

So was anyone else roleplaying on Fanfiction.net forums, because I had a large forum with different genres of role plays one that I was really proud of was a Christmas Carol one. ( It was called 1776 because it was based on Liberty Kids + 1776 musical)

I played Emily Cratchit, and the girl that played Bob was amazing, but anyway if I ever rp’d with you.

You guys were awesome and Merry Christmas

Welcome Home: Chapter 64


There’s a lot of stuff that’ll be happening in these next few chapters. Stay tuned!


Okay so as some of you may know the FF.Net app is being really fucky, especially recently. The update makes it so that I can’t write on a document I have without it glitching up the doc so I have to write all on computer now :,D

Welp, the apocalypse is upon us as Rudy Ska has, after a year of fanfic hiatus, killed two chapters WITHIN THE SAME MONTH!!! Whoda thought I’d be getting back into the swing of this so quickly. Please tell me what you think of my SWEET LINKAGE.

AO3   |   Fanfiction   |   Wattpad

Idunno about you guys, but i think this is leading somewhere. maybe like a foreshadow of something to happen later mayhaps. BUT I’m not giving anything away so if you’re intrigued, you’re gonna have to wait until the next update which, if we keep up this pace, will be on its way out soon…..ish. Shhhhhh, I got a life too. (Shameless plug for my twitch stream twitch.tv/Rudy_Ska hell yeah)

I LIVE!!! …again. I swore to myself that I would post a new chapter before the last one is officially a year old and I’ve completed that task 3 WEEKS BEFORE I WAS A LIAR!!!!!! Life getting in the way is the worst feeling but I’m making it work! Time for some LINKS!

Fanfiction AO3 Wattpad

So, it’s probs gonna be a while until another chapter goes up. Basically, nature of the beast here. Not saying it’s gonna be another year before I hit up the ol fanfic update again… but I’m not, NOT saying it. Anyhoozles, go read. It’s definitely not what youd expect a years worth of work to be…

I am sooo soooo sorry for the lack of content and fanfiction that I failed to produce this year. 2020 has been a shit of a year and I could not seem to force myself to write anything. 

That being said, I have plans to make up for it in 2021. I’m planning out and writing out stories to be published once a week.  

I’ll post a new fanfic every Friday. We’ll call it FanFic Fri-yays! Be on the lookout tonight tho for my first ever SMUT fanfiction and please think of it as a fresh start and more cheerful things to come.


As a fic writer, i need every reader to know that:

  • I don’t care if your comment is coherent. I know what you mean and i love you
  • I don’t care if you ramble. I read every word and i love you
  • I don’t care if you leave a comment on a fic from four years ago or leave comments/kudos on like ten of my fics in one go. This isn’t IG, pls stalk my AO3. I love you
  • I don’t care if you mention the same thing in your comment that four other people have already mentioned. It’s actually really useful to know what resonated with people and I love everyone who takes the time to tell me they liked a particular turn of phrase
  • I don’t mind if your comment is super long or just a couple of sentences, i love them all
  • I love you
Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit stuck. To be completely open and honest, I’ve been having a hard timLately, I’ve been feeling a bit stuck. To be completely open and honest, I’ve been having a hard timLately, I’ve been feeling a bit stuck. To be completely open and honest, I’ve been having a hard timLately, I’ve been feeling a bit stuck. To be completely open and honest, I’ve been having a hard tim

Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit stuck. To be completely open and honest, I’ve been having a hard time writing a requested story idea.

Today, I created a moodboard with a few different effects and it re-inspired me. I thought I would share them with you all while I work on the story.

Which one is your favorite? 

Post link

This is my current list of stories I’m working on.

