#yandere thoughts


My darling, why do you let him do this to you? You are being so mistreated.. Cant you see his using you? He doesnt care about you, he doesnt love you. He never did and never will. I know it hurts you dear, Im sorry but you must understand that he doesnt deserve you.

It hurts me even more when youre trying to justify his disgusting behaviour.. Why do you care about him so much? Cant you see what hes doing to you?

Stop being blind! Stop acting like he will change! Hes not good for you! He will never be as good as me! You said it yourself that I would treat you better! Isnt that something you want? Leave him! LEAVE HIM LEAVE HIM LEAVE HIM!!!

dreams of the future are naught but lies.

wedied in every one of my dreams.

hand in hand, off the rooftop.

' , . ! [Yan! Mr. Heed x Fem! Reader]

Ok, listen, I knowI said I wouldn’t do existing characters but by golly, I wanted to write about GB Miss Heed. She’s all that’s right for me! And also, while doing this, I was listening to this playlist

DISCLAIMER!Miss Heed does not belong to me, she is an original character from theVillanousseries. However, she is so captivating that I decided to make a fic about the idea of her character. By the way, Miss Heed’s Male Model is based on the drawings of this terrific blog: @yanmaresu

TW: Yandere themes, use of love positions, kidnapping, mind-washing, prison escape, non-canon situations based on an animated series, non-canon scenes.

The bus stopped in front of the high-security prison. It was past noon, I arrived on time as instructed. The sky was cloudy, and a cool breeze was blowing. I decided to come casual: gray long sleeves, black pants, and black high-heeled boots.

Taking a few steps towards the barred entrance, a security guard stops me. It was an elderly man.


“Job interview…” I answer in a whisper.

“How?” he asks again.

“Job interview! I’m Y/N L/N,” I say louder and more confidently.

“Let’s see…” he checks his list, “Here you are, go ahead.”

Going through all the security checks, from metal detectors to security checks by hand. One by one, all the way to the hiring office.

“It says here you are Y/N L/N, you are new in town and require employment,” read a uniformed woman wearing glasses, “Why do you want to work at the prison?”

She lowers the report I filled out, looking me in the eye.

“Well, um, I found your request for personnel in the newspaper. That with the new inmates, they require care staff for the inmates,” I explained, “And I’m very efficient when it comes to providing services to people, I have experience being a babysitter-”

A fist struck the table, only to stop me.

“These are notchildren,” her voice was harsh, “These are men and women who have committed heinouscrimes.”

“I-I know-” I replied with a trembling voice.

“Okay, don’t ever compare them to children again,” the woman calmed down, “I need you to sign here, here, and here.”

She handed me a document, reading it carefully it said in one part that the penitentiary is not responsible for injuries to staff or their death.

“Huh…” I said to myself, but I need a job, and this one pays well.

“Great,” she took the paperwork from me, “Hired, you start now.”

I was then handed a jean-colored uniform, it was a jumpsuit and a pair of simple brown boots.

“Something I should know?” I asked rising from my seat, ready to get changed and begin.

“Don’t talk to the prisoners, don’t do anything stupid,” she mentioned, typing on her computer, “You will serve the central cells and the only currently occupied maximum-security cell.”

“Alright,” I quickly added.


An hour and a half has passed. At the moment I find myself walking around with a cart of food trays and medicine for some prisoners. “Dinner,” I say, passing the trays through the slots in the doors.

I don’t see who they are, and I think it’s better this way. The less I know, the better.

Arriving at my last destination, the maximum-security cell.

With my credential, I gain access to the enclosure. What I saw, was quite… different.

A large empty room, purely made of metal. And in the center, a glass cell. Surely the glass must be thick. Yet it was all illuminated by pink spotlights…?

What was disturbing was the amount of scribbling on the glass. Hearts, hashtags, among others.

In the center was a young man, sitting with his back to the main entrance. His hair was kind of long, straight, and fading. From pastel pink to brown roots. His outfit was pink too, as was his carpet and bed.

What had he done to be here?

“Umm, excuse me,” I interrupted him, I could hear him whispering things, “Dinner.”

At that, his whispering stops and his hand stops drawing on the glass. Turning slowly, he watches me. Brown eyes bore into my face.

“Andwhoare you?” he asks me a little annoyed, but still gentle.

“Merely a-an intern, nothing more,” I reply, taking his tray and bringing it closer to the entrance.

Inserting it, I wait a few moments for him to take it, I don’t want him to drop it and have me in trouble for it.

Without getting up, he crawls to the tray and takes it.

“That uniform is sooo from the last century,” he mutters and then looks up, “Beat it.”

