

Hey guys,

Thinking of making some more of those gif compilations for chart placements.

If you want me to make you one comment your Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, Venus and Mars signs and I’ll make a post assigning gifs to your placements.



how to manifest based on your mercury ☿️⋆⁺₊⋆

manifesting is bringing something into your life based on attraction and belief — so if you think it, it will come. the planet that rules thoughts is mercury, so i highly believe adjusting some of our actions to fit our mercury sign and placement can help us in further achieving the things we want, but please keep in mind this is just my personal theory ♡


MERCURY IN FIRE SIGNS (aries, leo, sagittarius) — ACTING AS IF: mercury in fire is all about believing in yourself and what you know, being assertive and assured in the way you approach communication and your thoughts. being confident, positive and acting as if you already have your desires can help you attract them more

MERCURY IN EARTH SIGNS (taurus, virgo, capricorn) — VISION BOARDS: when placed in an earth sign, mercury likes to plan things, categorize them and think ahead. this is why putting everything you want in pictures and planning them will work best for you when it comes to reaching your desires

MERCURY IN AIR SIGNS (gemini, libra, aquarius) — SCRIPTING AND WORDS OF AFFIRMATION: air signs are all about thoughts, communication and mental pursuits and mercury placed here highlights the importance of words. writing your desires or repeating them to yourself through positive affirmations can be highly helpful for you to attract and affirm your wants

MERCURY IN WATER SIGNS(cancer, scorpio, pisces) — VISUALIZING:mercury in water signs brings an emphasis to our imagination, mental pursuits and our inner world. this is why i believe visualizing things (picturing them in your mind) and imagining you have your desired things will boost reaching them


MERCURY IN ANGULAR HOUSES (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) TAKING ACTION: the angular houses represent how we approach reality (ourselves, our home life, our relationships etc.) so doing the things you cando to reach your desires, compromising and working hard will channel your desires and have the universe on your side

MERCURY IN SUCCEDENT HOUSES (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) — GRATITTUDE JOURNALS / JOURNALING: these houses represent where we develop things, as well as the things we enjoy (money, fun, friendships etc.) so journaling your dreams, goals and desires as well as the things you already haveand are grateful for is going to further manifest your goals and develop them

MERCURY IN CADENT HOUSES (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) — CHALLENGING LIMITING BELIEFS: cadent houses represent our thoughts, inner patterns and thinking. if you aren’t fully manifesting your desires by now, you need to look into your thought pattern and let go of limiting beliefs. question how you truly feel about something and what’s holding you back from getting everything you want

i hope you found this post helpful or encouraging. please keep in mind this is just my personal theory, but i wish you best of luck when it comes to manifesting if you decide to follow my advice!

Minerva between Apollo and Mercury

By Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson

yeah it’s been a little bit since ive posted anything but im here with one little bastard! this is M

yeah it’s been a little bit since ive posted anything but im here with one little bastard! this is Mercury !

she’s factionless and kind of a mercenary. she turns into a helicopter too! Mercury is very quiet and comes off as creepy to others, which… is her goal, really.

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1951 Mercury

the mercury signs

Aries: brusque truths, an unhindered and combative flow, enthusiastic inquiries, impassioned polemic, hasty candor of the moment, playful goading and provoking, grand words, indecent persuasions, an eagerness to impress, childlike humor. 

Taurus: cemented opinions, laconic and unhurried in speech, will never admit they’re wrong, protective sentiments, warm approaches, delayed reactions, sentimentality, plain-spoken sincerity, indulgence in listening, practical-minded mentality, aversion to verbal ambiguity, devoted reassurance, comfortable topics.

Gemini: a silver-tongued flow, keen discussions, impertinent questionings, mastered cajolery, monologues, an adaptive tone, storaged facts, frivolous dissipation, unduly opinionated in everything, sly remarks, gossip and fabricated “truths”, quick-paced reasoning, verbally resourceful. 

Cancer:a lachrymose tone, language overgrown with sentiment, masters of disarming, dedications, meandrous thoughts, an immersive inner world, reminiscing, tête-à-têtes, mid-conversation pauses, atmospheric storytelling, bashful reactions, delicate consciousness, confessions. 

Leo: panache, unanswered questions, conversation as performance, brilliant raconteurs, baiting, revelations, language curled with humor, an indestructible morale,  gilded soliloquies, white lies, lively interactions, chameleon-like expression, masterful feigning, permeating influence. 

Virgo: seasoned in finding le mot juste, interesting debates, calculated ripostes, an analytical mindset, meticulous schemes, perfectionism, masters of critique, attention to detail, conversational symmetry, acridness, precise timing.

Libra: a diplomatic standpoint, flowery words, smooth persuasion, airy evasions, speaks with care, idealized sentiments, politeness, softly observant, wide perspectives, easily suggestible, gilded flattery, a lightness of spirit and humor, engaging questions, illusive deference. 

Scorpio: trenchant truths, intense sentiments, secrecy, speaking in absolute terms, brooding, a leery perspective, loaded questions, great discerners of insincerity, verbally hypnotic, a dark sense of humor, overwhelming reactions.

Sagittarius: habitual intervening, bon-mots, seasoned spurring, a wandering focus, big ideas, impromptu exclamations, optimistic naiveté, overstated storytelling, unfiltered frankness, empirical wisdom, infectious buoyancy, ravenous curiosity. 

Capricorn:an economy of words, focused attention, felicitous courtesies, great confidantes, formal approaches, unsentimental judgments, adopted pragmatism, advisory remarks, deep-rooted beliefs, renaissance attitudes, clear intentions, kept promises, solemnity of perspective. 

Aquarius: a roundabout expression, distance, cryptic and vague statements, a mastered use of silence, erratic responses, a knowing tone, habitual wringing of concepts, conversation as play, lofty ideals, an itch to contradict, stirring influence, adopted absurdity. 

Pisces: absorptive listeners, a fanciful outlook, internal monologues, overflowing sentiments, touching words, pensive silences, drifting off, boundless exchanges, lingering sentiments, dreamlike logic, recitals, a lulling softness in tone.

Mercury, Sith Lord

Mercury, Sith Lord

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the dark side ~

the dark side ~

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soft kitty, warm kitty little ball of fur happy kitty sleepy kitty purr purr purr

soft kitty, warm kitty
little ball of fur

happy kitty
sleepy kitty
purr purr purr

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