Want to add to my list? Send me a request / prompt

Fandoms I write for: 

  • Supernatural
  • Lucifer
  • The Vampire Diaries
  • The Originals
  • Legacies
  • Smallville
  • Supergirl

Oneshots In Progress

  • Need to be Saved (Dean x Reader) - Dean has something to tell you. You need to be saved. (request) 
  • Givin’ the Dog a Bone (Dean x Reader | Platonic) - Dean plays with your dog that’s tied up outside the store since you couldn’t bring your dog in with you. 
  • Honeythief (Castiel x Reader) 

Series In Progress

  • “Stone Cold” (Damon x Elena) - Damon has been alive since 1864–as a vampire. While strolling through Mystic Falls, he spots the love of his life and the reason why he’s a monster–Katherine Pierce. Only now she’s human and calling herself by the name Elena Gilbert. Damon doesn’t care. He’ll get his revenge on Katherine. Whether she remembers him or not.
  • “This War Is Ours” (Sam Winchester x Reader x Dean) - Inspired by Escape the Fate’s This War is Ourssong. The reader is the daughter the true Slayer. What happens when her path crosses with the Winchesters? Will an alliance form? Or is her ruthlessness too much for the brothers?

Want to be on the tag list? Send me an ask!








Take it from someone who has been around the fandom block: 

fanfiction.net is dying.

all the signs are there. 

if you have no other record of any fics you have there… you might wanna… like… do something about that. 

Whoops. I did not intend for this post to blow up in the way it did. I’m not saying this is gonna happen tomorrow or even this year. I don’t have any inside information, and I’m purely basing it off of past experience. They could surprise us. Who knows?

The signs I’m seeing are based off of watching other fandom-driven websites in their end days.

The biggest glaring red flag: they no longer have any visible active moderation team or admins that are working on Fanfiction.net specifically. Reports are going unanswered on everything from plagiarism to abuse to page-breaking ads. Emails are not returned. Twitter mentions are never addressed.

Based off of their limited Twitter activity, all of their resources appear to have been funneled to FictionPress, leaving Fanfiction.net to flounder. If a website does not have anyone actively attending to it, it will eventually die.

The abuse alone could drive users from the website. When users are receiving repeated death threats and they have no way of curtailing the abuse or banning abusive users from messaging them, users will eventually just leave. Admins would have the capability of blocking the IP addresses of people sending abusive reviews and messages, but… what admins?

The code update that went through a few years ago that broke many old fics was never fixed. Many users are reporting major issues in uploading fics. The more they leave the site unattended, the more things will break.

The domain is registered through 2028, but if they keep going in the way that they are sooner or later it’s just going to wind up as a barely-functioning corpse of a website.

I am convinced that the only reason they leave it up is to collect ad revenue. If users continue to leave due to abuse and unreliable service, that ad revenue is going to tank.

I’ve seen this happen to so many websites over the years, and they rarely - if ever - get a revival.

But again - they could surprise us. I’m not counting on it, though. Nobody’s home anymore.

This is well-timed, because I logged on there a couple months ago to back up all my old fics. Put in my username and password. Someone else’s account information loaded up. I literally logged into some stranger’s account with my own user info. My fics were there, but the profile (including the user ID number) was someone else’s. I took a bunch of screenshots and sent in a support email aaaaaaaand nothing. I managed to snag all my fics and that’ll be it for me for that site. I don’t know wtf is going on there but it ain’t good.

Reblogging again because my friend mentioned being locked out of her account and ff.net blocks people from copy pasting, so she was afraid her fic would be lost forever when the site eventually goes down.

If you are in danger of losing all your old things, I found a reddit thread with a number of work arounds so you can get your fic off the site.

As of 26 March 2021, the staff of FictionPress have confirmed they are migrating FFN to the same server - which is extremely bad news for that server and for FFN as a whole. 

Lots of technical stuff is going haywire too based on using the Inspect tool in Google chrome. 

Get your fics while you can.