He looks sad to be here, he doesn’t look like a bad guy. He just looks very very lonely.

“I’ll see you around,” I say goodbye before walking away.


“Today you must enter one of the central cells to provide a prisoner with special medication,” a uniformed man instructs me.

“Understood,” I state.

I’ve already spent three weeks here, I have experience with prisoners already. Except that today I’m instructed to do something different from my day-to-day duties, what can happen.

“Here you go,” I give a bald man his medication, he was restrained in a straitjacket.

“Screw it, pretty girl!” he yelled, deciding to give me a head butt. Boy, did that hurt. To my relief, they had sent a guard with me. It seems this guy is very violent.

On my break, I headed to the bathroom to check on the bruise.

“Damn!” I yell, washing my face, “Ugh.”

I can’t do anything about it, other than put on a band-aid. Continuing my rounds, I was again left with prisoner H-33D’scell.

By the time I accessed the facility, he was lying on his bed. I walked as fast as I could to him, I want my shift to end already.

“Hey, dinner,” I say and before he can see me, I turn to grab the tray.

“You never told me your name,” he mentioned, I didn’t know he was already sitting there waiting.

“Here you go, enjoy,” without another word, I tried to leave.

“You didn’t answer~” he insisted in a sing-song voice.

“…Y/N,” I replied without turning to look at him.

“And that nasty bruise on your forehead?” he observed, “It looks, like, super awful.”

“Just a work accident,” I replied wearily, “If you’ll excuse me-”

He hurriedly approached the glass, banging gently with both fists.

“How about you…if you stay a few more minutes?” his face was so sincere, he looked desperate for conversation. Though considering the previous weeks, he was slowly opening up to a little more exchange of words. We went from a get the hell out of heretopolite greetingstohow was your day?

“I can’t-” immediately his voice interrupted me.

“Yes you can, I know you have 20 minutes left before your shift is over,” he smiled somewhat excitedly…maybe too much.

“This will get me in trouble,” I crossed my arms.

“Oh~ please, pretty please,” his right hand slid down the glass, “Just a few minutes.”

Those brown eyes with dark circles under begged me for company.

“Ugh…” I sighed throwing my head back, “Fine, but-”

“Yei!” he celebrated, “Come on, get closer.”

Without hesitation, I approached him. Even seated, he seemed to be buzzing with excitement. I sat across from him, divided only by the glass. The strange thing about this cell is that it has no cameras…do they think it’s the safest security?

“I don’t think we got off to a good start,” he smiled kindly, “I’m Cec- I’m Heed, Mr. Heed.”

“Heed?” I ask, “That’s your name?”

“What can I say, I’m a star~” he brought his hand to his lip, “Don’t tell me you don’t know me.”

“I’m new in town, so I don’t,” his grin immediately fell apart.

“You’re not a follower of mine? Too bad, you are missing out on so much~” he slowly laid down on the floor, “Although I’m sure the agents have my phone…agh!”

He hit the floor, annoyed. I hope my face doesn’t show him how shocked I am by his drastic change of emotions.

“Tell me, Y/N, do you think I’m attractive?” he sighed, staring at the ceiling.

“For a criminal, you’re…kind of attractive,” I admitted.

“So you actually consider it!” he sat up excitedly, “To you, I look beautiful!”

“Mmm, hey Heed,” I changed the subject, “You have powers? Is that why you got a different treatment?”

At that, he moves closer to the glass.

“You want to see it?” he asks eagerly. I just nod my head slowly, unsure if I really want to.

“Can I have some water?” he holds out his hand, indicating to me that water is necessary. I pass him a plastic bottle I had for myself.

“Well, get ready~” he put some in his hand, showing me, “Now…”

He inhaled deeply and blew the water out. I thought it would splash into, however, it evaporated into a little heart cloud.

“That was cute,” I said, smiling. His face turned a little pink, or am I seeing wrong?

Over the next few days, he would force me to stay longer. Minutes, even hours. We would talk about him, just about him, and sometimes about me. But when we talked about me, he would listen attentively. He doesn’t interrupt me at any point.

Today, however…

“No! No! No!” he shrieked, “Do you have to go already? Why?!”

“Heed, it’s past my time” I stood up, “But look, I have these for you.”

Some time ago they had taken out the markers he had. I decided to get him some new ones and they are his favorite color.

“No way, Y/n…” he covered his mouth with both hands, “You’re beautiful.”

I blushed instantly. Relax, he’s just grateful.

Slipping my hand through the slot in his cell, I handed him the pink markers. His delicate hands gingerly brushed mine. Never at any time pulling me, hurting me, but rather…being gentle.

