#anti mogai






Just in case y’all weren’t convinced yet that a lot of truscum/transmed ideology is followed by alt-right or anti-feminism or literal nazi’s, here’s your proof

This is taken from the account bepisdog.

My guy, being a transmed just means you believe that you need dysphoria to be trans. Anything else is not transmedicalism. I completely disagree with many of this guy’s points and yet we are both transmeds. Having one thing in common doesn’t make us the same and you are generalizing by saying it does.

Yeah I know what transmedicalism is, I was a trasmed, and this person followed me before I blocked him. My point is that the ideology is followed by sh¡tty people saying and doing sh¡tty things completely unchecked.

But isn’t because they are transmeds. Every community has bad apples, it’s just how the world works.

Just because a shitty person shares an opinion with another group doesn’t mean it’s automatically shitty. Their transmedicalist views are separate from the others. I absolutely disagree with the shitty things that person says, and they are absolutely not welcome into the transmed community. Agreeing with one opinion doesn’t mean you condone everything they do.

night-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw:flameprincette:badsjw:THIS IS GOING TOO FARThis post is bnight-of-the-alienguardian: badsjw:flameprincette:badsjw:THIS IS GOING TOO FARThis post is b






This post is bad, ur bad, and anyone who uncritically reblogged this is bad. Seriously. Stop fucking shaming people for their pronouns and genders wtf???? Gross

You just defended space alien as a legitimate gender, good job.

Do you fucking transtrenders have any idea how difficult you’re making it for legitimate trans people to be taken seriously? Do you even fucking understand what a gender is? A gender isn’t a fucking aesthetic. It’s not a feeling, an animal, a colour, a fashion, or any other sparkly snowflake bullshit. A gender is literally the way your brain is biologically wired.
There are millions of people who suffer and face dangerous discrimination because their genders don’t match their bodies, and you tweenyboppers are making it into a fucking trend that you can wear like a brooch or a scarf? Fuck you.

Post link


legimate autistic trans person: this mogai shit, especially neurogenders and your “autigender”, harms us

some cis kid: lmao mean gatekeeper

Me, neurodivergent and nonbinary: neopronouns arent necessary and saying that people like me “need” them to “properly express” our gender makes us out to be dumb toddlers.

Some cisgender neurotypical: you’re ableist >:((((

Out of curiosity, how many transmeds here actually believe that you need debilitating gender dysphoria in order to be a valid transgender person. Tucutes always explain transmedicalism to me (a transmed) by saying we think that you need to absolutely hate yourself to be seen as valid. I know I don’t believe that and I don’t think any of you (minus possible radicals, but radicals are always shit) actually think that.


everytime I see a post like “I believed in transmedicalism before I understood better” the person mentions something about how they used to deny they were trans because they didn’t experience “debilitatingdysphoria”. not that they didn’t experience dysphoria at all but that it wasn’t debilitatingand I’m just like

that’s not what transmedicalists are saying though…? 

some of you are just making up standards without ever even speaking to a transmedicalist, based on gossip from friends or w/e, then act enlightened when your views change from what you THOUGHT transmedicalism was.

literally all it means is believing you need some dysphoria to be trans, for the simple fact that the unease is an indicator that your gender isn’t matching- and that’s any level of unease. that’s ALL. everything else are standards made up by people who disagree despite not really understanding

as much as everyone says they hate transmeds and they’re against transmeds, every trans person I’ve ever spoken to describes some level of unease with their birth gender. they describe it in different ways and to different extents, but the very basic indicator of “hey, something isn’t right”, is something even people who claim to have no dysphoria, end up talking about experiencing

what I’m getting at here is that dysphoria encompasses a lot more experiences and “levels” than you’ve been led to believe and the issue here isn’t one of transmed vs everyone else, it’s of poor medical labelling and people thinking they have to be miserable when that’s literally not what anyone is saying

Funny how this community preaches self expression and diversity until that self expression is a trans man being traditionally masculine or a lesbian “dressing straight.” It’s not diversity if everyone looks the same. It’s not self expression if they’re being forced to “look gay/trans.” Self expression can be in the form of falling into a gender role.





