#aromantic positivity


things asexual & aromantic communities have taught me that society never did

***cw: mentions of sex***

  • never getting married is okay
  • never having sex is okay
  • just because two people are attracted to each other doesn’t mean they need to be/should be in a relationship
  • platonic relationships can be as (or more) fulfilling & important than romantic and sexual relationships
  • there are a bunch of different kinds of attraction and you can give them as much or as little weight in your life as you want to
  • romantic relationships that don’t involve sex are perfectly fine
  • there are no rules about what different kinds of relationships are supposed to look like; you can do whatever you want
  • it’s okay to enjoy being alone
  • feelings about sex, romance, and relationships are confusing and they can change a lot; there is no “right way” to feel at any given time

the WORST relationship trope has to be “we’re attracted to each other but also fundamentally incompatible as a couple so we’re going to stay together and just fight all the time” because it perpetuates the ideas that the only thing a successful relationship needs is attraction and that it’s better to be in an unhealthy relationship than not in a relationship at all. in this essay i will


I think aro people would have a much easier time accepting themselves if even one person had told them that not wanting a relationship is an ok and valid option

Someone asked me if I had planned my wedding (as most teenage girls do) and my response was “no but I planned my funeral”

His face was priceless lol he asked why and I told him “marriage isn’t guaranteed but death is” needless to say he was slightly afraid of me

My parents started watching White Collar, and somehow I somehow always end up looking up at the tv when Neal Caffrey is shirtless and my parents are like “are you sure you aren’t looking up at those scenes on purpose ;)” I laughed and went with it but in truth I just want his abs gimme a six pack please
