

Unpopular opinion

A Quiet Place was only okay, definitely not something I’d watch again

official-lucifers-child: boxorino:pom-seedss:atreefullofstars:reading-wanderer:babyboomerbul







whyyyyy do we need cursive anywayyyy

Most people don’t even use cursive for signatures. Eventually, they all just dissolve into squiggles.

Plus Some people’s cursive can be pretty unreadable even when they do put in the effort.

Oh noooooooo, society is chaaaaaaanging, what will we dooooooo~???

I was taught cursive, told I would need it in high school when we started writing essays.

Teachers didn’t accept anything in cursive. By the end of highschool teachers were not accepting hand-written essays and everything had to be typed. Though, they assured me cursive would probably be a thing in university because you have to write essays in class sometimes too and wouldn’t have access to computer to type it up.

In university, we were warned, that cursive can be a faster method of writing, but harder to make legible when writing quickly. We were warned if the professor couldn’t easily and quickly tell what we were saying, it would count as not having written anything. This included in-class exam essays on a time limit. So no one used cursive.

So while I was constantly being assured that cursive would be very useful when I grew up, it only became increasingly obsolete.

Why would we continue to teach obsolete skills? Why waste the time?

That being said… kids are exposed to a lot of different fonts… some of which are cursive. I think they can figure it out.

cursive is more of an art form than it is a way of life now a days and i appreciate the beauty of the script but its not practical unless you can do it really well and quickly for anything school related tbh.

i love writing in cursive but honestly i’ve never, ever needed to use it for any reason at all

Mnnn… depends on your profession and career, imo. Like, if you are a historian and you go through near-ancient documents and those include English, you are most likely going to run across cursive. So even though you don’t need to be able to WRITE in cursive, I think it’s important to be able to READ it.

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There was an anon who sent an ask to @colony-drop-programandor@greenyvertekins about this scene some time back, arguing that Sonic does care about Eggmans life….


Actually playing the damn games pays off yet again!

(Pretty sure an exact duplicate of this exchange plays out in Blazes version of the story where it is regular Eggman too, but the point that Sonics priority here is telling Blaze to take a chill pill and not that he thinks Eggmans life is sacred is still the correct take away when looking at the line in context.)

Yup, i was right. This exchange happens in both stories.

The fact Sonic says the same thing regardless of whether it’s Eggman or Eggman Nega makes it clear: what Sonic cares about is Blaze’s mental state, not Eggmans life.

Again, I reiterate what I said in my response to that ask - I always saw Sonic’s response there as being said in a bemused sort of voice. Partly because his character portrait is smiling as opposed to shocked or unhappy and because of the consistent factor of him not giving a shit about the doc’s wellbeing.

Als je jonge mensen naar een vertelling van het Paasverhaal wil trekken met een slecht vertaalde cover van de Friends theme, dan heb je gefaald





basically emotional manipulation and guilt tripping as social justice praxis is pointless and not sustainable imo. it doesn’t promote real growth or solidarity if the entire basis of your activism is stemming from guilt or fear 


i’m especially upset by the pressure to reblog things immediately without fact-checking, expressing doubt is considered betrayal of the cause, so a lot of bad info gets boosted in a hurry








I have so much to say about that episode but seeing as we’ve been completely blindsided by the announcement of a new companion I can’t really think of anything else but that rn

What does everyone think of our new companion Dan?

From seeing people’s reactions so far feelings definitely appear to be mixed and I can’t help but agree.

I’m excited. I love how a new companion has the ability to refresh the show and shake up the character dynamics and adds an element of mystery that we can all theorise about. From the breadcrumbs that we have been handed I get the sense that he has the potential to be really fun so I’m definitely intrigued to see where this goes.