What’s the most ridiculous definition of bi and pan you’ve heard

I want to work on a new infographic and/or detailed discourse post. What are some of the most ridiculous/biphobic definitions or “distinctions” you’ve heard someone say. Please reblog/comment and share. Screenshots encouraged if you got them.

Some of the ones I’ve heard:

“Bi has preferences, pan does not”

“Bi is two genders, pan is all”

“Bi people care about genders/genitals, pan people care about personalities”

“bi is men and women, pan is men, women, and enby”

“bi people only like men and women, pan people like intersex people too”

“bi you’re attracted to people based on sex, pan you’re attracted to people based on personality.”

“I’m pan so I like men, women, and disabled people!”

I saw a screenshot of that on FB and I can’t for the life of me find it again.

oh boy I have one for you, courtesy of italian twitter:

translation:“I think [pansexuality] is a "more detailed” bisexuality, for example a bisexual could be racist, so love both sexes but not someone who’s black. Pansexuals can love anyone without any distinction"

I desperately want to tell you that this was a troll but I would be lying

The “bi cares about genitals, pan cares about personality” is honesty the worst one of all of these, not because it’s the worst thing you can say but because it’s so commonly used. It sets the idea that bisexual people are shallow and only care about look where pansexuals are pure angels who care about more than physical attractiveness. It reinforces the idea that pansexuality is the better version.






exclus: pan = bi

also exclus: gender isnt a social constuct. 

me: oh so you think transphobia.

Fam, I don’t think you understand what “transphobia” is.

Imagine thinking gender is a social construct.

That’s just a couple steps away from being a damn TERF.

“Thinking that gender isn’t a social construct is transphobic”


In fact, thinking gender is a social construct is transphobic.

Die mad about it.

If gender were nothing but a social construct you could simply unteach it to yourself and be 100% unbothered. Yet instead of doing so, trans people spend tens of thousands of dollars on name and gender marker changes, HRT, surgery…. I wonder why /s


anyone who uses neopronouns/xenogenders are always american

your stupid made up pronouns don’t fucking translate to other languages, but keep your head stuck up your ass dear


I’m leaving discourse.

This was long coming, I just don’t care for it nearly as much as I used to. Besides, I’ve met someone who made me reevaluate my views on discourse (pro tip: don’t fall in love with two enbies in a row?) and whether I need to be engaged in it per se? It’s difficult to explain, my stance hasn’t changed much, I just don’t care for it.

Y'all might have noticed that I haven’t engaged with much discourse lately as it is. Let’s just say my mental health didn’t take the hit of losing a support system as well as I hoped it would.

On the bright side, I don’t think I’ll try and kill myself ever again. And I’ll definitely purge much more of my online presence over time, once I have it.

I’m still going to be on this blog, don’t get me wrong. Just less.

They were right when they told me I’d know who my real friends were. And I’ll cherish these people more than I could ever before.

Neopronouns are incredibly beneficial to English — coming from your local linguist!



if exploring your gender is ‘becoming a trend’ then i’m glad it’s replacing the ‘being confused and miserable with no context or vocabulary for what you’re going through’ trend

there is honestly zero things wrong with people exploring their gender

Except making up new genders and in-betweens that actually harm trans people

trans-positive-vibes: They/them pronouns are correct grammar.They/them pronouns sound pleasant and f


They/them pronouns are correct grammar.

They/them pronouns sound pleasant and friendly.

They/them pronouns are polite and kind to use with strangers.

They/them pronouns are unnecessary because there are only two (2) genders.

Post link

new hot take: asexuality isnt a sexuality

like if your bio has ‘truscum don’t interact’ in it but you go out of your way to interact with truscum first then like…i Really Don’t Know What to Tell You.

