catullus has always been far too kind and loving :) And well, we all have problems but we mostly don’t threaten people’s lives about them :) I would never threaten Catullus :) 

Don’t worry, there’s no risk :)

And yes, you’re right, Catullus is far too kind and loving, which makes me wonder why the fuck he’s friend with an asshole like you. And honey, gnaw at your bitterness as much as you want, and think whatever you want, but you gotta cope with the fact that I love Catullus and he loves me and we’re never going to break up, so ;*

At least I never, I don’t know, told everyone I wasn’t their friend because I’m just :) Too masculine for that :)

titus, what exactly is happening here?

He said he wanted to strangle you so I told him off for it. I’m only thinking of you, Gaius, I swear.



That’s good, I wouldn’t want you to accidentally ‘care’ about me like you do :)

I know, Catullus has always been far too kind and loving :) And well, we all have problems but we mostly don’t threaten people’s lives about them :) I would never threaten Catullus :) 

Don’t worry, there’s no risk :)

And yes, you’re right, Catullus is far too kind and loving, which makes me wonder why the fuck he’s friend with an asshole like you. And honey, gnaw at your bitterness as much as you want, and think whatever you want, but you gotta cope with the fact that I love Catullus and he loves me and we’re never going to break up, so ;*

At least I never, I don’t know, told everyone I wasn’t their friend because I’m just :) Too masculine for that :)



just because some white cishet abled ect ect men are shitty and think other people having rights is a threat doesn’t mean marginalized men don’t need support anymore

basically if you compare marginalized men or anyone who supports them to mra’s and incels or whatever I automatically don’t trust you

Similarly, MRAs bringing up hardships men face in bad faith doesn’t mean that those hardships aren’t real. The problem with MRAs is that they only bring up those hardships to derail and gotcha. Men talking about the struggles they face in completely separate conversations is fine and, in fact, necessary


Compilation of Shakespearean Insults

  • “Villain, I️ have done thy mother”
  • “Away you three inch fool”
  • “I’ll beat thee, but I️ would infect my hands”
  • “I️ am sick when I️ do look on thee”
  • “More of your conversation would infect my brain”
  • “Thine face is not worth sunburning”
  • “Thou art unfit for any place but hell”
  • “Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat”
  • “You are as a candle, the better burnt out”
  • “Your brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after voyage”
  • “Drunkenness is his best virtue”
  • “Thou crusty batch of nature!”
  • “The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes”
  • “Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes”
  • “Thou hast no more brain than I️ have in mine elbows”