“See you, Mr. Highness,” I smiled, leaving.

As I was leaving, I met a female scientist approaching Heed’s cell. Her face was covered by a paper bag, over which she wore round glasses.

“Good night…” I quickly read her robe somewhat hidden under a black jacket, “Dr. Flugg.”

“Good night,” she greeted hurriedly, continuing on her way.


The next day, Heed was erratic. According to what I was told, that’s what happened. I was not allowed to be near him, or anyone else, because of his bad behavior. Passing through the corridors, I could hear screams from his cell. He must have been screaming very loudly for his screams to get through those walls.

Since I finished everything earlier and security is against accessing Heed’s cell, I decided to read files.

“Dull, boring, gloomy,” I said to myself as I flipped through the brown folders, “ Boring- What?”

Internal Operations Report (Folio: 00-451003) Subject: H-33D

I opened it carefully, this is Heed’s file.

“Name...Cecil ArmandoKelley” I whispered, “Security…level 9 type…Power: Vaporization 2,0…”

Just as I was about to read some more, the door handle turned. Alerted by that, I stored all the files as I found them.

“What are you doing here?” asked a guard.

“I was asked to return files,” I lied without hesitation.

“Have you done that?” he asked, to which I nodded, “Get out.”

Nonchalantly, I did.

“Take prisoner H-33D his dinner while you’re at it,” the guard ordered me, “He hasn’t eaten anything in 24 hours.”

That took me by surprise, so I walked quickly to get the tray and ran to his cell.

My card again allowed me to pass.

“Love me…love me…” he whispered, it seemed like we were back to day one, I thought until he heard me come in. Then he turned around, glad to see me.

“Y/N~!” he called in a sweet voice, “It’s you! You came to see me~”

“Heed, what happened to you?” I handed him his food, “No one was allowed to see you, and I heard your screams…”

My sight lifted to the new scriptures in his transparent cage. There were hashtags with our initials, hearts, and phrases like rescue meorlove me.

“What’s that all about-?” I pointed to the doodles.

“Oh, don’t worry about what happened,” he smiled ignoring what I asked, “I just…I had a visit from someone I know and well, it didn’t go as I expected.”

Could it be Dr. Flugg?

“And how are you feeling now?” I asked worriedly, his voice did sound a little hoarse.

“Better since you’re here,” he laughed mirthfully, “Although, I need your help.”

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue with what he had to say.

“You see, I…since we’re very close,” he began, his eyes never leaving mine, “When I was locked up, they took a…perfume from me. Could you bring it to me? I just want a spray, then you can return it so you don’t get in trouble.”

His reasoning is fair, I mean, no one will know if I return it immediately.

“I’ll do anything for you, Mr. Highness,” I replied laughing.

After a risky mission to infiltrate the storage of belongings. In a box labeled H-33D, I found his strange bottle. Round, it looked like it could be used as a bracelet. A pink liquid inside it.

“Here you go!” I said, glad to see his reaction.

“Y/N, you’re like an angel in this horrible place,” he thanked. He instantly placed his bracelet on his wrist.

“It’s nothing,” I replied, “It looks interesting, what does it smell like?”

“Want to try it?” he asked excitedly, “You’ll love it~”

He poured some into his hand.

In that instant, I remembered his file. I remembered that he is in prison for a reason that has to do with his power… Why did he want the perfume so much? Why didn’t he wear it first? It’s always about him first and then the others.

“Um, Heed-?”

Don’t talk to the prisoners… don’t do anything stupid…

“Don’t worry, you’ll feel great afterward~” he took advantage of the slit still being open, and he blew me a kiss.


“Hello to all my dear followers! It’s me, Mr. Heed!” he smiled on screen, after making a heart gesture with his hand, “I’m back and I have wonderful news!”

He looked much better now. Made up with pink hearts around his eyes, mascara, and his pink contact lenses. His outfit had changed too, now it was more flamboyant. Finally, his hair was completely pink, just like before. On his head decorated luminous headphones.

He pulled the H/C girl close to his side so that she could also be seen on screen.

“Today is a very happy day, for we have a very special guest! Give her a welcome full of lovesto my girlfriend, Y/N~” he kissed her on her cheek. The girl just smiled, happy on the outside.

“And now that I’m back,” he laughed, “I’ll be updating my instagram account with pictures of my beloved girl here.”

“Oh! Heed!” she blushed, hiding her face in the young man’s neck.

“And also,” his tone turned threatening, “I have new plans for the future~


♡ ♡ (Lorien)

Here is a short list of questions to Lorien, the antagonist of my story “Paracosm”.

questions will be answered through roleplay!

