#thomas sanders


not me thinking the orange at the end was gonna be an annoying orange reference



Time traveler: *moves a chair*

Thomas: I’ve been asleep for… 5 years???

What today’s Sanders Asides episode taught me:

  • Intrusive thoughts can be very time consuming and can get in the way of your day-to-day functioning
  • stress and pressure heightens the chances of intrusive thoughts
  • coffee makes it worse (trust me)
  • pretending intrusive thoughts don’t exist isn’t healthy, instead find ways to cope with them in a healthy way
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break
  • it’s okay to hold things off to give yourself a mental health break :)))


So tell me… are you afraid?~

My first ever Sanders Sides painting and yes, it had to be Virge. He immediately won me over ✋

(Just like Janus… who’s next on my list )

heavypaint is cool actually



I’m always a sucker for fart jokes, and this has got to be one of the best ones there is… And thatsthat24’s reaction is epic! (yeah it’s acting, but HE’S GOOD :D)

But Leo cracking up in the background gets me every time XD

[Yoga instructor: Okay, now lets bring our leg to the sky. *fart noise* We’re just gonna waft that away, pretend it never happened. Namaste.]

#namaste    #fart jokes    #thomas sanders    #exercise    


Thomas Sanders

[thomas: Best part of traveling? No school!
teachers: (teachers talking incoherently)
Thomas: Can I have a normal dream?
Teacher1: May I have a normal dream.
Thomas: (screams) ]

#thomas sanders    #teachers    #school    #travel    #planes    


And once again thatsthat24 is the cutest person ever to live

[Thomas: Story time!
Of all the works of art in this room, she was the loveliest!
Girl: (giggling) aww!]

#thomas sanders    #museum    #flirting    #story time    


If I was a teacher after a holiday…byThomas Sanders

[Teacher: Alright whose happy to be back?!
Student: Absolutely no one!
Teacher: Me neither, let’s get the heck outta here!

Teacher: I’m going, I’m going!
Students: Hurry up!
(car horn honks continuously)
Running student: WAIT!]

Logan: Okay, let’s stop using the term “Butthurt.” We’re not twelve anymore.

Roman: You sound fannytroubled.

Patton:A little bootybothered if you ask me.

Virgil:Someone’s having a tushytantrum.

Judge: You were charged with… breaking into a pet store?

Patton: I thought the puppies might be lonely, your honour.

Patton:Sometimes Virgil mumbles in his sleep… it’s adorable!

Virgil, asleep in Patton’s lap: Fight me…I dare you………I have a knife, bitch……..that’s..what I thought..hmmm.

Patton: He’s so precious…

Roman: Why are you like this?

Virgil: I used too much No More Tears Shampoo when I was a kid and I haven’t felt a single emotion since.

Roman: Bitch.

Virgil: Blocked.

Roman: Wait, no, unblock me - I have something important to tell you.

Virgil: Unblocked.

Roman: Bitch.

Virgil: I will never trust Deceit. He’s a venomous snake, waiting to strike… and you know what we do to snakes?

Logan, without looking up: Chop their heads off, remove the skin and turn them into boots.

Virgil: Don’t be absurd. Who would want troll-skin boots?

Logan: You just said he was a snake.

Virgil: The Devil comes in many forms.

Patton: Why is there blood everywhere?!?!?!?!?!?

Virgil: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife

Patton: YOU STABBED SOMEONE?!?!?!?!?!??

Virgil: No no NO, aggressively poked them with a knife

Thomas: If you took a shot every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

Logan: Maybe a bit tipsy?

Patton: Drunk.

Virgil: Wasted.

Roman: Dead.

Roman: Alright, so you and I are married.

Virgil: I don’t want to be married.

Roman: Relax, it’s just pretend.

Virgil: I don’t wanna pretend.

Roman: Scared you’ll like it?

Virgil: Alright, if we’re married, I want a divorce.

Thomas: Are you two always like this?

Logan: Yes, they are.

Logan: Studies show that keeping a ladder inside a house is more dangerous than a loaded gun.

Virgil: That’s why I own ten guns.

Virgil: In case some maniac tries to sneak in a ladder.