Hey! If you didn’t know you can copy and paste from ffn’s mobile site. If you want to copy paste from the browser for convenience sake go to m.fanfiction.net

My friend @phantoms14 shared this on twitter but honestly I have a feeling there’s some truth to this since the site has been buggy as hell this year and any emails I’ve sent asking for help with one issue or another have gone unanswered. Like there’s virtually no communication with the admins, not even a generic message. So just to be safe I’m backing up all of my fanfics but sadly I’m not sure if I can copy other fanfics I enjoy for personal use since some of them are either super old or incomplete. It’s hard to say what will happen in the near future but it’s definitely a good idea to make back ups of your own stories if nothing else. Also whoops, I didn’t realize it was 2am already. Better finish backing these up before going to bed…

you know for someone who claims that this random fictional character is their “comfort character” you sure do make them suffer a lot

UPD. 01 Oct. 2019 Seems like the German hosting providerkicked him out thanks to all the complaints they have received from all of you! If you try going to the site from https://website.informer.com/fanfics.me, you will not be able to do so (maybe the info on website informer will get updated later, because right now Hetzner is still listed there as the hosting provider). The site is now hosted by a Russian hosting provider, which is very interesting, since he is still violating Russian laws. We are now investigating new hosting provider and will write when we have enough information.

Dear Authors, 

We have good news for you! 

Following the advice of the AO3 Legal Team (which has been prepared for a similar case with other site some time ago and published here),several Russian authors were able to remove from fanfics.metheir works (initially posted on fan-works archives other than AO3) as well as ANY information about them (i.e. the title, the author, the summary and so on). 

So now that we have confirmed that it is indeed a working method, and taking into the account this useful article “What Can Fans Do if Their Fanworks Actually Are Hosted Elsewhere” (https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/2692) at AO3, we strongly advise all the authors to send takedown requests for all your re-posted stories to the fanfics.me hosting provider.

We stress that this useful solution is general and works for all abused authors regardless where they publish the works (AO3, fanfiction.net or any other site). The authors do not need to put any tags to protect their works. You just need to report your author’s rights violation at the host site and request to delete your works from fanfics.me (we’ll call this site FFM for brevity’s sake) as well as any information about them.

You can report your author’s rights violation to the host by filling in the form at https://abuse.hetzner.com/issues/new?lang=en . Choose “Copyright violation” in the Category drop-down menu. Additionally, you need to insert in the Source (you may check that the numbers are correct  here https://website.informer.com/fanfics.me). 

Next, in the Description field lay out your request to delete the stories that have been taken without your permission to FFM (either present all links to your stories appeared at FFM, or provide the link to the page on fanfics.me accumulating the list of all your works which you can access by clicking on author’s nickname in the work’s summary). 

Add the proof that you are indeed the author of the stolen works. For that, you may give the link to your original profiles at the sites where your stolen stories were originally published by you. 

Submit the request.

The host will send the request to the owner of the FFM and return his answer to you. Please, insist on deleting all your stories and even any information about them (title, author’s nickname, summary etc.) about them from that site.

You will probably get engaged in conversation with FFM’s owner via the host company (the host will forward your complaint to him and then will forward you his answers), he’ll lie about FFM functionality and compare it with Google and Dropbox and other services claiming that FFM is totally innocent. Be insistent! At some moment we got tired of this pointless exchange and asked the hosting company to stop all conversations with FFM’s owner and just resolve the complaint.

It worked! Moreover, every piece of information was deleted!

Please, help us to stop the spamindexing and the theft of your works! Report a takedown request for all your stories to the site that hosts the FFM! This is the only way to deal with such sites and the most useful solution to stop them! Please, help us to share this information! Spread the word!

P.S.: For your convenience, we provide our series of letters sent to the host site under the cut. You may use them as the examples. Please note that English is not our native language and we are sorry for any possible mistakes. Feel free to modify the text to match your needs.

Step 1. To submit your author’s rights violation, you need to follow the link and fill in the form. 


Subject: Author rights violation.