[Static sounds]

Affection:How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?

“Hmm,” he thought aloud, “I’m a sucker for holding hands and warm hugs, I’d even rest my head on her lap or shoulder.”

He turns to look at Y/N, who is standing far away.

“But if she doesn’t want me to touch her,” his voice became quiet, a low hushed whisper with a somber tone, “She’ll make me force my hand, not to worry, I’m not fond of hurting her.”

Blood:How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

“Messy, huh?” his gaze shifts elsewhere, “Blood is not my thing, I’m not a quarrelsome one. Although, one can be messy with wordy assaults. Ooh, now that’s my ground.”

He smiles tenderly.

“Luckily my opponents are limited and of poor quality,” he sighs, somewhat wearily, “However, it’s a little easier to convince her that I’m her best option.”

Cruelty:How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?

“Abducted is not the word I would use,” he immediately cut in, “But after…that, she would get all the attention she deserves.”

His hand stroked the hair of the sleeping girl in his lap.

“She didn’t have the life she wanted,” he whispered, his fingers daintily combing through the locks, “She wasn’t always happy, she wasn’t always at peace. I’ll give her all that and more.”

His gaze lifts from the young woman, returning to the front.

“I think I sometimes mock the world she knew, but of her, I do not mock,” it was hard to read his expression, but his undertone was plausible.

Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?

“Well, without her consent it sounds a little harsh,” he laughs softly so as not to wake her up, “She often doesn’t want to listen to me, although it’s easy to persuade her. She thinks she makes the decisions alone, I’d say she has a bit too much of my…meddling.”

“So no, I don’t force her into anything,” a threatening whisper he gave at the end.

Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?

“All of it,” he replied quickly, without much thought.

“There’s nothing I don’t-” he seems to remember something, as he pauses in his words, “There’s not much I don’t reveal to her, I reveal to her only what is necessary.”

At the second question, he becomes more thoughtful. It takes him a few minutes to answer.

“If vulnerable to you is letting my guard down and accidentally leaving loose ends,” his voice sounded hesitant, “Then yes, sometimes I am vulnerable with her. That then costs me a lot of sacrifices I made, I despise it.”

Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?

“Isn’t she a cute little thing?” he asked, the girl in question not to be found nearby, “She’ll try, I’m sure of that. She’s smart, no doubt about it. I’ve caught her hiding things.”

He looked around trying to make sure she wasn’t close enough.

“And if she tries anything, I wouldn’t be surprised,” he rested his chin on both hands, “Of course, I don’t want her to, you know how hard it was to get her here? Although I see it coming, I’m not happy about that at all.”

Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?

“I do like games,” he chimed in eagerly, “Only if I know the rules, obviously. I don’t like not being in control.”

“What I feel for Y/N is not a game, I don’t want her to believe that,” his hands clenched into fists, “The game lies entirely in when she’ll realize…everything.”

He was silent for a moment, static faintly beginning to ring.

“Hm? sorry, I got distracted for a moment,” he waved his hands in front of his face trying to get back to the conversation, “Oh~ Such a question. It would undoubtedly be very entertaining to see her try to run away, but I hope she can rest assured that I’m not one to lose easily.

Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?

“Huh, that one I can’t answer,” he said honestly, “Let me read the script.”

(Fourth wall break? fourth wall break? fourth wall break?)

He picked up a script and began skimming rapidly.

“Aha,” he nodded slowly as he read, “Oh.”

He closed the binder.

“Yeah, no, poor thing.”

Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?

“Oh~ I thought this question would never come~” he clapped his hands excitedly, “Oh, this may be long and- You know what? I’ll sum it up for you.”

“Well, first of all, I want to win her affection. It looks easy, from what I’ve studied through books and movies,” he admitted, “I mean, I think I know what her ideal type of man is, and that’s already a big step forward.”

“Second, I want her to never stray from me, I see us getting very close in the near future~” he smiled but there was something else there, “Many times I sat and pondered the idea of…children, eugh, sorry but I’m repulsed by those little creatures. I don’twant them.”

Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?

“Jealous? What is that” he asked, “Is it a disease? Is it contagious? Why would I lose my temper when I’m sick?”

“Lorien,” approaches the young woman, “That’s an emotion.”

“Oh,” he beckons the girl closer, “Tell me more.”

Y/N then whispers things to him.

“I get it…” he took in all the information, “Thank you, darling.”

“No, I don’t think I’m jealous,” he shifted his gaze back, “Yet.”

Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?

“Isn’t it obvious?” he sighed sweetly, “She’s everything to me, so I’m as gentle as I can be.”

Again, he made sure she wasn’t around. Leaning toward the camera, he whispered.

