#im so tired


“I don’t have a favourite place,

Wherever my favourite person is, that’s my favourite place.”


You love and love a person until you are an empty shell,

But even when they are full, they would still never be the person they promised you the first.

I always wondered why flowers bloom,

Fragile and living for only short time.

I have realized now—

Maybe, to make a difference,

A big one.

I don’t have energy anymore to make someone stay who doesn’t want to.

I have come to realize that you can’t make someone stay in your life if they don’t want to.

No pleading and begging and crying will give someone a reason to stay when they have decided to leave.

you can’t be home for someone just because they stay for few moments.

It only took about three years, but since I’m finally all caught up with all things Critical Role, I

It only took about three years, but since I’m finally all caught up with all things Critical Role, I decided it was about time for some art! I love the Mighty Nein even more than Vox Machina and can’t wait for more.

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after this fire has burned everything to the ground

i wonder who will stand among the ashes

and tell us,

“we did all we could.

this is a [damn] shame.”

if we wake up from this nightmare–

(because remember

some of us will not be waking up

and for some of us

it was your choices

that will bury us)

–i wonder who will look back and say,

“we got through this


we could point fingers

many already have; 

we could say, “it’s your fault, their fault, his fault”

but let us not forget

our world was already crumbling before it was set aflame

the fire was beyond anyone’s control

(things would have crumbled regardless,

but it’s true–

there is a difference between crumbling

and being razed to the ground)

and while we were all burning

let us not forget

that some were warming their hands by the fire;

and some, the even more detestable few,

they lined their wallets with our cries for help.

(at a time when there was not enough to go around;

isn’t it just human nature

that the wealthy few

continued to walk over our hollowed spines

to enter the mansions housing their riches?)

after this fire has burned everything there is to burn

i wonder if i will just be ash

blown away on the wind

or if i will become the fire

that lives to consume everything in rage

to feed the emptiness scraped out of me

by every loss

by every struggle

by every injustice

by every time i was told

in no uncertain terms

that something



was more important

than how deeply the burning had set in my flesh

(”don’t you know?

you’re one of the lucky ones.

at least you havea job,

and besides?

didn’t you 

sign up for this?”)

when this fire has burned everything away

will i feel clean, instead?

left behind by all those around me with too much self-respect

to let the fire conquer them–

will it re-teach my soul the lightness that was stolen?

after this fire

will everything just go back to being exactly the same?

(just one slight breeze from breaking)

after this fire

who will be next in line

to tell me i’m unimportant,






Perhaps one of the greatest things this virus has robbed us of:


The time to spend cuddling the little ones growing up too fast

The time to spend with our loved ones that left us too soon

The time to breathe between crushing shifts at the bedside

The time to properly mourn all these lost moments

The time to give ourselves the grace to let ourselves fall

And the time to pick ourselves back up, skinned knees and all

We have been broken by this virus that drowned us in the undertow

Choking every last scrap of faith we may have held;

Suffocating the little bit of hope left in the recesses of our souls;

Fracturing an already sick system at every fault line that went ignored far too long,

And ensuring that we lacked the


We need to heal.

Hi everyone, I’m sick(and tired) but I just wanted to drop by before I take refuge in my blank

Hi everyone, I’m sick(and tired) but I just wanted to drop by before I take refuge in my blankets and watch Tarzan (I love that movie /0/)
Have a great day!! Or morning, afternoon, evening or night depending of which country you’re from! :)
Just a quick sketch to give you a glimpse of what I look like XD me and my beautiful dark circles

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i’m so tempted to use my ppto mmmmm

Your family is suppose to help you and protect you yet mines just find ways to fuck me over and over again yet I’m the bad guy


No one has mentally damage me more than my own family I’m always the bad guy if I try to think about myself it has to be about them and only they are right and it can only benefit them not me. That’s just selfish to care about myself or my health.


whoever the fuck this is, never interact with this blog again. i also don’t advise that any of you actually go to their blog because it’s disgusting. i will block them on this account when i get the chance.

idk what gave them the fucking idea that we were okay with them. maybe we should start putting a dni on our posts like some other blogs.

im so exhausted
