#dnd homebrew


I realized I never finished the ref of my partner’s half high elf/sea elf. She’s in the same campaign as Esen

Min-su and his heavenly polycule. From left to right in his arms are Satoshi, Chi-hun, Ari-rae, and Lan Fen.

Satoshi and Lan Fen belong to Chronolink and LavenderFang on toyhouse. Might finish this later

Finally drew and updated a design I got. This is Jun Shi the leader of the fox-folk in the homebrew world. He and his brother, Lan Fen were blessed by a fox spirit giving them 10 tails.

If you can guess who he’s based off you hey a star

Touma is Ichika’s twin brother and the forge cleric in the party. Did this design for my roommate playing him

Bai Yazhu Jadefang. First husband of Long Xue. The serpent master general. The Jade hand

Chi-hun getting an update for the homebrew setting as an ancient elf.

Satoshi the God of Strength and one of Min-su’s husbands. He belongs to one of my roommates Chronolink

Like carillon bells,

the house of Augustus rings

With the echoing hymn of my fellow passerine,

they took to it

Like a fox to a burrow,

like an eagle to an aerie

And my god,

it’s getting hard to even hum a single thing

You were the song that I’d always sing

Ichigo had a rough first full moon… detail close up

Good greetings, one and all! After 6 years and almost a dozen weekly updates for my patrons to keep me going, my newest masterpiece is finally complete! First things first! This class is 19 pages so this is just a portion. You can view the entire document HERE!

So, there’s quite the story behind this class. When I first got into this whole homebrewing thing, I was pretty new to 5th edition, maybe only a couple one-shots under my belt. But when a buddy of mine asked me to join a campaign he was gonna start, I thought it would be just the best idea to homebrew a class to play for my first major character. 

The class in question was a tinker, and inventor of things and wielder of all kinds of steampunk-y gadgets. I came to the table with a basic overview and the first few levels written out, and things were going great. I was having fun with it as I tinkered with the class and developed it further as we played, a bit like a certain claymation dog and a model train set. That was April of 2016.

But then things started to go wrong. As someone with ADHD, a wild imagination, and, at the time, boundless creative energy, I was making massive sweeping changes every couple months because I was constantly changing my mind as to what I wanted the class to be, always coming up with new ideas I wanted to experiment with instead of sticking with what I had. Months turned to years, and I soon realized that my beloved Tinker was stuck in the dreaded Development Hell.

BUT NO MORE! Thanks to a new regiment of making weekly updates for my patrons to keep me making consistent progress, I’ve finally finished this damnable project. I can’t even begin to describe how pleased I am with the final result, and it’s so surreal to finally see what was basically my first ever 5e homebrew completed after all these years. And I have you all to thank for it. Were it not for the Foundry and you all who have supported me through all it’s ups and downs, I honestly don’t thing I ever would have finished it. So thank you, stay safe, and don’t forget to love each other.

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Surprise post! Needed a quick break from my current project and had an itch to do something a little silly. So, many of you may know the Urayuli from a wonderful little game called Inscryption, but it is an actual creature from North American folklore. It’s basically the Alaskan cousin of Bigfoot.

Anyway, what made me want to make it has nothing to do with the creature itself, but something that happened to it during Markiplier’s playthough of Inscryption that became a running joke, that being the almighty Flying Urayuli. I instantly fell in love with the silliness of it all and wanted to make it just for the Hell of it. Also fun fact, it has 7 hit dice and a +7 to hit, just like in the game. So now the unruly children in your games will fear the FLYING URAYULI!

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First thing’s first! This is only half of the full brew! You can view the full brew HERE!

Howdy all! Been a bit. So, remember those SCP items I did a while back? They actually did quite well and I had a lot of fun working on them. Well, I intended on doing a whole lot more of them, like what I’ve been doing with the Risk of Rain items. Do a batch at a time and work my way through the list. But that whole plan fell apart when I lost a bunch of the assets I used to make them and I think it was around that time I got overwhelmed with commissions so my personal projects had to take a back seat.

Now that that era of my work is over, I figured it was about time to start working on these again. But hey, since I have to redo everything anyway, why not redo everything? In a continuing effort to go back and revisit my old works, the original batch of SCP items were ripe for a rework.

And quite the rework they got! I’ve got a new Homebrewery theme that mixes old Containment Breach document details with an updated aesthetic, all in a relatively easy to use template that will let me make items much quicker in the future, as well as other SCP themed content. There are SO MANY other items I want to work on, and I’d love the chance to attempt to work on some of the creatures as well. Lots of fun mechanics to work out.

