#mass shootings


mmmmm another mass shooting in the usa - 4 dead on a school hospital campus in tulsa - too bad nothing will happen about it. Again. It isn’t like common sense gun control wouldn’t help here or anything- mmmmmmthoughtsandprayersmmmm.

wilwheaton:(via vrglomc93m191.jpg (JPEG Image, 1168 × 1316 pixels) — Scaled (81%))At the time the


(viavrglomc93m191.jpg (JPEG Image, 1168 × 1316 pixels) — Scaled (81%))

At the time the Second Amendment was written in 1791, the military’s personal firearms were muskets and flintlock pistols. Muskets can fire one round at a time before reloading; in the most expertly trained and talented hands, a musket could fire THREE rounds per MINUTE. Three. The Founding Fathers could not have conceived of a weapon in the hands of an untrained citizen that could kill dozens more than their experts could fire in the same amount of time.

Should citizens have access to firearms? Yes. Should the United States have gun control laws? Also yes. This is not an oxymoron.

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twice in my life, i’ve been in lockdown at a school.

once was in kindergarten, where a suspect was coming down the street towards my school. just a random criminal, i believe. nothing major.

the second time was in high school, i believe my junior year. it was lunchtime. i went to go use the bathroom, but i heard the intercom turn on and warn people to get inside. the audio wasn’t great, but i remember hearing ‘go to the nearest classroom’ and running back to the classroom i ate lunch in.

turns out that the school that was a half a mile down the street from mine got a school shooter threat.

they’re lucky - they have a fence. 

my school doesn’t. 

we’re wide open and exposed.

thankfully, it was only a threat and both the high schools in question only came out of that with the knowledge that they were threatened.

i hate that i am saying that the two schools were lucky in that they were only threatened.

because being unlucky means you get on the news and on wikipedia. being unlucky means there’s a number of students and teachers who were unfairly murdered. being unlucky means losing classmates and teachers. being unlucky means trauma. 

and i still live in fear of going places. church, college, work, etc., all because some people think that people wanting limits on military grade weaponsmeans their rights are going to be taken away. 

it’s not fair that every american student has to live with the fear and trauma of mass shootings.

I was a sophomore in high school when an armed man approached my school. It was a boarding school halfway across the country from my parents, and we were told to stay where we were and, if we were in our dorms, not to open the door to anyone.

An hour later, all the students were escorted to the auditorium. All I could think about was how much I wanted to go home. All I could think about was that I couldn’t even talk to my parents on the phone or hear their voices for comfort. Everything was silent.

Months later, at the same school, there was a bomb threat in one of the dorms, and we all had to evacuate our rooms to make sure we weren’t in the “blast zone.” Luckily no one was shot, and no bomb was discovered, but each incident had one common thread. Each person was “unhinged,” yet somehow, these unhinged people always get access to a firearm.

So many people are used to lockdown drills in the US it’s another thing entirely to live in the moment of an active threat.



The front page of the onion is all this article today.

Bill Maher: School Attacker’s Advantage Is Not Gun Type But Time

On Friday, HBO’s Bill Maher made clear the Uvalde school attacker’s advantage was not the type of gun he used but the amount of time he had to use it.

Maher said,

“I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in. It wouldn’t have mattered what kind of gun he had. Any kind of gun could do any amount of damage in that time.”

On May 27, 2022, a Breitbart News op-ed noted, “We must understand that the attacker’s advantage in a school shooting is not so much the type of firearm he uses but the time he has without armed resistance and the degree of surprise that results from the launch of his attack.”

When there is no armed guard present to stop the attacker and no perimeter fencing, or there is weak perimeter fencing, and there are no armed teachers, the attacker has time on his side when he gets inside the school.

Consider Maher’s words again: “I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in.”

Breitbart News noted that the February 14, 2018, Parkland attacker had time to pause and reload five times during his rampage. The Sandy Hook Elementary School attacker had more than nine minutes without armed resistance.


Defined as an event where 4 or more people are shot in a single incident- there have been 20 mass shootings in America since Uvalde.

It’s been 9 days.

(Photo: Mark Lambie/El Paso Times)Where’s the background checks law? Evidently, President Donald Tru

(Photo: Mark Lambie/El Paso Times)

Where’s the background checks law?

Evidently, President Donald Trump’s previously impassioned desire not to see mass killing victims die in vain has given way to cold, hard political calculus. Our view.NRA view.

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Over 90 shootings. In one day. One. Day.


Don’t let them fool you.. it’s not about infringing on the right to own a gun… it’s about money. It’s always about the money.

Oh and don’t forget this one…

@imagine-all-the-people​ Indeed. Not to mention all the airport security measures that were put in place after the September 11 terrorist attacks that now make it virtually impossible to hijack a plane. 

I’ve just read that the NRA will be going ahead with their convention soon. Talk about tasteless. 

RIP Trueboy! One of the 4 victims in the Jacksonville Landing Madden Shooting.


Gunman Payton Gendron Kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket: ‘Straight Up Racially Motivated Hate Crime Towards Black People’

Today. In a city about a hour away from me. There was a mass shooting in Buffalo, NY. 10 people were killed. Out the 13 people shot, 10 killed were black and out the 3 injured one of them was also black.

In short 11 out of 13 people were black and it was indeed a racially motivated crime due to his manifesto, writing the N word on his gun and driving hours to target a black community.

This is…..This is why I keep saying fascism is a serious thing in America. Not only is the gunman a devout Neo-Nazi but he believes in the White Replacement Theory you hear people like Tucker Carlson spout.

