#incorrect mcu


[staring into the camera with a small grin]

sam: when bucky’s mad at me I tighten the lids on all of our jars so he has to ask me for help

[sound of glass breaking in the other room]

sam: it doesn’t always work, though

Peter: i don’t think i can stay in the same house as the father who ruined my life

tony: for christ’s sake.

tony, cont.: i’ll buy you more capri-suns in the morning…

Peter: so then i got kicked out of the family business for good because apparently i am a “liability” and “reckless” and “Peter”. The last one’s just my name but you should hear their tone.

Tony, to Peter: you’re starting to forget your Spanish. you don’t practice.

Peter: lo siento papa. estoy embarazada

Tony: you just told me you’re pregnant.

Harley: congratulations. you’re glowing.

thor: i would like to make a reservation for two at 6:00pm.

server: sir,this is a mcdonalds

thor: oh my bad. i’d like a mcreservation for 2 at 6:00pm

bruce: thor no
