#queer witch

From the top, left to right: Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass, on their wedding day, March 16th, From the top, left to right: Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass, on their wedding day, March 16th, From the top, left to right: Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass, on their wedding day, March 16th, From the top, left to right: Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass, on their wedding day, March 16th,

From the top, left to right: Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass, on their wedding day, March 16th, 1950. Portrait of Flora Greengrass, 1975. Portrait of Pleione Carrow, 1979. Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass at a soiree, 1943.

No one was surprised when Flora Greengrass and Pleione Carrow chose to have their weddings on the same day, in the same venue.

Even in school at Hogwarts, the two could always be found with their heads together, sharing in some secret the rest of the world was not privy to. Upon graduating in 1945, they both took up jobs in the Department of International Magical Cooperation, working as secretaries to the department head and his deputy.

The rumours first started in the summer of 1948, when Flora Greengrass scandalized the wizarding world by turning down an eminently respectable offer of marriage from Titus Fawley. Titus Fawley was considered an excellent catch by all the matchmaking pureblood mamas, and Flora’s turning him down shocked even the most liberal-minded of them. Very soon the ballrooms of the wizarding elite were afire with whispers of an illicit relationship between Flora and Pleione and formidable dowagers tut-tutted openly at the Carrows and Greengrasses for having let their daughters run so wild. The source of the rumour is still disputed, but most accept privately that it was Titus Fawley, jealous of the closeness of the two, who first spread the rumour that Pleione and Flora were not merely friends, but were lovers.

Naturally, their parents could not be seen to be doing nothing about this breach of morals and respectability and began pressuring their daughters to find husbands for themselves.

Two years passed before the two were approached by Henry Mulciber, a fellow colleague at the Ministry of Magic (quite respectably betrothed to Dahlia Parkinson), who offered them a means out of their predicament. He had two friends, he said - naming no names - who were similarly situated and would understand the delicacies of their circumstances - unlike most other pureblood men their age. They would, he was sure, be able to reach an agreement that would be mutually satisfactory to both parties and keep their parents’ noses out of their private sex lives.

Intrigued, the girls agreed to meet with his two friends and were pleasantly surprised (and impressed) when both the gentlemen in question amicably discussed the terms of their marriage and did not impose upon them the behavioural strictures most pureblood men of the time would have imposed upon them.

Of course, both Pleione and Flora knew of the rumours about those two. Practically the entire wizarding world knew about those two.

In the spring of 1950, Pleione Carrow and Flora Greengrass married Antinous Lestrange and Charles Nott, under the strict proviso that both sides be allowed to continue their non-marital relationships with each other.

Thus it was that the Lestrange boys came to have not one father and one mother, but two fathers and two mothers. Perhaps it was the best for them, for their natural parents were aloof in nature while Charles and Flora were doting and fond adoptive parents, showering the boys with affection where their mother coolly reprimanded them for being rowdy and their father coldly demanded to know if this was how Lestranges behaved.

Yet all the affection in the world did not keep them from following in their fathers’ footsteps and becoming Death Eaters.

[Picture sources: ‘Let them Eat Cake’ by Jimmy Backius for Elle Sweden, August 2008, Tilda Swinton by Paolo Roversi for Vogue US December 2005,Hedvig Palm wearing Valentino Spring/Summer 2012 by Julia Hetta for Elle Sweden June 2012  andCaroline Trentini and Heather Marks, Ladies in Waiting W by Paolo Roversi October 2004.)

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3 Orders Available for the Herbal Oat Bath on my etsy shop

Message me to pre-order $17 for a pack of three

Root Chakra Clearing Reiki also available on my shop now!

My first poetry book release from a collection of poems 2016-2019. About reflection of my home and leaving to try to create my own.

The video is a form of reiki for those suffering at this time ♥️love and healing

My Friday morning tasted like salt and despair

Tastes like “I don’t care” but I do

Tastes like failure

Tastes like I don’t know

But it tastes

It’s bitter

It’s unloving

It’s uncaring

It’s my smeared makeup

My stuffed nose

My wet cheeks

Kiss me

Kiss me Friday morning

So I know just how bitter sweet you are

My stiff face

My cold fingertips

Your warm discouragement

Our cold heart

My hot head

What should we make of this?

A sigh of capitulation

I am Friday morning

I’ve tried journaling so many times & I often fall off or am not consistent. This daily prompt has been the only one to work for me consistently so far. I found out about the fears & resentments list from a channel on YouTube called Crappy Childhood Fairy. It’s not only good for releasing “normal” day-to-day fears, but have helped me so much in healing my trauma that has been at work on a subconscious level.

Because a lot of the time (every day) Im healing a different aspect of my trauma, I felt it was needed to add in a list of things that Im proud of myself for & a gratitude list. It reminds me that I am further in my healing than I give myself props for & helps ground me in the present.

Another personal touch that helps me is listening to meditation music, rain sounds, or just about any relaxing music that will help me as I write and process ♥️

Another #selfhelp hack especially for those that have trouble organizing their thoughts ( like me) or have planners leftover from school.

How I make the prompt work for me is writing the fears/resentments [Step 1] on either a separate notebook or way in the back of the planner where the “notes” section is.

For [Step 2 ] Things I’m proud of myself for/Gratitude list- I use the boxes that are in the daily notes behind the calendar

For [step 3] “ I am” statements

I actually wait until Sunday to do. In the “ weekly to do” section I write a gratitude list based on the entire week & the in the empty box next to it I write my “ I am” statements to set the tone & energy of the upcoming week. *even if your handwriting is too big to fit info these tiny boxes, this layout is a great way to organize your thoughts*

Get creative!

What did you release during the full moon ?

Send in questions!

Instagram: Holisticeight88

Tumblr Mutuals! I really miss y’all!

We have a Discord server where we play & talk all things D&D/TTRPG’s! This is a safe space for Queer Folks! Come to us, D&D friends! We have a lot of Witchy stuff happening too!


We’re back with episode XI of our Tomb of Annihilation x Homebrew Campaign - “Welcome to Omu”


“Hey… why you so rude?”

ESP D&D is live with episode X of our Tomb of Annihilation Campaign - “Deus ex Draconis”


featuring the Crystal Coven Chimeras!

ESP D&D: Tomb of Annihilation Campaign: Episode V

“Romancing the Lich” ♥️

In Episode V of ESP D&D: Tomb of Annihilation, the Crystal Coven Chimeras do battle with the Red Wizards of Thay, Trea proves himself to Valindra Shadowmantle as a true champion of Death, as well as a worthy Suitor, and the Chimeras come face to face with the King of the Chultan Jungles…

“Be Gay, Commit Cosmic War Crimes.”


Queer Witches! Episode IX of our Crystal Coven Chimeras: Tomb of Annihilation x Homebrew campaign is now live -

“Roll to Seduce the Dragon!”

Free 1 Card Tarot Readings

Available Today

Send your questions to my ask box!

Tips are appreciated!

*Response time will vary.
