
GUYS! First of all I want to tell you how guilty I feel. Your support is freaking amazing and I didn

GUYS! First of all I want to tell you how guilty I feel. Your support is freaking amazing and I didn’t post anything the last few months. I’m really sorry!! You need to know that this year I have big exams and  I hopefully will finish my school and receive my graduation..

But another thing I wanna tell you is how thankful I am. THANK YOU for your support! I can’t believe there a more  than 2k of people which enjoy my tumblr. In the beginning it was just a motivation thing for me but I’m glad that I can help you guys too! 


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just a little reminder! and also thank you guys SO MUCH for 1k followers! that’s so impressive!

just a little reminder!
and also thank you guys SO MUCH for 1k followers! that’s so impressive!

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41km in 27 hours for these girls. Currently training for 3 half marathons in 2 days at the end of February and wondering why I thought it was a good idea to sign up for that

Tired, tired girl this evening


When everyone is craving a burger but you gotta keep those immune systems jacked. We loaded our plates AND our mouthwatering burgers with vegetables and used whole grain buns. I feel we did pretty good on the 80/20 rule here….whatcha think friends?

Happy Friday!Model: Tommy Hart. Photographer: Cruz Visionnaire, Photography, New York.

Happy Friday!

Model: Tommy Hart. Photographer: Cruz Visionnaire, Photography, New York.

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