And…..I can’t lie. I’m fucking furious. I’m scared. I don’t know if someone will do the same where I live.

Reoccurring mass shootings of children in the US… Particularly puzzling, publicly observable, and heartbreaking phenomena…Taking us to the core of inescapable suffering and deformed humanity that is being stuck under capitalism…. But it is possible to organize society in a manner to totally avoid situations like this. However, bringing us back to the teaching of Marx, to eradicate means to eliminate completely by pulling up from its roots. So we should not understand the solution to the crisis of shootings breaking out to involve attempts at merely regulating or limiting individual access to firearms. Such attempts would be futile; amount to a bandaid on a third degree burn. For what we have found is an inadequate relationship between the individual and society (ie, social integration under conditions of capitalism). Thus even mass shootings and related gun violence can only “totally” be understood in terms of the pressure alienated society places on alienated selves. And the solution in terms of transition to non alienated relationships between individuals in society under communism.

I just listened to a video about Charles Whitman (mass murderer in Austin, Texas in 1966) and it ended with a “doctor” pointing something out that showed up in his brain during an autopsy and concluded that it was a tumor (even though it was never actually confirmed to be a tumor) and said that that’s what caused the mass shooting.

Actual doctors pointed out that just because there’s something there, that doesn’t mean that it’s a tumor, and that if there was something wrong in that area he would have done the attack impulsively. But he didn’t- he wrote notes explaining why he did what he did before he did them. He knew exactly what he was doing every second he was doing it.

So the stupid “mental illness” bullshit that people spouted was probably originated from some quack in 1966.

And for some reason, knowing the possible origins of the “mental illness” “““argument”““ makes me feel a little bit better. Maybe it’s because I now have more than just “everywhere else in the world has mental illness…” to say whenever some gun nut dumbass tries using it.

I’d say what the video is but I’m afraid that “people with brain tumors” would go after the person.

Edit: I forgot to explain that the quack saw something in the picturesof the autopsies. He wasn’t part of the autopsy himself.



There was another mass shooting where at least five people (including the shooter) died. (Not to mention the one in Tennessee, though as far as I know so far nobody died from that one.) It was in Tulsa, on the 101th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre.

At this point every time there’s a mass shooting I just wonder “how did I not get caught in one yet?”

To be fair, there hasn’t been a record of a mass killings in my county. There were some around us (which includes two of the most infamous serial killers) but in this county alone all of the murders have either been personal or a robbery gone wrong. That doesn’t mean that it won’t happen at some point.

And of course because we’re so fucking used to mass shootings in the news, it’s going to be covered up by the Heard/Depp trial or some shit.

5 people were shot at the funeral for Da’Shontay King- a black man who was killed by the police who I missed in between all of the mass shootings, in Racine. I don’t know what the victim’s statuses are yet.

I didn’t know that yet ANOTHER cop killed a black person until this mass shooting happened even though it happened two hours away from me and now I’m starting to wonder how many more POC did the cops kill while we were focusing on mass shootings?

Two people were shot and killed in a church in Iowa. Hours after five people were shot in Racine. The day after 4 people were shot to death at a hospital in Tulsa. A few days after 21 people- including 19 children were shot to death in Uvalde…

“It’s a mental health issue!”*Proceeds to destroys any means of getting help for mental health issue

“It’s a mental health issue!”

*Proceeds to destroys any means of getting help for mental health issues*

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If I stop posting for a while, assume that I either got shot to death or that I’m in jail for jumping the border to Canada. I’ll be assuming the same for everybody else on the internet.

The mother fucking headline said that the coroner saw the bodies in person! What the fuck do you mea

The mother fucking headline said that the coroner saw the bodies in person! What the fuck do you mean “where did you get your “facts” from?!“

Link to the article

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There was another mass shooting where at least five people (including the shooter) died. (Not to mention the one in Tennessee, though as far as I know so far nobody died from that one.) It was in Tulsa, on the 101th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre.

At this point every time there’s a mass shooting I just wonder “how did I not get caught in one yet?”

To be fair, there hasn’t been a record of a mass killings in my county. There were some around us (which includes two of the most infamous serial killers) but in this county alone all of the murders have either been personal or a robbery gone wrong. That doesn’t mean that it won’t happen at some point.

And of course because we’re so fucking used to mass shootings in the news, it’s going to be covered up by the Heard/Depp trial or some shit.

5 people were shot at the funeral for Da’Shontay King- a black man who was killed by the police who I missed in between all of the mass shootings, in Racine. I don’t know what the victim’s statuses are yet.

I didn’t know that yet ANOTHER cop killed a black person until this mass shooting happened even though it happened two hours away from me and now I’m starting to wonder how many more POC did the cops kill while we were focusing on mass shootings?

These people are so fucking unhinged that they want to give newborns and people in a comatose state

These people are so fucking unhinged that they want to give newborns and people in a comatose state guns!

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There was another mass shooting where at least five people (including the shooter) died. (Not to mention the one in Tennessee, though as far as I know so far nobody died from that one.) It was in Tulsa, on the 101th anniversary of the Tulsa massacre.

At this point every time there’s a mass shooting I just wonder “how did I not get caught in one yet?”

To be fair, there hasn’t been a record of a mass killings in my county. There were some around us (which includes two of the most infamous serial killers) but in this county alone all of the murders have either been personal or a robbery gone wrong. That doesn’t mean that it won’t happen at some point.

And of course because we’re so fucking used to mass shootings in the news, it’s going to be covered up by the Heard/Depp trial or some shit.