As for the items themselves, I rebuilt basically all of them from the ground up as many of them were super vague in how they worked and were honestly a mess. I also made the decision to not rework the Artist’s Pen. To be frank, while it was kind of a neat item, it wasn’t particularly useful so I swapped it out for something else from my list.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the finished product as much as I have.

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Hey all! Been a bit. Progress on greater aspirations has been slow going. I’ve really been struggling with my mental health lately and it’s been difficult to work on anything. But I’m doing better now, so lets have a look at something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time.

I think it was a couple years ago that I did a subclass based on the Warframe Chroma. At the time, I was pretty happy with it overall. But as many people quickly pointed out, I left out acid as an element. Originally this was done very deliberately and I had no intention of changing it, reason being Chroma only has 4 elements and acid isn’t one of them. Now, had I made the subclass exclusively as part of a Warframe themed setting or supplement, that would have been fine and justifiable, but I made it for D&D as a whole and specifically linked it to the chromatic dragons, of which there are five not four. I’ve since pulled my head of of my ass and realized how stupid I was being. I’ve always been a stickler for source accuracy but I admit I can go too far sometimes, and my work can suffer for it. It’s a balancing act for sure, and one I’m still learning to deal with.

So what’s actually changed with this version? Well, I basically rewrote the whole thing from scratch so, uh, everything. Chroma’s had a few major changes since the original brew so I had quite a bit to redo and everything else just needed reworded to be clearer. Some of my early stuff is kinda janky so eventually I’d like to redo all of my old work. Some of them desperatelyneed it…

Honestly I had a really hard time formatting this one. Finding a suitable theme was difficult, the art was belligerent, and things didn’t want to line up right. But I got it in the end and overall I’m pretty satisfied with it. I also kept bouncing back and forth between names for it, as you might pick up from the Sneak Peak. Path of the Dragon has a better feel and rolls off the tongue better but the subclass exclusively deals with the chromatics so I didn’t want the name to mislead.

Funny story, when I was brainstorming ways to rework this subclass, I thought about extending it to all dragons and incorporating elements from Fizban’s but honestly that would be WAY more work than I care to do right now and at that point it wouldn’t be Chroma anymore. I have to draw the line somewhere, but hey, something for the future. Anyway, hope y'all like the rework.

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Hey all! Got a couple of creepy class options for you, and just in time for Halloween! So, loxodon in the room, this isn’t the thing I was teasing in my last blog post. That monstrosity of a project still needs a TON more work before its ready, and I’ve had these two subclass ideas kicking around in the ol’ brain cage for a while so I thought I’d throw them together. Plus they’re more spooky season appropriate in my opinion.

Anyway, what are these things? Well, it’s a couple of warlock patrons based on some creepy cryptids that I love, one modern, the other less so. The first is Long Horse, a creation of Trevor Henderson, the dude who made Siren Head, Cartoon Cat, and a whole bunch of other great creatures. Long Horse is a harbinger of disaster, sort of like Mothman, but it dedicates itself to warning humanity to keep us safe. It’s curious, friendly, smells of cinnamon, and I love it.

The second is a little more recognizable, the Wendigo. Classic creature from Algonquin (I believe) mythology who has an unending hunger for flesh and a heart of ice. In general it’s meant to be a warning against selfishness and breaking social taboos like murder and cannibalism (a gross oversimplification I realize) so I took that concept and sort of ran with it. Not sure I’m completely happy with it but we’ll see how it shakes out. I’m already thinking about a character for each so hopefully playtesting will be sooner rather than later.

Anyway, despite not being my usual huge special spooky project, I still hope y'all like what I put together. Stay safe out there and don’t forget to love each other.

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Hot off the heels of my last brew, this is my final commission for this round. Thanks to everyone who’s commissioned something from me, it was great working with you all! I’ll be taking more on in the future once I’m in a better place to do so, so keep an eye out when I start again.

Like I said, this was a commission. It’s a conversion of the demon summoning mechanics from some of the old Shin Megami Tensei games and by Gond did it get complicated FAST. Still though, super happy with how it turned out. Now I will say, I would be careful with this one. It has a LOT going on and a ton of bells and whistles so it could be a little broken. I think I fixed many of the biggest problems with the first iteration but as always there could definitely be some unforeseen jank once it sees play. As always with anything I make, let me know if anything breaks and I’ll get it fixed when I can.

