#ben hargreeves


Five: I just came up with a great idea. Glasses that don’t show you the real world, but instead, they show you games. I’ll call them… virtual reality machines.

Vanya: Who’s going to tell him?

Allison: Not me.

Diego: Well, I’m not doing it.

Allison: Spill the tea sister!

Klaus: It’s piping hot.

Five, making a salt circle: What the fuck does any of that MEAN

Klaus: *uses one of Diego’s knives and throws it at Luther. It cuts his arm*

Luther: Klaus What the fuck what if you killed me?

Klaus: *stammering* I-I-I mean

Diego: *running in* KLAUS WHERES LUTHER

Klaus: he’s right there wh- OH MY GOD I KILLED LUTHER

Diego: Stop it!

Klaus: I’m just asking

Diego: Klaus, Mom’s favorite dance is not the robot.

Ben: Nothing is harder as a ghost than having to watch Klaus repeatedly push a “pull” door.

Vanya: I have a gay agenda. It’s rainbow with cats on it. I highlighted the entire month of June.

Klaus: Sweet jeans are made of cheese, who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven beans.

Ben: First of all,

Vanya: Okay, I have powers. Any other huge family secrets I need to know about?

Klaus: I’m gay

Vanya: I know, Klaus

Klaus: Pan, more specifically

Vanya: This isn’t new information

Klaus: My heart belongs to one Dave Katz

Deeply traumatised millennials have a horrible time adulting

Here’s my take on how I picture TUA as a cartoon, I don’t know why I did it, it just happened.

Anyway,Happy New Year everybody! And expect an Umbrella Academy spam in the next few days, also I’m gonna be checking my dm’s since there are a few I haven’t checked because… time and emotional drawning.

Author: batgurl88 (ivegoneawayinsidemyhead)
Relationships/Characters: Klaus & Vanya, Klaus & Ben, Allison


He trailed off, feeling numb. Abilities? Little Vanya? The only one among them who’d managed to escape the living hell that was the Umbrella Academy? How could she have abilities? She’d written a whole book about how normal she was!


Klaus reads the journal instead of throwing it away, and that makes all the difference.

A/N: See tags/author’s note for warnings.


I am 2 seconds in s2 of the umbrella academy and everything has already gone to shit
