#apple ipad


• good afternoon •

here is my spread for this week. i just finished my first week of tms and i plan to write a blog post on it once i am finished. today, i will be publishing part one of different study methods on my blog. feel free to check it out.

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i have created a brand new blog that focuses on studying, bullet journaling, and lifestyle called study opal. feel free to check it out (insta: study.opal ) ♡︎


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i am thinking of changing up how i take photos. this is mostly due to me switching to note taking on an ipad. i feel like i should take advantage of the placo paper and white edge of the ipad. hope you all like this change!

good afternoon, everyone!

my second semester of college starts tomorrow. i have only one class that i know for sure will be at school. the rest are online due to the pandemic. how are your guy’s schools responding to the pandemic this semester ?

Good afternoon, everyone!

I’m back! I have learned so much in the past couple of weeks. I am planning on writing a blog post about the American obsession with workaholism and it’s relation with the bujo/studying community here on social media.

• good afternoon •

I just had my first week of college and I am still exhausted. But, I got a revised game plan and I am hoping on thriving this semester.

Good morning, everyone!

I decided to post a bit early today too since I have a study session at noon today. Here are some notes from my calculus class. I started college this week and, honestly, it has been both super exhausting but super fun.

• Good afternoon •

Here is the bujo post for this week. I decided to use different shades of green as the color scheme for this week again. But, I have not idea what color scheme to use next week.

• Good Afternoon •

Here is today’s study notes post. I first did these notes in white paper to see if it looked better for the instagram aesthetic. However, I decided to change it to black notes since I thought it looks better.

• good afternoon •

Here is last week’s spread. Sadly, I ran out of space and was unable to had today’s to-do list. I also kinda wish I could do plant themes for all of my spreads

• good evening •

i have moved all of my instagram accounts to my study opal account. please check it out if you’re on insta!



my exam is on tuesday so i’m aiming for another 6h study session tomorrow

8 PM: I just worked out, now i gotta shower and probably watch some videos to get me into my sleep mode