Category: copyright violations

Source: (you may check here)

Description: You need to request the site that hosts FFM to delete your stories copied to fanfics.me without your permission as well as to delete any information about your works (the title, summary and so on) from that site. We have an example of such letter, which you can use entirely or in part or modify to your convenience.


Dear Sir/Madam,  

The site fanfics.me, which you host, has re-posted and published my works without any permission and even my knowledge. As the author of the works listed below, I inform you about my author’s rights abuse by the mentioned site and I request you to delete them as well as any information about my works (the title, author’s name, summary and so on). I do not want to have any relation to that site, because the owner turns out to earn money by other people’s intellectual property through ads on his site. 

This site not only violated my rights to the texts, but also has violated the fanwork’s canon materials author’s copyright by monetizing fanworks that I create for free and do not get any benefits from and neither I intend to get any.  

This is illegal by both Russian and International laws.  Here is the page containing all my works to be removed/taken down from fanfics.me:

1. The link to your works on FFM or to your “profile” on FFM:

NB!You might have separate FFM “profiles” for ao3, fanfiction.net, etc, check that you attaching all the works from every site 

2. Here is the proof that I am the author of the stolen works:  (Any reference to your author’s account on the sites, from which your works have been taken. Alternatively, any screenshots of your author’s accounts.)

Thank you for your assistance.  


Step 2. 

After a while, the host site forward you the letter from the owner of fanfics.me where he says that all full text of your stories have been deleted from his site, meanwhile their summaries (the title, summary and so on) are still there because this is a free information. However, we stress that he has created a catalogue of all these thousands taken-for-free works and earns money on other people’s intellectual property via the ads on his site. This is a clear example of spamindexing. 

Please, be persistent in your author’s request and insist on deleting any information about your stories from FFM. You can write to the host that its customer has taken thousands of works from both Russian and international sites without the authors’ permission. This is a clear violation of the authors’ rights. The full texts of works in the most cases are available on FFM for reading and downloading. Hence, you request to remove any information about you and your works from FFM. You may also refer to the AO3 Legal Team Article about fanworks and copyright cited at the beginning of this post.

Step 3. 

You might receive a new email from the owner of fanfics.me site forwarded to you by the host site. There, he again insists that his site is legal and works like Dropbox or Google search for fan works. The FFM’s owner  is really stubborn person. So, please, remind him and the host site that in contrast to Dropbox and other services, FFM earns money on other people’s intellectual property via the ads on his site by using spamindexing technique. 

Alternatively, at this stage you may stop writing letters to the FFM owner, because it is really useless and time-consuming. Instead, address your last claim letter to the host site, because this is the last authority that takes the final decision and has the responsibility for their own words regarding their customers policy mentioned in the art. 6.2 of the Terms and Conditions. We have an example of your last letter to the host. You may use it in part or entirely. It is up to you.


Dear Sir/Madam, I think that we need to stop this discussion with your customer, because I am tired of his lies and his refusal to delete any information about my works from his site. Don’t bother sending his replies to me. I now write to you for the last time.

I stress again that your customer has taken thousands of works from both Russian and international sites without the authors’ permission. The full texts are available at his site for reading and downloading. Besides, he has created a catalogue of all these stolen works and earns money on other people’s intellectual property via the ads on his site.  

I stress that your customer has been doing this for years and you can find thousands of victims of his actions, see the following links and the comments under them 



As an author I have my rights to control the use of my works.  

You host  fanfics.me and you do nothing in this situation. It seems that the rules specified in your  own terms and conditions about violating the rights of third parties or otherwise violating the law (6.2.) mean nothing. 

7.5 thousands of stories have been taken without the authors permission from archiveofourown.org and about 40 thousands are stolen from fanfiction.net as of the 1th April 2018 and according to the FFM’s owner words and we can only imagine how big the numbers are now. This is the exact translation of the words of your customer.


Finally, if you receive the letter from the host site saying that the links have been deleted, then it means that everything is in order, i.e. any information about you as the author and about your works have been deleted from that site by the host. You can check if it’s true.

