
Weekend Weather, 5.1-5.2.21Mercury trine PlutoVenus sextile Neptune**I am currently offering astrolo

Weekend Weather, 5.1-5.2.21

Mercury trine Pluto

Venus sextile Neptune

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

This weekend we have two notable transits occurring between personal planets and outer planets. Mercury, finishing up its last few days in Taurus, receives a helpful trine from Pluto in Capricorn. Usually, Mercury in Taurus focuses on the practical; its mental faculties prefer extending themselves to their here and now and what is tangibly understood. With an aspect from Pluto, needling planet of the Underworld, the tangible takes us deep within our psyches, but for the sake of exposing our depths to the light. Taking place late Saturday/Sunday night, this transit is an aid for any difficult or emotional conversations you may be having. It can also help with any solo depth and healing work you may be undertaking. Stay grounded in your own experience, as we are dealing with planets in earth signs, and keep the mind on what is rather than on what should be. Taking a page from the third decan of Taurus (where Mercury currently transits), there will always be difficulty and disappointment regardless of how well we’ve prepared. Can we have humility in the face of powerful forces? Can we know the limits of our own power?

Later in the day on Sunday, Venus, the planet of love, and Neptune, the planet of mysticism, form a harmonious sextile, creating connection that transcends boundaries. Now both of these planets are already in quite “strong” positions. Venus in Taurus lends a grounded sensuality that draws beauty and abundance towards it. Neptune in Pisces is that much more porous, sensitive, and compassionate, though also confusing, foggy, and dissociative. While this transit does not support the erection of boundaries (as Mars in Cancer is urging us to do), it does lend a certain enchantment to personal interactions and pleasurable activities. Use this transit to make art, spend a day by the water or in a forest, or bring a bit of magic into your relationship life. Just take your interactions today with a grain of salt; they may not be what they seem. 

Find the magic in all things. Read your horoscopes below.

[image: “Diana and Actaeon,” Camille Corot]

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Daily Weather, 4.29.21Mercury sextile NeptuneToday the moon spends all day in Sagittarius, home sign

Daily Weather, 4.29.21

Mercury sextile Neptune

Today the moon spends all day in Sagittarius, home sign of Jupiter. The buoyancy and inquisition of the last half of yesterday carries over to today, with a sextile to Saturn to fortify and concretize our efforts and a square to Neptune at the end of the day. This aspect is interesting because Neptune has just made a perfect sextile to Mercury, lending the oceanic outer planet a bit more legibility than it normally has. The square to the moon creates an ambient dreaminess, diffusing some of Sagittarius’s fiery energy in favor of Pisces’s receptive flow. You may be more sensitive to external stimuli and supernatural forces alike. The sextile from Mercury asks that you don’t disperse the mystery of Neptune’s gifts but that you do something to make it real. Being in Taurus, the sign of Venus, this Mercury wants what it communicates to be beautiful. Making music, herbal medicine, food, art of any kind is a beautiful way of expressing this mystical, cerebral transit. The only thing to watch for are old habits or subconscious forces arising. Remember to act from an aware, present place and find an activity that puts your mind and soul to work. 

Read on to join the universe.

[photo by Francesca Woodman]

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along here andhere. **

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Luna and Mercury, grisaille painted panel plaster from the upper frieze of a room at Stodmarsh Court

Luna and Mercury, grisaille painted panel plaster from the upper frieze of a room at Stodmarsh Court, nr. Canterbury, Kent, c.1590-1610. The astrologer and alchemist in the bottom right hand corner allude to the contemporary beliefs about the powers of the planets to influence human behaviour and health. Victoria and Albert Museum.

More information: http://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O62376/luna-and-mercury-plaster-panel-painted-panel-solis-virgil/#

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MERCURY rules our day to day expressions, logical and communication. Mercury also rules electronics — phones, cars, planes, computers, machines etc. When Mercury turns retrograde, forward movement in regards to these themes is less supported.

This is why you hear that you need to back up your phone and computer, and make sure to double check any issues with your mode of transport before traveling. This is also why it’s said to think twice, maybe three times before you speak.

Mercury Retrograde is a time to reassess, review and reevaluate out current circumstances.

Result: Juggernaut…on FIRE!

Result: Juggernaut…on FIRE!

