



A Morning Manifestation

i am a divine being.

i am consistently divinely guided & protected.

i attract an abundance of wealth, an abundance of love, an abundance of prosperity, & an abundance of blessings every single day.

i am the creator of my reality.

i am healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually.

i am in tune with myself.

i continue to heal, grow, & progress, & i allow myself to do this.

i am warm & kind to others, but set firm & tangible boundaries.

i align myself with my values, & with the values of my highest self.

if it is meant for me it will come to me, & if not, something better is on its way to me.

i am one with my power: my mind, my body, my soul, & my spirit are aligned.

i free myself of resistance & all which no longer serves me.

thank you universe, i am eternally grateful

Affirmations uplift and inspire us. The best process I have seen for working with them is to meditate on the concept of the phrase – can this be possible for me, how could it happen, what would it feel like – and also to be aware of feelings that arise – resistance, disbelief, unworthiness, or on the other hand, hope, possibility, anticipation – and return to this while noting how feelings change. As we become more aware of and open to inspiring possibilities we see new experiences and opportunities come into our lives.


Tips for Those Who Find Self-Affirmation Super Difficult:
Use other people to see yourself. Think about your best friends, favorite characters, etc who have flaws and think about how much you love them anyway. Think about how a friend or someone reading a book about you would describe you
Take it slow. I love those posts telling everyone to think of themselves as strong beautiful precious land sharks or whatever, but some people aren’t ready to believe that yet and saying the words just feels like something you’re supposed to say and not something you mean. You can work up to big affirmations by starting with little ones; “I’m pretty good at math and I have nice eyes” might be easier than starting off with “I’m beautiful and a genius”
Start off deconstructing negative thoughts. It can be hard sometimes to convince yourself that you’re great when your head won’t stop screaming “but I’m useless and gross!!” or whatever. Try to rephrasing those thoughts so you can continue to self affirm- remind yourself that most people aren’t completely awful and that there are many things that you do well
Make lists. List your positive traits, and then think about one specifically and convince yourself of them one at a time. List your goals and then the ways that your positive traits can help you achieve them. List all the times in your life where you’ve felt proud or good about yourself and use them like little Patronus memories to ward off bad thoughts.
Visualize your affirmations. It can be infinitely more effective to think about all the times you’ve been generous in your life than to merely say “I am generous.”
Spend time around people who talk to you the way you should be talking to yourself. It sounds kind of dumb, but at times even people who insult you in a completely friendly way as a joke (“are you coming to the party bitch?” etc) can contribute to you being able to say those things to yourself, even if it’s harmless. Conversely, being around people who talk to you positively can really, really help it sink in.
Figure out what tone best relays self affirming information to you. For some people, it’s the cute and non-threatening pictures of animals telling you to be kind to yourself. For some, it’s imagining the affirmations to be coming from a person or character you think of as wise. For some, it’s trying to make it sound as logical an argument as possible so that there’s no room for self-doubt. Sometimes you need them all at different times.
If using words at all to self affirm is difficult or problematic for you, try other ways of reinforcing the information. Do things that make you feel good about yourself and highlight positive qualities you have, like volunteering or creating or whatever it might be. Reward yourself when you do something good or reflect on something that makes you good. You can even self affirm through movies and music.
Sometimes broad definitions help. Try to remember that your definition of being a good person has to be flexible; it doesn’t hing solely on being a good parent or friend or boss or writer. For most people, being able to define themselves as a good person is the basis for their positive sense of identity, so try to remember that there are MANY different ways to be a good person that are not contingent upon never screwing up


We are one in the Holy Spirit

As her divine wisdom

Covers our ignorance

As her tenderness

Governs our interactions

As her delicacy softens

The atmosphere

I’ve waited patiently

For you here

Please hear my cry of

Joy, You have restored

Our union O’ God

We delight in Your goodness

In love, we proceed


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If you are struggling to find your path, your passion, I just want you to know that you are not alone. I know it might feel that way. And I know it might seem like everyone around you has already found their dream job and is happy with what they are doing. I just want to remind you that you do not have to have it all figured out by the time you are in your twenties. Or thirties. Or even later. Struggling to find a job that you enjoy and are pasisionate about is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed or stressed about! We change throughout our lives - our interests, mindsets, hobbies, etc., they change. You do not have to find something in your teenage years and stick to it for the rest of your life. You are allowed to change your career path, you are allowed to experiment and take time to figure it all out, darling (I know that this is an unpopular opinion). So, if you feel lost and stressed out right now, I just wanted to let you know that it is okay. It is absolutely okay. There are so many options out there and it is okay to be overwehelmed. Breathe, my love. Ask yourself: Am I stressed because I am worried about my future or because I am worried about what other people think? Ultimately, your future is for you and for no one else. In the end, it is you that should be happy. So, please take your time to explore your passions. Be brave,be daring and I promise that you will find your way. I am rooting for you.

Crystal Grids are arrangements of charged crystals dedicated to a particular purpose, such as sending healing energy, focusing a manifestation, Earth healing or to bring in or broadcast specific frequencies of energy into a certain area. They are a way of creating a continuous flow of energy for a specific purpose on a larger scale than by just programming a single crystal. They are often used to send remote healing to others, as part of rituals for Earth healing or peace, for manifestation procedures and broadcasting affirmations and personal goals.

I open my heart
I let peace fill my being
I am peaceful, poised, confident and strong
I am relaxed and release all my worries
I keep my heart and mind centered
I feel peace infusing my entire being and keeping me serene

We each have our own personal vibration, or rate of frequency, and attract like frequencies to us. O

We each have our own personal vibration, or rate of frequency, and attract like frequencies to us. Our vibration can vary depending on the people we are around, foods or anything else we take in, current thoughts and feelings, and even the 

city we live in. The higher our vibration is, the better we feel physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It’s important to designate an area whether it’s a corner or an entire room, as your sacred space or personal sanctuary. This space can be used for meditation, reading, praying, yoga, or any other activity that inspires you. Higher vibrations will attract the things we want and manifestation can take place. Combining the use of daily affirmations with both the power of intention and gratitude is highly effective when it comes to raising your vibration. 

Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises
I choose love, joy and freedom
I open my heart
I allow wonderful things to flow into my life
Being happy is my birthright
I choose and deserve to be happy

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Your f/os will never judge you or act rude towards you. They love and care for you so much and want to be there for you. Even if you “make a mistake”, they’ll still love you regardless of anything. You mean the world to them and they won’t ever purposely hurt you, no matter what.


A reminder that your f/o isn’t embarrassed by you. They never will be ashamed or anything of the sort. Whether you two are romantic, or even platonic/familial, they are grateful for you and will always be proud to have you in their life. They’ll gladly tell people about you and how happy you’ve made them and how you’ve impacted them positively.


Imagine your favorite character reassuring you that it’s alright when you apologize too much. They never get mad at you for saying “sorry” too many times

I’m talking to you, happy belated Pisces season ⭐️ • • • #illustration #womeninillustration #plant #

I’m talking to you, happy belated Pisces season ⭐️

#illustration #womeninillustration #plant #houseplant #cottagecore #mentalhealth #timelapse #digitalart #piscesseason #soft #affirmation

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If you are an artist or creator of any sort of art (photographer, artist, painter, content creator, If you are an artist or creator of any sort of art (photographer, artist, painter, content creator,

If you are an artist or creator of any sort of art (photographer, artist, painter, content creator, writer, poet, etc. etc.), check out these digital creativity affirmation cards! PDF download, printable, colorful and inspiring with original quotes to help give the artist confidence and hope for their creations. 

15 cards, all under $5, NO shipping! Check it out HERE on etsy.

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As a warning, this article may contain trigger words. 

So much of D/s can be boiled down to a loss of control, mostly willing, of the submissive, and the power of the Dominant over them. It’s about exerting one will over another, being the tool of that will and thriving off the attention and feeling that being that channel provides. It’s a powerful feeling for both sides, something cathartic and primal, and there’s little wonder it’s so incredibly alluring for those willing to take the step into the world. 

It’s understandable, then, that it’s relatively common to find that people interested in D/s also have rape fantasies. Perhaps, even, have engaged in roleplaying out a rape scene in the past. Of all the kinks out there, it’s perhaps perceived as one of the most potentially dangerous, not least because a scene can go wrong where the idea of ignoring a ‘no’ is part and parcel. But then that’s what safe words are for.

I’ve had a considerable amount of rape fantasies in the past. Coercing a woman, and ignoring reluctance, is a pretty powerful idea to me, and while it’s incredibly arousing, there’s also a tinge of guilt in there. Rape is morally reprehensible, of course it is, and so to have these fantasies carries with it a pretty hefty moral weight.