We regret that this happened to you and hope that this advice will help you to stop the theft of your works. 

You can also  contact the Organization for Transformative Works’ Legal team at [email protected] for their advice, as they would know more about legal standing.

name your Tumblr user pet peeves!! mine is when I’m scrollin thru a tag and there’s about fifty million fanfictions, almost all of them h*rny self insert NSFW, and none of them are under a cut. so I have to scroll through this long ass fanfiction. and no matter how hard I try, every single time I end up readin a lil bit of some freaky ass sh*t.

this has gotta stop. please fanfiction authors, I am begging you. put your work under the cut, or externally and provide links. don’t put it straight out in the open. please

     Thaddeus thinks about his family while on the famous ‘arrowhead discovery’ camping trip.

    Takes place in September 1890, when Milo is 8 years old.

    “Want one, grandpa?”

    The question startled Thaddeus awake. He’d been seated by the fire in a camp chair, dozing comfortably in his after-dinner lethargy, enjoying the sounds of the forest surrounding the camp.

    He looked to his right and saw Milo sitting cross legged, holding out a freshly made s’more.

    He sat up and shook off the haze that had enveloped him only moments before.

    “Oh, no thank you, Milo. I had quite enough at dinner.”

    Dinner had consisted of tinned beans, beef jerky, and the biscuits Thaddeus had made the day before. A good hot meal had hit the spot, a perfect end to a long and adventurous day in the woods.

    Thaddeus smiled to himself as he watched Milo take a bite out of the s’more. Much like himself in his younger years Milo had a voracious sweet tooth and s’mores had quickly become a campfire staple since his discovery of them a few years before. Personally, Thaddeus found them a little too sweet for his liking and would only have one occasionally. Milo knew this but still offered an extra every time he was making one for himself. He was a good kid. Kind, generous, loyal, with an eager mind, always keen to learn. Thaddeus could see he had the makings of a brilliant scholar and knew he would go on to do great things. Though Thaddeus hoped the future would be kinder to him.

    The flickering and exaggerated shadows cast by the campfire highlighted the barely visible scar on Milo’s forehead. It was a stark reminder of the tragedy that had occurred only a few short years before.

    The train wreck had nearly claimed the lives of all Thaddeus’s remaining family members and not for the first time he wondered at the fact that Milo had survived when so many others including his parents had died.

    Milo’s injuries had kept him in the hospital for several weeks and by the time he had been well enough to leave all funeral services had long since concluded. Milo had never gotten to say a proper goodbye to his parents. Though he’d really been too young to understand what had happened.

    He vividly remembered Milo sitting on the porch of the house in the weeks after he’d come to live with him, waiting day after day for a mother and father who would never return. Thaddeus had done his best to help Milo understand what had happened. He’d taken him to the cemetery to see Augustus and Lucille’s graves, but it had still been several years before Milo had been old enough to fully grasp the concept of death. To little Milo it had seemed as if his parents had only gone out for a short while and would return any moment.

    He never spoke of the accident, of whether he remembered anything of that fateful day, and Thaddeus could never bring himself to ask about it. But he knew it had left a lasting impression on Milo’s young mind. He had nightmares occasionally and would wake screaming in terror for his parents. Thaddeus would always take Milo to sleep in his bed afterwards and for the next day or two Milo would be quiet, his natural exuberance and enthusiasm tempered by what he’d relived in his dreams.

    Thaddeus did his best to make sure Milo had a happy and carefree life filled with all the books, camping trips, and museum outings a boy could want. And he knew Milo was, for the most part, happy though there were times when he caught him staring longingly at families, at children with parents. And whenever he noticed he reminded himself they were simply a different kind of family, a family of two, but a family no less.

    It was difficult to try and be mother, father, grandmother, and grandfather all in one but it was a job Thaddeus gladly accepted.

