#child abuse





Soooooooo.@houndstar and I listened to the first episode of Ars Paradoxica and…

We had to pause it several times just to say ‘wtf???’ To each other, or generally communicate how unbelievable it was. Especially the soldier and the Director character. ‘We’re involved in a top secret military project which we’re just going to tell you, stranger, who appeared on our boat out of nowhere, about. Even though we suspect you of being a spy. Oh wait, no. We don’t suspect you of being a spy anymore for reasons not disclosed and despite the fact that we could easily have checked whether you had graduated from MIT and seen that there was no record of such a person graduating from MIT. MINOR DETAIL. Also we’re going to threaten to torture you like someone who’s literally never done any research on torture in the military might think this works if they literally know nothing at all about the subject.’

Also behold the brilliant genius scientist who’s plot-conveniently really dumb when building a device and not following safety procedures or actually not even thinking that huh, maybe we need to factor in dampening vibrations into the design of his device, given that we need stuff to NOT LITERALLY VIBRATE OFF IT.

When time travel is more believable than your scientist and military character trying to portray actual real world behaviour, you done fucked up.

If you care about how believable science and military jargon is, historical accuracy… anything like that. If you care about a military behaving like an actual military organisation, if you prefer not to have gaping plot holes in your media then… give this one a skip.

It was truly awful. 

I made my partner listen to it, fully anticipating him to be irritated by exactly the same things as me. At the end, I asked him what he thought and he said ‘yeah, could be fun’ and I was like… whaaaaaat?

And the lack of realism in the science/military interaction aspects just… hadn’t bothered him. Once I’d explained what I was bothered by, and we’d laughed and agreed that those things were indeed stupid, he jokingly said he was embarrassed that he hadn’t been bothered by those things. 

But it got me thinking… my dad tried to read the Harry Potter books once, and I’m not sure he even got as far as Harry getting to Hogwarts, because he just couldn’t deal with what to him was a major miss-match in style and content. He was super bothered by the fact that there were apparently no adults in Harry’s life who noticed or cared that he was clearly being abused. My dad just wanted to know when someone was going to call social services already. And this really, really bothered him. But like, he’s fine with something like Roald Dahl’s Matildawhich also has child abuse, I guess because the style of the writing makes it clear than this is not going to be the realistic grimdark telling of abuse. And he just didn’t get the right signals from Harry Potter about what the tone was and how he should take this account of Harry’s abuse.

And I thought maybe that’s what happened here - the style of the podcast did not match up to the content for us. For my own part, given the amount I’ve read about American military torture I think it was probably inevitable that I would find the depiction of the threat of torture risible… but maybe if someone had said ‘hey, imagine this as being like a kid’s story, with extra swearing’ I’d have just bemusedly rolled my eyes at that stuff and not been so bothered with it that I had to actually pause the podcast to go what the fuuuuck?

they probably went in her room they probably thought she’s asleep




We have until 13/4/22 to help Ahmad Manasra.

ViaJodie Jones on instagram:

Ahmad Manasra was 13 years old when he was arrested, for allegedly stabbing ‘Israeli’ settlers. He was run down by an occupation vehicle, left bleeding and deformed on the road, while passers by screamed “die you son of a b*tch”.

Ahmad was interrogated by the ‘authorities’, without a lawyer or guardian present. He was eventually coerced into admitted to a crime, which he openly did not comprehend or remember.

During his 7 year imprisonment, Ahmad has suffered continued emotional and physical abuse, including medical negligence and prolonged isolation. Recent interviews with his parents describe Ahmad as a psychologically damaged shadow of his former self.

On April 13th 2022, Ahmad will finally have a court hearing. He will be tried as an adult, despite his alleged crime taking place when he was only 13.

As his trial approaches, please amplify his call for freedom: share his story, activate ALL the relevant hashtags

#FreeAhmadManasra #unchilding

#الحرية_لأحمد_مناصرة #نزع_الطفولة

, and sign the petition demanding his release

I hate Israel so much.