“Although she can sometimes, heh…get on my nerves with a lot of questions and-” he took a deep breath, “There are times when I can lose my temper, but I don’t mistreat her! I just…prefer to keep quiet or be short on answers.”

Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

“Considering her life back in…” he realizes he is giving a lot of information so he starts coughing to rearrange his words, “I think the best way is to make her feel at home, although, of course she is at home.”

At that he laughs a little, as something strikes him as comical. However, he says nothing.

“Also…give her things that will surprise her,” he said thinking about his future options, “ In short, I think being attentive to her and impressing her each time.”

Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?

“I think with mine I was colder, but they were all like that,” he rolled his eyes, “Nothing personal, but they didn’t deserve to be around me.”

Noises are heard in the bathroom, a shower, and then soft humming.

“With her, I found out I don’t have to be cold all the time,” he smiled, “I think my colors change. With her I’m different, I feel different.”

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

“Even though I don’t want to,” he sighs mournfully, “I lock her in the house or in some room. I wait for her to finish her tantrum and yelling, then I let her out with a warning.”

At that, he crosses his arms over his chest.

“I think if that gets worse, I’ll be forced to make harsherpunishments,” he sighed wearily, “Why can’t she understand that what I do, I do out of love?”

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?

“Well, let’s see,” he said counting on his fingers, “No going out, no running away from me, no going places without me, no thinking about running away, no doing things on her own, no avoiding my love, no-”

He stopped.

N҉o҉ ҉h҉a҉v҉i҉n҉g҉ ҉s҉e҉c҉r҉e҉t҉ ҉t҉h҉o҉u҉g҉h҉t҉s҉-

Patience: How patient are they with their darling?

“As patient as I can be,” he sighed in exhaustion, “It’s just, she’s ever so curious! It’s difficult getting things done, you know what I mean?”

One hand pushed his hair back, trying to stay calm.

“She’s always asking questions, going places she shouldn’t, o҉b҉s҉e҉r҉v҉i҉n҉g҉,” he noted all, his voice distorting in the process, “If onetries to keep up a lie, it’s hard to do so when another is looking for the truth.”

Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?

“…” he said nothing initially, thinking about such scenarios. What would happen if she succeeds? What if she escapes? Or worse…dies?

“She…” he began, inhaling deeply, “If Y/N manages to leave, I wouldn’t be able to forget her. I mean, she’s all I know, she’s all I want. And I never give up. I’d look for her again, bring her back, and do it ALLover again. Everything.”

He gave another pause, exhaling everything in his lungs.

“If she dies…I wouldn’t forgive myself, and that also means ˙ɹǝɥʇıǝ ǝsɹǝʌıun ǝɥʇ ǝʌıɓɹoɟ ʇ,uplnoʍ I

Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?

“Funny question,” he chuckled, “No and no. ”

He hears a door open and close, Y/N seems to have stepped out into the garden.

“I don’t feel guilty, not at all,” his gaze was piercing, “And I’ll never let her leave. I don’t want her to leave. Now I’m letting her out into the yard only because I’m answering these questions ǝɯ ɹɐǝɥ oʇ ɹǝɥ ʇuɐʍ ʇ,uop I puɐ, otherwise I wouldn’t let her out.”

Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?

“No one I’ve ever known is like this,” he thought for a moment, “Nothing I experienced in life taught me this… mindset. I think just looking for companionship and finding it in her was enough to bring out this side of me…I can’t really explain it.”

He leaned back, resting his back against the couch mattress. Lifting his gaze upward, he said.

I just know I love her.

Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?

“When Y/N cries, it makes me want to hug her tight and kiss the tears away,” he put his hand on his chin, “When she screams, it makes me want to lock her up until she realizes that’s wrong.”

He sighed, thinking it best not to be upset about the times she yelled at him.

“Um…when she locks herself up or pulls away from me, it makes me want to spy on her,” he said in realization that that’s what he wants to do, “So I could know why without asking her.”

Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?

“Uh…classic what?” he asks, confused by the term.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he indicates after a few seconds of thought, “But I hope I’m…different.”

Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?

“None, of course,” he indicated seriously, “No matter what she says or does.”

He hummed, his voice deep and thoughtful.

“I think the only thing she might take advantage of is when…I get careless,” he confessed, “There are times when I have things to attend to and, well, I leave her alone for a few moments. Ugh, we’ve had a few…incidentsalready. I don’t blame her, but rather myself for not seeing it coming.”

Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?

“I don’t want her to suffer,” he objected, “But there are times when, as I mentioned before, sheforcesmyhand and what else can I do?”

His fingers began to rhythmically tap his right leg.