    He was no stranger to grief. His wife, Ella, had passed years ago. The birth of their son, Augustus, had been difficult and she had died when he was just two days old leaving Thaddeus with the responsibilities of parenting. It had been hard raising a child on his own. He’d expected to have his wife by his side for years to come, to raise their children together, to grow old with her and enjoy their grandchildren side by side. But that dream had been cruelly cut short and the joyous occasion of the birth of his son had been tempered by heartbreaking loss. He’d gained a son but lost his wife. And then he’d lost his son and daughter-in-law too.

    He’d had twenty-two short and wonderful years with Augustus before the train accident. He remembered sitting at Milo’s bedside in the hospital wondering how life could again be so cruel as to take the ones he loved. Milo was his only remaining family and while outwardly he put on a brave face and did his best to give Milo a happy childhood, inwardly he harbored a deep fear of losing Milo as well. It was a fear that sometimes filled him with anxiety, but he hid it well and never let Milo know how deeply it affected him, how when Milo would wake screaming from his nightmares it left Thaddeus unable to sleep afterwards. How he would lie awake long after Milo had fallen back to sleep if only to reassure himself his grandson was still breathing.

    It was a wonder he’d even agreed to their camping trips, but it seemed his grandson was a chip off his block in a way not even Augustus had been. One rainy afternoon several years ago Milo had been scouring the bookshelves in their house for reading material to stave off boredom and had discovered Thaddeus’s old adventuring journals. He’d been young enough to be uninhibited by the thought of intruding on someone else’s private thoughts and had begun to read. He’d come running to his grandfather excitedly and there had been no going back. So, he now did his best to keep Milo safe while cautiously encouraging his love of adventure. And truth be told he’d had been delighted to have his grandson take an interest in the same things he did.

    Somewhere in the trees an owl hooted softly, and Thaddeus smiled fondly to himself as he watched Milo happily eating his s’more with one hand and beginning to sketch his newest treasure with the other. Earlier that day while they’d been hiking along a stream Milo had discovered what he thought was an arrowhead in the water. He’d been so thrilled, carefully cleaning and wrapping it in a handkerchief, then tucking it lovingly into the pocket of his vest. Thaddeus hadn’t had the heart to tell him it was only a rock that had compressed and fractured into a misleading triangular shape. Instead, he’d exclaimed in delight and amazement, promising to have it framed to commemorate the extraordinary find.

    Thaddeus wasn’t sure where the drawing talent had come from. No one on his side of the family had ever displayed any artistic abilities and he himself was only able to draw barely passable stick figures. He wondered not for the first time if the skill had come from Milo’s mother’s side of the family. Lucille hadn’t known much of her family having been orphaned herself when she was a teenager. A sad smile crossed his face. There had been so much tragedy in their family. If he’d been a superstitious man, he might have wondered if they were cursed.

    Milo seemed to sense he was being watched and looked up suddenly, catching Thaddeus off guard. “Grandpa?” he asked, face serious. “Are you alright?”

    Thaddeus shook himself out of his melancholy thoughts and smiled in earnest. “Just thinking.”

    Milo studied him for a long moment, his glasses reflecting golden light from the fire. And Thaddeus wondered if Milo had guessed what had been on his mind. He was a perceptive kid.

    Finally, Milo spoke. “I love you, Grandpa.”

    Thaddeus felt his eyes prickle. So perceptive. He cleared his throat. “I love you too.”

    Milo smiled then and finished the last bite of his s’more before lowering his head and continuing with his sketch.

     Thaddeus settled back in his chair and a comfortable silence fell between them broken only by the crackle of the fire and the hooting of the nearby owl. He firmly put all thoughts of the past out of his head and concentrated on being present and enjoying this quiet moment with his grandson.

    It was the only thing that mattered.

The amount of tabs I have on Chrome and Safari at the same time is horrifying. (This includes that ¾ of them are ao3 or ff.net fics )

yeah, i spent a lot of my pre-teen years with unfiltered internet access… why do you ask?