HOWEVER, whilst this is absolutely not the fault of John Bishop himself for being cast in this role, nor is this something I feel that I can really hold against a character, the concept of a Thirteen and Yaz TARDIS team went beyond simply refreshing the show. For the first time in 57 years we could have had an all-female TARDIS team, one without a white male. We could have finally seen two female actors leading the show, one of which being a POC character. Doctor Who means a lot to so many people and this era has already been one that represents bold decisions, evolution and representation so I suppose the underlying feeling amongst a lot of people is disappointment. It has very little to do with the character or the actor that plays Dan, but more to do with the influence that the show carries and the message that it could have portrayed by choosing to let such an institution in television be headed by two women. Chibnall of all people seemed to be someone who would have done such a thing so it’s almost a shame that it hasn’t happened.

What I’m also worried about is to what extent this is going to hinder Yaz’s character development. Something that I think a lot of us were looking forward to was the way in which her character would finally have room to shine and develop on screen, room that she clearly wasn’t being given before. We’ve seen this this is possible in Revolution of the Daleks but I just hope that through introducing and establishing this new character of Dan , we aren’t going to see Yaz sidelined again as she used to be. If Chibnall can find a balance between two companions and The Doctor, then I will have no complaints.

It’s a difficult one. That all being said I want to try and not hold this over S13 and the character of Dan too much. All of these concerns are definitely valid but I will always go forward with an open mindset. I’ve never judged a character before they’ve appeared on screen in the show and I’m not about to do that now.



When critiquing Lost World one of the things I see people say is this moment where Sonic kicks the Conch of Plot Contrivance out of Eggmans hand was a moment of Sonic acting out of character. And I gotta be honest.

I don’t see it.

Sonic is brash. He does leap before he looks. It’s just usually it works out for him, this was the only time it ever really went south.

In Sonic Adventure he follows a bunch of cops who were chasing down Chaos and charges in after the cops fall back, Sonic doesn’t know what the situation is. He doesn’t know is Chaos did anything wrong (he DIDN’T as far as we the players ever get to see) or if the cops are OPENING FIRE on some innocent creature who didn’t do anything to warrant an act of deadly force.

Instead he just snarks and jumps in for a boss fight.

In SA2 Sonic gets falsely arrested and proceeds to kick a bunch of cops to the curve and JUMPS OUT OF A HELECOPTER.

Also that time he basically carjacked the President of SEGAmerica.

Does everything end up working out fine in the end? Yes. Does Sonic end up being vindicated in these actions? Also yes.

Does that mean the one time it DIDN’T turn out to be such a bright idea is “out of character”? No. The motivation and action is the same, the only difference is the resulting consiquences. The Cause is what is motivated by Character, not Effect. It isn’t “in character” just cuz the Effect happened to be good and “out of character” when the Effect happened to be bad.

Sonic is a brash boy. It’s kinda about time that blew up in his face at least a little bit.

Say what you will about the overall execution of Sonic making a mistake in Lost World, but at least he actually acknowledged it and seems to make an effort in trying to not be as careless afterwards, even if he doesn’t do a perfect job.

By contrast, one of my nitpicks with Unleashed is how Sonic doesn’t spend much if any time on considering that Eggman breaking the planet and releasing Dark Gaia was partly his fault (due to him falling for Eggman pulling a Wily). Sure, you could say there were more important matters at hand, but then that leads into the IDW zombot arc routine, doesn’t it? “Confronting me over my fuck-up? That’s not important right now!”

Something that tends to make me really uncomfortable with sci-fi writing about androids/robots/AI/whatever is when the issue of personhood is more or less ignored. Like, if androids are people, and they are able to be purchased like items, thats. That’s slavery. The people in universe are practicing slavery. And while you can wrap a really interesting narrative around that, some stories skip that issue entirely. It’s especially bad in stories that are about the androids falling in love with their owners, which yikes! 

I’m not saying that writing stories like that is off-limits, but it makes me uncomfortable, and I haven’t really seen it navigated with the conscientiousness that I believe the topic deserves, and that’s super distracting to me as a consumer of fiction. It makes me feel like the writers aren’t taking their subject material seriously. 

It’s a good idea to read books about writing, but I would caution against reading them as though they’re gospel. Always look at the advice of another writer with a critical eye and know that you don’t have to follow it. You should have your own writing experience. It *will* be different from other people’s. You’re not wrong for having different opinions. 