“I don’t want her to hate me,” her voice sounded so sincere, “She’s incomparable, it’s just that sometimes it’s too much for both of us and-”

He inhaled again, releasing the air as slowly as he could.

“I don’t want to ground her, but sometimes I have to.”

Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?

“She’s delicate,” he expresses, “Weak, if you will.”

He places both hands together in his lap, cocking his head to one side.

“Obviously all my worship centers on her as if she were a divine being, and regardless of her not being divine to the universe,” he pauses, “Y/N is divine to me.”

Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?

“Boy, was that a good question,” he laughs a little, “I have, uh, rather we have a lot of time to ourselves. So I’ll try to be as patient with her as possible, after all, she must feel comfortable with me.”

Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?

“Heavens, no!” he almost got up from the couch, “Never! I don’t even want to think about it!”

He stood up nonetheless, pacing the room.

“If she stops being her, oh…” he brought both hands to his face, “I don’t want to lose her, that’s why I’m as gentle as I can be. She is such a delicate being, physically and mentally. Why would anyone destroy the essence of the one they adore?”

I can’t hide it anymore,

here is a sketch of Russmy beloved (from the story of @shiny-jrScourge from the Stars)

This is my interpretation of this character, partly based on the sketch made by Shiny and partly based on how I interpreted him when I read the story.

I can’t get this space himbo out of my head

' …! (Yan! Male! OC x Fem! Reader)

TW: yandere themes, kidnapping, use of chloroform, stalking, manipulation of information, mild depression

Based on the music video “Pity Party” by Melanie Martinez

Happily, she dashed out to the mailbox in front of her house. Excited she was, it was finally her birthday.

Y/N had been planning the whole thing for months! The decorations, the food, who would be there, every single detail. The street was completely empty. No vehicles were to be seen. A cool wind greeted her, the sun was covered by clouds. Yet that didn’t discourage her.

Although she didn’t tell anyone about her party, she wanted it to be a formal invitation by letter. So today, one daybefore her birthday, she mails the letters.

Satisfied with the pastel pink envelopes wrapped by a red string, she returned indoors.

He spotted her returning to the house. Slyly, he approached the mailbox. Yanking it open, he took all the letters and closed the can again.

Casting a glance at the house, he smiled to himself. She deserved the best gift of all.

₊°︶︶︶︶︶︶ ‧₊˚︶︶︶︶︶ ₊˚°︶︶︶︶︶︶

The night turned to day, and Y/N could not contain her enthusiasm.

“Now I should get ready!” she celebrated, the entrance to her house featured a sign that read .

The room was filled with pastel-colored helium balloons and pink ribbons. Party shades on the coffee table and light blue plastic cups. Trays with pizza and sandwiches were there as well. She even bought her own cake.

“Ah, let’s see,” she thought aloud, “I’ve got everything ready…I just have to get dressed.”

Quickly she ran to the staircase.

On the second floor, she entered her room. Pink walls and white furniture decorated the scene. And in front of her bed, hanging above a standing mirror, was her F/C dress.

She tailored it herself. It was a beautiful F/C tulle dress, fell above the knees, and had a lovely sweetheart cleavage. Stars and sparkles decorated the dress. Layers and layers of fabric rolled out from under the skirt, creating a fluffy look.

“Oooh~ It’s my party and I laugh if I want to, laugh if I want to~” she sang as she put on her dress and makeup for the occasion, “I wonder what gifts I’ll get?”

Looking at her reflection, she applied mascara and blush. She was pleased with the result on her face. She had been practicing for months how to apply makeup for this precise moment.

“Hmm~ hm~ hmm~” he hummed softly as he stirred the mixture in the bowl. He was preparing a chocolate cake recipe. His counter was a complete mess; flour, and eggshells everywhere. He wasn’t the tidiest cook, but the results were worth it. Nor was he the best baker around, but for her, he practiced for months and months. Today was an important day.

Wearing his white apron, he turned to the calendar and sighed happily. The day has finally arrived.

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Sitting in the living room, she waited. At any moment the guests would arrive.

Everything was in place. Everything was ready. Everything was going to be perfect for her birthday.

However, it was very quiet in her home…

“While I wait…” she rose from her seat, approaching her radio she had prepared for the occasion, “Time will pass faster with music.”

Returning to her original seat, she continued to stare at the door.

“Any minute now,” she whispered.

Tick, tock, tick, tock went the clock. With each passing minute, she slipped to the floor. It was tedious. It had passed far too many hours already, where were her friends?

“Maybe they are about to arrive,” she said to herself.

Her gut began to turn, but she told herself it was excitement…yes…that’s what it was.

