

aparently u can’t put a photo and a video next to each other rip sorry ;-;

17, any/all pronouns i think just don’t exclusively use she or he that’s weird (lowkey love zhe/zhir pronouns tho), i’m a wlw/nblnb exclusive lesbian so plz no men or man alligned if u think i’m cute(?)

my mains @realhotfemmeshit

Hi I’m Eli! I’m 25, and my pronouns are they/them. Find me on tiktok: @bienbee

Just me in one of my favorite outfits.

some days vanity saves you when rationality can’t

some days vanity saves you when rationality can’t

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they them

roller derby player, teacher, lover

back on tumblr and looking for cool blogs to follow and cool people to meet


Hey y'all, I’ve added new pride flag stickers! I decided to use my coffee and slushy designs since they’re two of my most popular.

You can find them plus many more on my Etsy

Today’s edition of I should have known I wasn’t cis:

Constantly writing/creating characters that were different gender than my agab and hating to write/create characters that were the same as my agab.

Almost every aspect of my life will tell me I don’t belong, that what I feel is not real and that I’m just making it up. That I must be a girl or a boy. That I’m not valid, and if I am, that I am alone. THAT I’M A DREAMER.
That the world isn’t ready for me.

Even though It would be easier if this was something I could change, I know in my heart that I am valid.

I am NOT a girl
I am NOT a boy
I AM non-binary
and that
I AM a dreamer.

So I better stop hiding, and start acting like one!
The world isn’t ready for me, and it won’t just get better either. I have to make it! We have to change the world! We have to be ourselves, so that others aren’t afraid to! We have to feel like we are alone, so that we are no longer so! We are the ones who will educate people! We are the ones who must destroy hetero and cis normatively!

And sure a lot of people will not believe us and will constantly invalidate us, but aren’t we already doing that to ourselves?

The only way to stop this is to face it and keep going, show them that we are stronger!

Only then, people will be forced to believe us! To know we are valid and that we are strong! It’s a long hard journey but it will be worth it, and we will survive because we are heroes! Each and everyone of you who is apart of the LGBT+ community, not just non-binary people! We are all heroes, just for living in this world!
But we have to do better. Better than just living here, we have to be the ones to change it. To fight society, and the roots of society that have grown in our brains! We have to believe in ourselves! We have to keep dreaming of the impossible, and we have to keep pushing ourselves to achieve it!
We CAN change the world

We MUST change the world


But only if we dare to try

Genderflux pride !!!! Day 16!!!! Exactly whats on the imageHavent drawn Zinnah in so long… You can f

Genderflux pride

!!!! Day 16!!!! Exactly whats on the image
Havent drawn Zinnah in so long…

You can find me here:
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