#incorrect batsibling quotes


bruce, to the bats: did none of you think this was a bad idea?!

duke: well actually, i di-

jason, smacking his hand over duke’s mouth: oh no, we all did. we just decided to do it anyways

damian: actually that’s not the tru-

steph, smacking her hand over damian’s mouth: WE ALL DID

tim:you know, bisexuality isn’t that hard to understand. girls are cute, guys are cute. what more do you want from me?!

cass: i want your wallet

damian: fist me

duke: what the fuck did you just say to me?

damian, holding out his fist: is this not how you do it?

duke, bumping damian back: jesus christ damian, no

*jason and tim uncontrollably laughing around the corner*

jason: i just feel like there’s something missing

duke: jason, we went over the shopping list three times

jason: i know, but i still feel like we forgot something at the store


jason: where’s damian?