9 days left



EXTREME TRIGGER WARNING FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER. IOF officers ganging up on, beating, and attempting to kill by strangulation / asphyxiation one of the relatives of the people detained from the Aqsa mosque raids. Other relatives are getting attacked too. THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR.

[Id: a video showing Palestinians in front of the Moskobyia prison. Several IOF soldiers swarm around them and kneel over one of them on the ground, beating them and trying to choke them. The video pans to show others being beaten and restrained by soldiers and brought into the prison / end id]

Moscobiya is an Israeli prison know for its torture methods against Palestinians, including children. They kidnapped people who gathered to pray during Ramadan to this place, their only crime being the fact they’re Palestinians. Israel’s goal is genocide, to break the spirit of a people who find solace in their culture and religion.

Reminder that there are interchange programs between US police departments and the IOF.In 2012, the zionist consulate gave a training on “counter terrorism” techniques to the Minnesota police department, who later killed George Floyd.




Welp, so much for the prediction that he and Chris could host within a few years as the ultimate Oscars gimmick.

Two genuine apologies and he resigned from the academy. But it’s just not enough for these people.

All his projects are on hold. Deals are on hold. Now he can’t attend the Oscars for ten years.

I’ve never witnessed anyone in Hollywood actually be punished by Hollywood until now.

Just so we’re clear: Jim Carey forcibly kissed a teenage Alicia Silverstone without her consent at an awards show. Was not punished. Adrien Brody forcibly kissed Halle Berry at an award show without her consent. Also was not punished. John Wayne had to be physically held back from attacking Sacheen Littlefeather at the Oscars. Was not punished. Roman Polanski was given an Oscar in abstention because if he came to collect the award in person, he would have been arrested due to his conviction for statutory rape. Was not removed from the academy until 2018. Casey Affleck was given an Oscar shortly after he was accused to sexual harassment. Woody Allen has been nominated and awarded several times by the academy despite allegations of molestation being public since the 1990s.

Will Smith smacks a comedian for publicly humiliating his wife about her disability - the world comes down on his head. Gee, I wonder what the difference is?

Anyway the Oscars and allllll the racist and ableist (and clearly A-okay with pedophilia) assholes involved with this can kiss my entire ass. The only movies I’ll be watching will be 100% pirated because I won’t be paying a dime into that reeking pile of shit.



No really: the child DOES NOT know why they did that. Fine neuro-muscular control still developing, impulse control “burped”, a pet tripped them and you didn’t notice. There are lots of reasons that a child is at the center of a mess that needs to be cleaned up but that is NEVER because they want to hurt you as a person.

I’m currently staring at my 20 month old toddler and she is plenty old enough to have the type of tantrum that involves taking whatever she is holding and throwing in on the floor. Sure it makes a mess. And maybe she stared me dead in eyes for an angry second before dropping a glass of milk on the floor but was not an attack on me or my property. She would have no idea why I was angry at her for something that may have already left her underdeveloped attention span.

Children need positive feedback on dealing with their negative emotions and impulse control; hell - lots of adults do too because they never learned from prior generations of hitting parents.

We children of the hitting generation learned Terror. Fear of your parents doesn’t teach you not to behave a certain way, it only teaches you not to get caught.


me as a teen watching a parent storm across a room to scream at a child for accidentally spilling paint: hm. This is not good.

me as an adult watching another adult storm across a room to scream at a vulnerable and still developing child for accidentally spilling paint: This is my villain origin story


the longer I’m parenting-aged the more I realize how disciplinary oriented parenting styles are significantly more deranged than initially assumed

Fear of your parents doesn’t teach you not to behave a certain way, it only teaches you not to get caught.

You know how scary it is when you’re an adult and someone crosses that line into physical violence?

Israelli settlers shileded by IOF soldiers shouting “Nakba” and “Abu Khdeir” at Palestinians getting kicked out of Al Aqsa by those same soldiers. “Al Nakba” refers to our genocide and the mass displacement in 1948. “Abu Khdeir” refers to the East Jerusalem Palestinian boy who was kidnapped, beaten, force-fed gasoline by Israeli settlers in East Jerusalem and then burned alive. This event sparked the 2014 invasion and bombings of Gaza.