In the height of another kardashian embarrassing themselves, I’ll like to give you the memes that arose from Kim’s “little motivational speak”. It is funny that someone as rich privileged as Kim had sometime to say about this.

She is so far removed from reality and the 99% percent on the world.


His opinion does not define you

His opinion does not define you

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I finished Scumbag System’s season one last night, and had a ton of fun with it. 8/10 and I’ll remember to definitely wait until the whole season two is available before watching.

One minor complaint is that this season didn’t really feel like it had a finale. It had the beginning of the finale. Did the creators get less episodes than they thought they would?

I finished “The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty” just now!

I loved the characters and the general concepts behind the plot, but I feel like it fell short on execution in some places. There were too many miraculous rescues or characters oscillating between dumb and super smart for no reason.

Overall, I had fun watching it, though. 7/10.

I said it once, and I’ll say it again…

It wasn’t just revenge that drove Nie Huaisang. In MDZS the existence of souls is confirmed and his brother’s soul was in pieces and clearly suffering.

He had to set it right.

(Although I’m sure revenge was there as an at least equally important motivator.)

((Also it’s questionable if he succeeded at putting NMJ’s soul at peace, but being whole is probably still better than being in pieces and he and JGY can be released from the coffin after one hundred years.))

Since Dragon Ball I have grow tired of the hability of Regeneration. Leaving aside magic one, most of the time is a lame excuse to show how a villain is “unbeatable” or can withstand nearly everything the heroes does, simply by saying ¡ha, i had a pinkie remaining, that´s all I need!.

And most of the time, like with Shigaraki on MHA, it directly contradicts what the “canon” of the world states. It´s a physical hability? Well, you kind of need a body to use it, no? No? hmm. But does it can be overpowered/ exhausted? Neither? I see. Oh, you have a lot of stamina. Stamina. Is that basically just energy stored on the cells? Cells you no longer have because they are destroyed? Not again? At full power still? Ah, yes, good writing good.

It annoys me because they usually make the villains boring (why think when you can just tank damage until the hero drops) and usually the evil one is defeated by a lame attack like “a convenient superpowered hit that NOW nullifies regeneration”. Ah, i see.

I mean. Almost every single time it´s a boring excuse and nothing more.

Hey guys. I have been thumbing through some of my old spell books, and I now realize why I have had them on the shelf gathering dust for the past 7 years….

1 - There is no creativity. You are just following a recipe. As a very very very beginner that is fine. But not many spell books give you any options or substitutes. And you cannot tailor it to fit your needs because…

2 - Most spell books don’t tell you why. Fill an orange bag with cinnamon and lavender, light a blue candle and then throw it into the river. But…why? What are you learning from that? I wish, when I was learning witchcraft, I had a book that said grab an orange bag (orange is to attract your desired wish) and fill it with lavender (anti-anxiety) and cinnamon (success). 

If more books/people did that….I would have learned a lot faster. And I would have been able to say, well, I don’t have lavender but I can look up an easy substitute! Don’t just give me an empty recipe. I want to know why I am doing something so I can assign meaning and learn!

I apologize for the rant, but the more spells/charms I write the more passionately I feel about this. What do you guys think? Is there a book out there that does this? Should I write one? Am I blowing things out of proportion? 

Let me hear your thoughts!

Working on a few new looks, this is one. What do you think?

Luna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry fLuna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry fLuna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry fLuna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry fLuna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry fLuna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry fLuna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥ Hi theeere! Sorry f

Luna P Reviews EP 11: Cosmic Set and LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii ♥

Hi theeere! Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend! I’ve been spending a little vacations ( ̄▽ ̄人) I was really tired, so I think I deserved them! Anyway, I’ll start the common activity on China Pastel, so don’t worry! You’ll have everyday your dose of Fairy Kei and Pastel Fashion on your dashboard! 