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Got a fun one for y'all today! As has been the case for like 90% of my work lately, this is another commission from one of my lovely patrons. Bit of a story with this one. So basically the client is an author and in their books they have their own sort of version of D&D. Within that game, the GM has a homebrew system called legacies where characters can have a super powerful thing at character creation but it will cost them dearly to use it. So that’s what I’ve got here, a full writeup of my own interpretation of what those rules might look like but, ya know, for 5e.

Anyway, bit smaller than my usual brews but that’s ok. Overall pretty happy with how it turned out. This is another one that I ended up doing in GM Binder. Found a theme for it there that I think worked really well for the vibe I had in mind. Went for an old-school 3rd edition feel, something dark and what I imagine the game’s “player’s handbook” might look like. Sadly I couldn’t find any appropriate artwork so I left it bare but it’s by no means visually boring. Plus it neatly fits on 2 pages almost exactly so I didn’t want to ruin the formatting with ill-fitting art. Hope you all like it, and points to anyone who knows what book this is from.

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Howdy all! Been a minute. Lots going on, lots of projects keeping me busy. Got another commission from one of my lovely patrons, rounding out a classic 80’s movie monster trio with none other than the Predator, or as they’re actually known, the Yautja.

At 5 pages, it’s a bit more than one might expect. I wasn’t going to be satisfied with just a stat block or two, oh no. This thing’s got heaps of lore, a stat block of the titular Predator from the first film, stats for all the equipment from the first and second films, AND a custom lineage (yes, I’m doing lineages instead of races now) so you can play a master hunter yourself!

Really happy with how this one turned out but I must say it was a real pain to get formatted right. I had a lot of awesome art I wanted to use but things just weren’t cooperating so I had to make some sacrifices. Also the theme I used was a sort of last minute thing I threw together, but funny story about that actually.

I use Homebrewery for all my stuff and I dare say I’ve gotten pretty good at it. A while back I found a cool theme but it was for GM Binder, that other brew creator I’ve never touched. I never got around to converting it over but it was too perfect to not use. So in a Foundry first, this brew was actually done in GM Binder! Well, to be more accurate I made it the usual way, copied it over, and made changes as necessary but hey, it’s a start! Eventually I want to really try and learn GM Binder so I can make use of some of its more interesting features.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one. Let the hunt begin!

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Want to hang out with other followers and myself,talk about games, and share ideas? Come join my Discord!

Made these journals for my D&D party as part of a Christmas gift for them. At the start of our fMade these journals for my D&D party as part of a Christmas gift for them. At the start of our fMade these journals for my D&D party as part of a Christmas gift for them. At the start of our f

Made these journals for my D&D party as part of a Christmas gift for them. At the start of our first game they each found these runes and each one bestowed them with gifts from a mystical patron they have yet to meet still.

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4th level Evocation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range:120 ft.

Components: V, S

Duration: Instantaneous

Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

A shimmering spear formed from segments of multicolored energy appears and hurls toward a creature you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the spear pierces the target. Roll 1d8 to determine the effectiveness of the spell, and the depth of the damage to your target.

  1.  Red:The target takes 1d8 fire damage
  2.  Orange: The target takes 1d8 acid damage
  3.  Yellow: The target takes 1d8 radiant damage
  4.  Green: The target takes 1d8 poison damage
  5.  Blue: The target takes 1d8 cold damage
  6.  Indigo: The target takes 1d8 necrotic damage.
  7.  Violet: The target takes 1d8 lightning damage.
  8.  Special: The spear goes completely through the target. The target takes an extra 1d8 piercing damage.

The effects of the spear are cumulative, (ie. if you roll a 3, the target takes 1d8 fire, 1d8 acid, and 1d8 radiant damage). The spear disappears after dealing the damage.

Razzirth, ancient mithral dragon, protector & guardian of the Elemental Plane of Fire(from homebRazzirth, ancient mithral dragon, protector & guardian of the Elemental Plane of Fire(from homeb

Razzirth, ancient mithral dragon, protector & guardian of the Elemental Plane of Fire

(from homebrew D&D game I run; I just like blue flames okay)

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 POV: ur a cultist with a deathwish losin ur bond to ur god’s parasitic mindlink and this blue POV: ur a cultist with a deathwish losin ur bond to ur god’s parasitic mindlink and this blue

POV: ur a cultist with a deathwish losin ur bond to ur god’s parasitic mindlink and this blue boi offers u a lay on hands to cure u of ur “disease” wyd?

Commissionof@jamlyjar’s Tchiepz via @mallowninja, from our DnD homebrew game DM’d by @omegathenotsoomniscient!!

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