They’re calling for our genocide again, and for the murders of our children.


Congratulations to everyone who moved on without the genuine apology or closure you deserved. That’s not easy.

The getting spanked with the belt as a kid to being an impact bottom as an adult pipeline


genuinely so fucking tired of people leveraging the “groomer” argument against people who support sex ed because scientific literature over decades shows that comprehensive sex education starting around kindergarten actually prevents children from being sexually abused and groomed because it teaches children the correct words for their body parts and also teaches them concepts of privacy, personal space, bodily autonomy, the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching, and the fact that sex is something that only adults do. children with this knowledge are not only better equipped to identify abuse and predatory behavior and communicate that its happening to a trusted adult, but also prevent it from happening in the first place by recognizing when something is happening that shouldn’t.

sex education does not sexualize children, it prevents children from being sexualized. anyone who is against early foundational sex education and claims they are doing it to protect children is a fucking liar.

Completely agreed. I think healthy sex education is so important, people shouldnt avoid it and acting as sex is something to be shamed. Its part of life, instead of repressing it, we need to teach it in a right way.


If you think spanking isn’t abuse, unfollow me.

Also, if you think that the only valid forms of abuse are physical ones that can leave permanent scarring, like: cigarette burns, broken bones, starvation and penetrative rape… unfollow me.

If you talk down to survivors of abuse like you think you know shit about it, unfollow me.

Also, please take a red-hot poker and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

And lookie there, I lost a follower right after making this post.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

If you think spanking isn’t abuse, unfollow me.

Also, if you think that the only valid forms of abuse are physical ones that can leave permanent scarring, like: cigarette burns, broken bones, starvation and penetrative rape… unfollow me.

If you talk down to survivors of abuse like you think you know shit about it, unfollow me.

Also, please take a red-hot poker and shove it where the sun don’t shine.



hi. if you’re a young person or teenager who happens to be following me: write it down! keep a secret diary, a notepad, a blog your parents don’t have access to. write it down. keep a record somehow.

when i was a little kid and both my dad & i were being actively abused by my mom, he was familiar enough w her gaslighting that he instructed me at elementary school age to write down all the horrible things she did/said to me. it would be useful in court when custody was being argued and it would be useful to ME, years later, when my mom would try and convince me none of it happened. i had the proof, often word for word, that it did–and there was no hope in convincing my mom but a lot of hope in convincing myself and holding my stance against her. it was pivotal to advocating for myself and my feelings and eventually leaving her in my dust!

write it down!!! it’s so frustrating to have to deal with this bullshit, whether your parents are outright abusive or just fucking toxic/dysfunctional assholes. but you can do something for yourself and your mental health and that something is writing it down.


To my fellow child abuse survivors, 

You were not abused because you were “bad.” You were abused because they were an abuser and trying to justify their abusive behaviours. 

PS: There is no justification for abuse. 



Here are the links for my informational posts on abuse, Complex PTSD, and associated subjects:

Recognizing and understanding abuse:

Childhood/emotional trauma:

(For more, please see@furiousgoldfish​‘sRecognizing Abuse Masterlist)


Unhealthy relationships:

Narcissistic abuse:

Complex PTSD

Recognizing and understanding C-PTSD

More symptoms of C-PTSD and related conditions

Building healthy relationships

Symptom management

Getting help

Cognitive approaches

Emotional/Somatic approaches

Self-care approaches


This is amazing. Thank you for putting this list together!


“All these autistic people online who are happy must be faking. My autistic child who I abuse on a regular basis is never happy, so clearly that means autistic people can’t be happy. There’s no other explanation.”

