

What did you release during the full moon ?

Send in questions!

Instagram: Holisticeight88

SCORE! I found someone to take these broken stained glass pieces (that my father made) and repurposeSCORE! I found someone to take these broken stained glass pieces (that my father made) and repurpose

SCORE! I found someone to take these broken stained glass pieces (that my father made) and repurpose them. They’ve been bothering me because a) I hate throwing away something handmade, even if it’s too broken to reasonably fix,  b) stained glass is incredibly expensive, and even small pieces would be useful to some creators and c) that there’s actual lead; it shouldn’t go in the landfill even if the glass does.

   One of the other artists members of our local arts council is Hilmar Gottesthal, a painter and sculptor from Austria. He lived in Turkey and Greece before moving to the US, and he has pieces in museums all over. Of all our local yokels, he may be the one with the best claim to the title ‘world famous.’ I mean, just look:

Photo credit Penny Knobel-Besa from this website: https://www.gottesthal.com/

   Anyway, regarding the glass, he said he’d take it and try to get some use out of it. In addition, I found a third light when I was scooping up the pieces of the two above - and it is unbroken. Which means I do get to keep a piece that my father made, and I found a useful way to get rid of the others. Yay!

   For my next act, I will capture and medicate the Eldest cat. Without needing stitches myself. Ready … Set …

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   On Friday I got myself in gear and applied to three art shows; one local and the other two in Annapolis. It’s more of a process than you’d expect, because each entity has specific requirements, different forms, and each digital image has to have a specific format just for its name. Easy to goof up, just saying. The local show is just for members and isn’t juried, so that’s the least worrisome. The other two are juried, and I’m hoping very much to get in. The one thing I didn’t do? Is keep records from the MFA show called Mountains and Marinas. The entry form was online. I did not screenshot what I sent them. And now I have no idea which artwork I entered or what price I assigned them.


I’m not usually entering multiple shows all at once, and it threw me off. I guess if I get into the show, they’ll send me a notice saying “Your painting XYZ has been chosen.”  But I feel like a bit of a nitwit.

   My treat to myself for the day was a couple of hours of painting time. I had a picture from Octob

   My treat to myself for the day was a couple of hours of painting time. I had a picture from October ‘20 that I’d been wanting to paint, from a trip we took to Swallow Falls State Park. This is the Youckghoiieghaienny river (just kidding, but it’s bloody hard to spell). For some reason, any time I paint with a reddish underpainting, the red tones register WAY stronger in a photo than they do to the naked eye. What looks red here is a subdued reddish-brown irl. It was fun, though, and I got to smell the linseed oil, a scent that make oil painter very happy.

[ID: Small oil painting of a fall scene with forest overhanging a river. The trees are green and golden yellow, the river is splashing and foaming over large gray boulders.]

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   I have used DeviantArt less and less since their big “update” a while ago made everything harder,

   I have used DeviantArt less and less since their big “update” a while ago made everything harder, but one thing I like about it a lot is how it lets me see everything I’ve submitted all on one page and in chronological order. I really haven’t been able to do as much (this is 18 months-worth) as I could a few years ago, but it’s enough. Four commissions, six gifts, two sold at shows, and the lucky one (top right) that I’ll be entering in our local Member’s show next month.

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Detail from The Witches’ Cove (c. 16th century) by Jan Mandijn or anonymous follower.

Garden of a Bathhouse (1888) by Van Gogh.

I literally went from being obsessed with studyblr to being an unemployed Master graduate. What has my life become…

returned to the sophie ryder exhibition at the weekend because there is always more to see in her woreturned to the sophie ryder exhibition at the weekend because there is always more to see in her wo

returned to the sophie ryder exhibition at the weekend because there is always more to see in her work. really loving the way her sculptures interact with the spaces they’re in

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