Today I’m gonna review a Cosmic set and a LOVE bracelet from Alice Creazioni Kawaii. It’s an italian based shop who sells a lot (and I really mean A LOT) of Fairy Kei and Decora Kei stuff, Creamy Mami inspired accessories and much more ♥‿♥

1. External Packaging and Shipping: 

I contacted Alice about 7th June and she kindly sent me a parcel with some items in order to make the review the 26th July. Because of the slowness of postal service on August, the parcel took a little bit more of time in order to arrive from Italy to Spain (pretty close! >_<) I received the parcel about 7th August. 

The external packaging was a bubble wrapped envelope as you can see on the images and sweetly decorated with cute tape (´∪`*)


2. Internal Packaging:

The items were wrapped on plastic bubbles and the LOVE bracelet and the earrings were attached on a cute printed cardboard. I really liked the idea of make the business card as the cardboard of the packaging, but I think it could be deteriorate on shipping or whatever, so maybe it would be better if the display cardboard were a star printed as the earrings and let the business card presented as itself.

The bracelet of the Cosmic Set was apart, without plastic or any kind of wrapping. It’s not a fragile item, but as it’s part of a set, it would be nicer to be attached in somehow with the earrings…  


3. The item:

a) Cosmic Set: I really like the beads of this set, they’re pretty original and I’ve not seen them on any shop before. Also, they’ve a really good point, they glow in the dark! Sadly, I’ve been wearing the bracelet for two days and now the stars beads are black… the silver paint has disappeared and also the cosmic designs of the beads o(>< )o⌒*

b) LOVE bracelet: it’s a very cute piece, I really liked so much when I saw it on the online shop. The heart is made with a pearled pastel pink clay, so it’s glittery and light, it won’t be annoying when you’re wear it ✌(◕‿-)✌ Only two little fails: the organza ribbon were not so well attached and the ends of it were not fixed, so I had to remake the bow and fix the ends of the laces… And also, the item could have been packaged before the “love” word was totally dried, so the ribbon sticked on it and deformed the paint of the word (´。_。`)



And that’s all! Alice Creazioni Kawaii is a shop with a large amount of possibilities, but I think they’ve to be a little bit more careful with packaging, communication, and durability of their items! (^‿◕)

** Today our host has been the sweet Alpacasso from Pixie 

Hope you liked it and had fun reading the review! (о^ω^о)


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Something very interesting was spotted by Foxy Grandpa in the footage of Frontiers

Source: https://twitter.com/DrakeTheroux/status/1532242236259303424


It appears to be some sort of ship, or a tempory base for Eggman. It looks like we might be able to go inside with the stairs out. But what im speculating is its purpose. Since the game is obviously ripping off  taking inspiration from BOTW, I believe this might be similar to memory locations from it. 


We know Sonic lost his memory, and his rampant AI may have something to with it.

Anyway, I think Eggman got to a the island a while before Sonic arrived. He wouldve explored and set bases like the one seen above. It would be a place for rest but also could be a place to record any findings. Each one would have a recording of everything he did and found until Sonic and friends get there to stop him once again. It would be cool if the very last one would have Sonic breaking in. Leading up to where the game begins.


As said before, I believe Sonic’s friends will be found inside the Titans as mentioned previously.Which could also be a way for Sonic to remember more on what happend. Although, Eggman’s whereabouts are unknown at the moment.


This is pure wish fulfillment but it would be amazing if Eggman suffers the same fate, and ends up in the final titan boss. A funny form of Karma of stuffing animals into robots for years, and now its his turn.

The new trailer was abysmal. The combat looked so dull. I dont have much hope for Frontiers now.

The new trailer was abysmal. The combat looked so dull. I dont have much hope for Frontiers now.

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This looks so bad and boring.


That presentation was awful. The graphics were terrible with popup, and the animations looked like tThat presentation was awful. The graphics were terrible with popup, and the animations looked like t

That presentation was awful. The graphics were terrible with popup, and the animations looked like trash. 

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Kik smiledom Skype domofslavesIf u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am

Kik smiledom

Skype domofslaves

If u are open minded lady  and never shy from anything  kik me.i am here for you.

Daddy loves you.

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