Planning the First @ReclaimYourVoice Event || For our first event, I decided to invite three speaker

Planning the First @ReclaimYourVoice Event || For our first event, I decided to invite three speakers to share their stories. I planned to share my own story as well because I couldn’t ask anyone to do anything that I myself was unwilling to do. I approached three incredible women I knew who had each experienced some form of abuse. Although I strongly believed in this idea, my nerves began to kick in when it came time to ask if they’d be willing to share their stories publicly. I was worried that my proposition might come across as intrusive or insensitive, but all three of them caught me off guard by immediately agreeing to share their stories.⁣

@cher.bear8 was one of the women I invited to speak. I knew her through my photography work and had photographed her many times over the course of 10 years. Her excitement about speaking at this event surprised me completely. When I asked her why she seemed so eager to share something so deeply personal with a room full of people, she said that the only opportunity she’d ever had to share her story was within the cold and unfeeling confines of a courtroom while a defense attorney picked apart every detail of her disclosure and did everything he could to make her doubt herself. At our event she would have the opportunity to share her story―her truth―in a room full of supportive people without being interrupted, questioned or contested. I had a lack of knowledge and experience in this field, but Cher’s enthusiastic response to this opportunity strengthened my confidence in this idea, and started to give me a sense of how complex and multifaceted trauma and healing was.⁣

I recalled a quote from Mother Teresa that said, “I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.” I’d been learning more and more about the importance of choosing words that focus on the outcome one hoped to achieve instead of on what one did not want, so I made the decision that this event was to be held not in the name of the war against abuse, but in the name of peace and healing for all.

Post link



In case you didn’t know, our justice system is completely fucked up. From the cops to the DA to the judges. The law does not represent morality. That’s a lie told to us to keep you in check and shame for being immoral when you question authority. Never let anyone make you feel stupid or immoral for questioning the law.

Richland County Sheriff’s Department (SC) said it just wasn’t worth it because no one would believe I was raped. I went up to his apartment with the possibility of having sex with him, you see. It didn’t matter that he drugged my drink and raped me. Why did I care anyway, since I was willing to have sex with him?

It’s been almost 8 years and the anal fissures still periodically re-tear. I have to sit at the bar to watch my drinks being made. My HUSBAND is not allowed to hand me drinks, unless I watched him make them.

Fuck the police.


The Death of Kaylee-Jayde Priest

Kaylee-Jayde Priest was a 3-year-old British girl, her grandmother described her as a happy girl with a beautiful face. She lived with her mother, 22-year-old Nicola Priest and her mother’s boyfriend, 22-year-old Callum Redfern.

On 8th August 2020, Kaylee was put to bed at about 7 pm, she wanted to stay up and play and began to cry. Priest and Redfern lost their tempers and one or both of them beat Kaylee until she vomited, inflicting a torn intestine, fractured rib and deflated lung on the infant. Kaylee-Jayde died later that night. An ambulance was not called until the next day by which time it was too late and Kaylee-Jayde was dead. Both Kaylee-Jayde’s mother and Redfern attempted to blame each other for the girl’s death and it is unclear who delivered the fatal blow and whether both were involved.

Disturbing details about Kaylee-Jayde’s tragic life emerged. During Redfern’s relationship with Priest, the child’s discipline became increasingly forceful and violent. Kaylee-Jayde had suffered historical injuries, these included broken ribs, lower leg fractures and a broken sternum. The post mortem examination of the body revealed around 68 separate injuries, some of which had occurred as early as two months before her death

In a text message Priest had told Redfern ‘I’m gonna kill her… because she keeps leaving the living room or going in the kitchen, so I’ve paled [hit] her one and smacked her for [soiling] her nappy,’ Redfern had replied, 'Good, give her one from me.’ Kaylee-Jayde was frequently heard crying, being called a brat by Priest and Redfern and being told to 'shut up,’ and 'go away.’ A neighbour also recalled hearing a bang on one occasion followed by Kaylee-Jayde crying and Priest saying 'I’ll just say she fell off the bed.’ When Redfern was asked after Kaylee-Jayde’s death how he felt he replied, 'It’s not my child… it’s not really affected me.’

Nicola Priest and Callum Redfern were both convicted of manslaughter. Priest was also found guilty of an additional offence of child cruelty and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Redfern was sentenced to 14 years, both must serve at least two-thirds of their sentence.