To provide some context; I saw the film Tyrannosaur last night, and it features an extremely uncomfortable and powerful rape scene in it. (If you haven’t already, do go see it, Peter Mullan is incredible, and Olivia Colman is astonishing.) It started me thinking, assessing myself and why I find this idea attractive, and whether that’s ok

Surveys have shown that upwards of 45% of women have rape fantasies. Considering the social shame and perception to having a fantasy like that, I’d imagine the figure could be considerably higher. It’s not an abnormal thing to experience. I’ve met my fair share of women who cite it as their deepest, most shameful kink, and others who revel in the idea of it. It’s not, however, an abnormal thing to hear pass the lips of someone when talking about what turns them on.

However, almost all of them qualify it by saying they have zero interest in being actually raped. Who would? By definition rape is an unwanted sexual act, whereas these fantasies play with the idea of non-consent, rather than the actuality of it. That’s why they’re fantasies. That’s why they’re alluring. We’re able to, in our minds, create a scenario that’s mentally and practically impossible. It’s a paradox, and yet it allows us to enjoy it all the same.

I feel I’m starting to circle myself, winding down the drain, so I’ll attempt to properly wrap this up without losing the thread. After a 24 hour period of thinking about it, I’m not about to beat myself up about having these ideas, or start to get concerned that this is something that causes me to stir. It’s a power trip, in the purest sense of the word, and so long as it’s something that I understand and control, I can’t see it being a problem.

And I don’t think it’s any more or less dangerous from the other side of the fantasy. It’s not something to be ashamed of, by any means, any more than a sudden compulsion to eat ice cream, or go out and buy shoes is something to be ashamed of. It might not be an entirely positive thing, but I don’t think it’s particularly negative either. And, in the right circumstances, and context, and setting, realising a rape fantasy with someone you trust can be a huge amount of fun. 



It’s okay to be upset with someone who hurt you. Even if they are upset about hurting you. It is not your job to comfort them and you are still allowed to hold them accountable. Them feeling upset does not mean you need to ignore your feelings. 

It’s going to be ok


Self-care can feel forceful at times, like eating when you don’t want to, but you know that meal will give you energy, socializing even when you feel awkward but you still need companionship, showering and changing clothes when you feel like you don’t have the energy but know it will make you feel fresh and comfortable, talking to your therapist about things you don’t like remembering.

But it is important, even though it feels forceful, because those things might seem small, but they make a difference, and if you keep trying, you can turn them into a habit.

Sometimes, the behaviors your mental illness pushes you towards become habits, they even resemble a comfort zone. It’s not a good place to be, but at least you know where you are. But you have to break that pattern in order to feel better. Repeating those toxic behaviors won’t get you anywhere. You need change.


You deserve love, even on your hard days.


Sometimes you fail, and sometimes it is embarrassing and painful and hard and difficult. But it does not mean that you cannot succeed again and triumph in beautiful, wonderful ways. Just because it did not work out this time doesn’t mean it won’t work out later - sometimes in ways you never could have even imagined. Working towards your dreams is still worth it. I promise. 


some affirmations & reminders before you to go sleep tonight. i hope you have sweet dreams and wake up feeling more rested and ready for the next day!

  • you did the best you could even if your best was at 10, 20 or 30%.
  • rest is needed, even if you haven’t been “productive” enough.
  • your anxiety is a big liar! you’re going to be okay!
  • let’s try again tomorrow, give yourself another shot.
  • being afraid doesn’t make you less of a person.
  • mistakes also don’t make you less of a person.
  • you’re very valuable & loved even when you don’t feel like it.
  • i believe in you & i’m rooting for you!


[Image Text: Your value isn’t measured by your contribution to society /End ID]


no one tells you how much of life takes practice. not just writing, painting, running, singing, etc, but practicing how to make friends. how to make the right ones. getting practiced at how to be a good friend, a good sibling, a good person. practice identifying when people haven’t earned that. learning to recognize your right to rage and, eventually, how to offer mercy. so much of life is muscle memory, and i’ve begun to realize there are so many more parts of ourselves to flex and stretch and strengthen than those we’re taught in anatomy lessons


If you’re just barely holding yourself together and you’re delicate right now, that’s okay. Great job on keeping yourself together, and keep going. Things will get brighter.