I’ll never understand the tucute/mogai/inclusionist obsession with intentionally going into transmed/anti-mogai/exclusuonist tags just to flip their shit at the people in those tags.

like if you have no patience for differing opinions then like…stay out of those tags? don’t intentionally look for posts that you already know are going to piss you off? that just doesn’t seem rational or healthy at all.

honestly I take for granted the fact that trans and ace discourse isn’t more prevalent in the ‘real world’ like I’m not naive enough to think it’s isolated to just this hellsite but also the average person understands that you need dysphoria to be transgender and that asexuality isn’t ~kweer~ and i don’t think anyone truly appreciates the fact that coffee shops aren’t plastered with “truscum don’t interact” and very few people will actually harass or hate you for saying that asexuals aren’t lgbt.

it might not just be a 'tumblr problem’ but thank god that it’s also not a 'real life’ problem because I might actually hang myself if I had to deal with lgbt-phobia from conservative assholes and 'allies’ alike.

and like honestly you all knowthat when someone says “you need dysphoria to be trans” they mean “you need genderdysphoria to be trans.” trying to claim that you don’t need dysphoria to be trans because “dysphoria” means “a state of feeling very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied” is just…stupid. 

use your context clues. holy hell. do you do the same thing when someone with an eating disorder claims to have “anorexia” when what they’re referring to is ~actually~ called anorexia nervosa? no, because you’re an intelligent human being capable of basic reading comprehension and you know exactly what that person meant. literally nobody is saying that you need to be “very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied” to be trans. they’re saying you need a disconnect between your birth sex and your gender identity. you know that.

how do you handle concepts like lesbians (who could also be people from the island of lesbos) or homophobia (which could also be the fear of things that are the same)? how do you handle homonyms and homophones? do you shit your pants every time someone uses an acronym with multiple meanings? 


honestly i’m convinced that transtrenders who are “faking it for attention” or “pretending to be trans” are far and few between and the majority of the “you don’t need dysphoria to be trans” discourse just stems from people genuinely thinking that gender dysphoria only means suffering, self-hatred, severe physical/body dysphoria, and the intent to medically transition (which it doesn’t).

like i have a friend who, when it came up in conversation once, said that he believed you can be trans without dysphoria. his reason for thinking so was that he has a trans friend (post top surgery, a few years on t) who (inb4 someone tries to claim quotation marks are indicative of sarcasm or disbelief, i’m literally just quoting him) “loves his body.”

so we’ve got two problems here. one, dysphoria doesn’t mean hating your body. yeah there’s an overlap—a lot of trans people dohate their bodies—but it’s not a requirement to hate yourself. you just need dysphoria of some kind. two, conflating post-dysphoric with non-dysphoric. of course someone who’s transitioned (either medically or socially) is going to have less dysphoria or even none. that’s the whole point of transitioning: it’s how you alleviate gender dysphoria. the alternative is conversion therapy, and i don’t think i need to explain why that’s bad or ineffective.

and this was an actual IRL friend, not some random stranger on tumblr with their fingers in their ears, so we actually had a civil conversation about it instead of suicide baiting, calling each other clowns, shitposting and then blocking each other. I elaborated on my above points. you can have social dysphoria but little or no physical dysphoria. you can have moderate to severe dysphoria about your secondary sex characteristics and it doesn’t necessarily mean “hating your body.” someone who has already transitioned can be “non-dysphoric” because their dysphoria lessened or completely went away after transitioning. it’s not the same thing as having never been dysphoric—ie being cis.

and that was the end of that debate because we were both in agreement that you need gender dysphoria in order to be trans. you need a disconnect between your birth sex and the gender you [are/identify as/however I word this yall are gonna complain so just take your pick] in order to be transgender. that’s literally it. you don’t need to hate yourself, your existence doesn’t need to be constant suffering, you don’t need to medically transition, you don’t need to be gender conforming, you don’t have to “look or act a certain way.” you literally just need gender dysphoria. 

like half of yall don’t actually think you can be trans without gender dysphoria, you’re just choosing to skew the meaning of words in order to stir up drama.

if tucutes actually had dysphoria (or even just an ounce of empathy and human decency) then they’d understand why making fun of a trans guy for having big lips, calling a trans woman ugly as fuck, or just generally mocking and belittling trans people (or anyone, for that matter) for their appearance is a really shitty thing to do. just saying.

tucutes: only trans people are allowed to have opinions on trans discourse.

also tucutes: trans people who don’t agree with me on trans discourse are transphobic.