The egg timer above the oven counted the seconds rapidly. He just watched as the dough puffed up amidst the heat. His eagerness forced him to glance at the clock every so often.

“I guess I should have started earlier,” he sighed, tired of waiting and resting his head gently between both hands. He figured he wasted time as he watched the cards burn in the fire on the stove when he arrived at his house. He couldn’t help it, those…people…they didn’t deserve to be around her a second longer. All so fake.

Standing up, he went to his living room. Over the fireplace was a small picture. With golden flowered frames. It enclosed a picture of a girl, h/c and e/c. She looked lovely.

“Don’t worry, dear,” he whispered to the framed photo, “I willbe at your party~”

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It was already past noon.

The balloons were slowly losing their helium. Already there were flies flying over the food. Even her dress was getting a little wrinkled.

“Ugh!” she jerked up abruptly from the couch, “This must be a mean prank!”

She thought maybe someone would have left her a voicemail, yeah, surely that’s what it is. Maybe they’d have let her know they’d be late.

Picking up the phone, only the sound of silence greeted her. There was no message, there was nothing.

“Hm,” she sighed wearily, dropping the phone. She didn’t care if it hit the floor.

“Did my invitations disappear?” she sobbed a little, “Why did I put my heart in every cursive letter?”

The sobbing morphed quickly into crying. Tears rolled down her cheeks. With both hands, she attempted to stop them. She couldn’t understand what she did wrong, she always did everything she could to fit in.

“I even told them the decorations in pastel ribbons,” looking up, she saw her reflection in the mirror hanging above the telephone table.

She looked awful. Makeup smeared all over her face. Her hair was all matted and tangled.

So much effort for nothing…

Pink icing covered the cake. A spatula helped to keep everything neat. He continued his work as a pastry chef, as he still had to visit her. But to be honest, he wasn’t doing a hundred percent great.

“Damn-” he cursed when a bit of the top decorating wasn’t turning out the right way, “I can fix it.”

With a frosting-filled sleeve of light blue icing, he wrote neatly in cursive letters.

Glancing again at the clock, he saw that it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

“Better late than never,” he whispered adding the final strokes, “I think it’s done.”

He grabbed a box he had prepared and placed the cake inside. Wrapping it with a lavender ribbon. He ran back and forth, taking off his apron and getting dressed. Mainly he made sure to have his…other arrangements ready for later.

And he left on his way to her house.

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Popped balloons, severed ribbons, trays of food strewn on the floor, and a smashed cake on the living room table. A scene that portrayed…frustration, to say the least.

The afternoon crept slowly by, a horrible day without a doubt.

Cries echoed through the house.

Y/N was lying on her bed. Lying curled up, she was trying to relax after the outburst she had in the living room.

“Well, to clean up,” sitting down on her bed, she said.

Leaving her room, she detoured first to the bathroom. The dim yellow light illuminated a dark room. The mirror again showed she had smudged mascara and lipstick.

“Today was horrible,” she continued looking at herself in the mirror, “Not my best birthday.”

Tears again trickled down.

“I-it’s not fair,” her voice lacked strength, “I-I just wanted today to be special…”

Turning off the lights of his vehicle, he parked. Night had already fallen. It was totally dark. From his seat, he could see that the light in her bedroom was on, as was the light in the living room.

Without saying anything, he gets out of the car and enters the house. Luckily for him, the door was unlocked. He then thought that she had forgotten to lock it.

“Isn’t she the most forgetful? What would you do without me, honey~” he said in a low whisper. He looked carefully at the entrance, filled with balloons and a beautiful handmade sign.

Then he continued on his way to the living room.

“Oh,” he gasped in surprise at the sight of the mess, “Poor thing.”

He bent down to the floor to pick up the trays, reached for a broom to sweep a little, and grabbed the crushed cake.

“Mine’s better,” he said, tossing this one into the trash can.

“Ugh…” she sighed after blowing her nose with a handkerchief, “Well, at least I have enough food for dinner.”

Heading down the stairs she noticed something…The living room seemed cleaner.

The further down the steps she went, the more she could see. There was no trace of the chaos created by her down here. Approaching the front door, it was locked. So everything was in order, she had locked the door, as she remembered.

“Huh, weird,” she turned toward the living room once more.

She froze instantly.

A pink frosted cake with light blue cursive lettering:

She said nothing but walked over to the cake. It was pretty, yes, but that didn’t take away from the sense of unease of the situation. There were six candles around the edge, most likely for a more decorative purpose. However, these were unlit.

She stood noticing her surroundings. What happened here? Who-?

“Happy birthday~” whispered a voice, deep and masculine, “Oh my, you look so pretty in that dress.”

The person was standing behind her, yet she couldn’t turn around from shock. She was glued in place and through her body ran a tingle of anxiety.

Who was this person?

“I know you spent weeks making it,” the person laughed, footsteps echoing closer, “And it turned out rather heavenly.”

She swallowed hard. What could she do in a situation like this?

“Do you like it? I made it myself,” hands gently rested on my tense shoulders, “Too bad no one came to your party, but don’t worry, I did.”


TW: Yandere themes

Reve is a dream demon who prefers to be far from the underworld. He roams the land of the living in search of hosts. He feeds on the fear he spreads in dreams. But that is not enough to satisfy his hunger. He inflicts bad dreams on those he stalks, but youare something else. He believes he has finally found an eternal home.

- How You Met Him

Usually, the guests he takes are easy to frighten. Their dreads are oh so delightful. One or two nights are enough.

You were like any other host. The first night was different, though. Yes, he induced a nightmare, but your fear…it was bitter. It was no pleasure for him. However, that didn’t stop him.

Day after day, your screams and cries did not provide the results he wanted. That was frustrating. What was wrong with you?

In the second week, which by the way is already a longer period of time for him, you did something unexpected. You did not sleep. You did not reach REM state, you did not dream.

That intrigued him. Now you have his undivided attention.

He didn’t know how you did it, but it was a matter of waiting. He’ll get you. No one lasts long without sleep. Let alone you.

And when you finally arrived, you didn’t look very happy to be here. Perfect. Maybe you just needed time. Yet…that night wasn’t sweet either. All day long, he thought of ways to get what he needed, he won’t give up so easily.

The next night, he thought of a new strategy. If your fear is sour, what about your happiness? Change the perspective a little. Maybe if he made you feel comfortable, safe, and happy…he could take advantage of that.

The moment you had fallen asleep, he initiated his plan. Boy, did it work, maybe it worked too well…so well that now he doesn’t want you to leave.

Time passed quickly, night after night. He couldn’t help but feel unhappy every time you left. He realized that he loves being with you, doing things with you, being the only one who has you. Unfortunately… you found out something you shouldn’t, but it’s not your fault, he let you wander around alone…


TW: Yandere themes

Salem is a young man who possesses the art of modern magic. He is a born caster, originating from a family of sorcerers. Being the second born, he has an older sister and a younger sister. He lives with his extended family, in a magical house that is molded to their needs. They all work in a secret business, in which they take advantage of their abilities and offer their occultist services to those who seek them. His world, although surrounded by magic, has no color. It’s boring, no one understands him. That is until youcome along. You are not his first girlfriend, but you will be his wife.

- How You Met Him

The first time he saw you, he couldn’t help but be curious about you. And he could tell that you liked him from the first moment you met him.

By asking you out on dates, he realizes that you really are someone who is genuinely welcoming. You’re someone who listens, even when you don’t understand what’s going on.

Consulting his sister Larissa’s fortune-telling cards, the future that awaits you both looks bright. But his sister warns him that if he hastens the course of destiny, everything will fall apart. As if she has any idea who you are or what you look like.

We are all fools in love. It’s really the phrase that describes it all.

He tries to win your affection as soon as possible, so he can then have you all to himself. But you’re a little shy to walk down the love lane, aren’t you sweetheart? Don’t worry, he has the solution.

He uses his skills to fashion talismans. These talismans will…help you fall deeply in love with him. Of all kinds: necklaces, necklaces, rings, hair clips, earrings. The one you wear the most is his rose quartz necklace.

The first few times you felt dizzy, but he told you it was nothing. He would explain that you probably weren’t drinking enough water or something like that. You believed him…not by willful choice.

Every time he returned home, he would tell his sisters how he spent the day with you. They believed it was really all fake, given his previous relationships.

That was until his mother found out about you, she then had a talk with Salem. He then explained everything to her, including…the gifts. She seemed glad that finally, after several failed relationships, her son listened to her advice on using his magic to his advantage.


I want to give you flowers, I want to spend hours writing letters for you and send you paragraphs on how important you are to me.. I really need you..I know I tell you that you mean so much to me a lot but do you really understand that I mean it? Do you know to what degree I care about you? Can you imagine what I mean when I say I would doanything for you? Youre always so sweet to me.. Do I truly deserve you? Heh.. Even if I dont.. I wont let you go now. I will never let you leave. Its not like youd ever want to leave me in the first place, right?<3


i love you!! i love yourpretty eyes and soft hair. i love your super sweet smile and your lovely laugh!! youmake me so happy!! <33

-[pls love me]