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 This picture was acquired from a distance of 3,340,000 miles (5,380,000 km) from the surface of Mer

This picture was acquired from a distance of 3,340,000 miles (5,380,000 km) from the surface of Mercury. The diameter of Mercury (3,031 miles; 4,878 km) is about 1/3 that of Earth.

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 The Image Processing Lab at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory produced this photomosaic using

The Image Processing Lab at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory produced this photomosaic using computer software and techniques developed for use in processing planetary data. The Mariner 10 spacecraft imaged the region during its initial flyby of the planet.

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The Kuiper Quadrangle was named in memory of Dr. Gerard Kuiper, a Mariner 10 Venus/Mercury imaging t

The Kuiper Quadrangle was named in memory of Dr. Gerard Kuiper, a Mariner 10 Venus/Mercury imaging team member and well-known astronomer, who passed away several months before the spacecraft’s arrival at Mercury.

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This computer generated photomosaic from Mariner 10 is of Mercury’s Tolstoj Quadrangle, named

This computer generated photomosaic from Mariner 10 is of Mercury’s Tolstoj Quadrangle, named for the ancient Tolstoj crater located in the lower center of the image. The pictures have been high-pass filtered and contrast enhanced to accentuate surface detail, and geometrically transformed into a Mercator conformal projection.

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This mosaic shows the planet Mercury as seen by Mariner 10 as it sped away from the planet on March

This mosaic shows the planet Mercury as seen by Mariner 10 as it sped away from the planet on March 29, 1974. The mosaic was made from over 140 individual TV frames taken about two hours after encounter, at a range of 37,300 miles (60,000 kilometers)

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Babe Nam:      Mercury
Profession:     Adult Model
Ethnicity:     White
Country of Origin:     Unite States
Date of Birth:     1993 (25 years old)
Eye Color:    Blue
Hair Color:     Blond
Height:     5 feet and 3 inches
Weight:    125 lbs
Fake boobs: No
Career Status: Active
First Seen:     2017
SM:    Instagram,Twitter

Apollo, god of prophecy, oracles, music, art, protector of and disease of boys and men, and archery.

Apollo holds his bow and arrows behind, while he strums the lyre given to him by hermes. Near the sun flies apollos white crow/raven. The column on the right is capped with a cow, representing his sacred animal as a god of herds. The serpent Python sits dead at his feet, killed by apollos arrow so that the god could takeover the delphi temple location. The temple complex sits underneath the god, while o. The far right, the PYTHIA ( apollos priestess) sitting upon a tripod, breathes the hallucinatory gasses seeping up from the earth to get her prophecies which she bestows upon visitors.

Artemis, twin sister of Apollon, virgin goddess of hunting, wild animals, childbirth, and protector of young girls, and decimator of young girls. A fascinating Goddess, with variation myths in arcadia and Ephesus. I’ll keep this short and sweet. Lots of symbolism in here, anyone want to try the quiz?

1.) moon

2.) Orion constellation

3.) Diseased arm and arrow tip

4.) wild boar

5.) wild bear

6.) Dog

7.) Stag and doe

8.) sculpture in background.

Hope. You guys like it! The twin is next!

Hermes is one of my favorite gods, as I’m a world traveler, and he’s the patron god of Travelers. I think he embodies the joyful, serendipitous nature of wandering and discovery in a new land.

Hermes, God of diplomacy, commerce, travelers and trade. He was the only one with the power to enter the underworld. Initially he was portrayed as middle aged with dark beard and long locks, but later he was portrayed as a beardless youth, which is what i went for. He created the first musical instruments, the LYRE and FLUTE, and, interestingly, was the father of Goat legged PAN. He also invented the alphabet and numbers. He was also the god of sleep, and could put mortals to sleep or wake them up with his wand.

The son of a celestial goddess Pleiad, he has connections to astronomy, (as can be seen in the constellations above), and astrology, (as can be seen in the zodiac signs surrounding his herald’s wand). As a psychopomp, he is tasked with leading dead spirits to the underworld, making him a true ally to humankind. His golden wing-tipped helmet and sandals, fashioned by Hephaestus the weaponsmith god, allow speedy travel on his errands. On the earth below are stone landscape markers, called Herma.

Merc FatBoy Kustom

Chart as Gifs for @pinkpolkadotflower


Libra Sun:

Scorpio Moon:

Taurus Rising:

Scorpio Mercury:

Libra Venus:

Scorpio Mars:
