#original post


I think I’m gonna start posting cosmere stuff on my main blog again. This one is gonna still stand, but I don’t plan on posting anything new on it for the foreseeable future. If you want cosmere stuff from me, you can follow @stormtide-leviathan where it will be mixed in with whatever else I decide post.

I wish Moash and Venli had gotten a chance for a conversation in ROW. Cause I don’t think there will be a good opportunity for it now, and I think they’d have some good stuff to talk about.

They’re both characters who outside forces might expect them to side with the kholins, moash as part of bridge four and venli as a knight radiant. And they’re both characters who I don’t think could ever really do that, given their past with them.

Moash is definitely stuck in very binary thinking though- he knows he doesn’t want to side with the kholins, and so he turns to odium and the fused who he sees freeing the singers. Are they perfect? Absolutely not. But he figures they’re better than the kholins in his mind, and “good” doesn’t seem like an option so he’ll take better. Venli, meanwhile, knows that Odium’s forces are not a good thing for the singers by any means, and is forging a third path of actual freedom for them. Not slaves to humans nor to odium. Moash is too caught up in hatred right now to act on any of this (due to the odium and all) but I think it could have set up great seeds for later.

This could also be used to reinforce Venli’s decision to not join the main group of Knights Radiant, when she hears Moash’s side of things, if she started to have doubts about it.


The Pages in Tarot

Page of Pentacles

Element: earth

Upright Meaning: Focused on goals, determination, talent, comfort, achieving dreams, manifestation, prosperity, exploration, creativity

Reversed Meaning: No motivation, boredom, insecure, delay in achievement of goals and dreams

Associated Deities: Athena, Apollo, Lugh, Pan, The Muses, Hathor

Page of Wands

Element: fire

Upright Meaning: Creativity, power, enthusiasm, new adventures, new ideas, experimentation, practice

Reversed Meaning: Disorganized, not seeing a goal through, scattered mind, impatient, easily distracted, egotistical

Associated Deities: Artemis, Apollo, Brigid, Minerva

Page of Cups

Element: water

Upright Meaning: Emotions, inspiration pleasant surprise, new relationship (not always romantic), sensitivity, rules by the heart, loving, open, caring

Reversed Meaning: Want to be alone, less communication with others, moody

Associated Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Lada

Page of Swords

❄️ Element: air

❄️ Upright Meaning: Determination, wild energy, relentless, spontaneous, assertive, clever, ready for battle, calm during crazy times

❄️ Reversed Meaning: Poor decision-making, impulsive, aggressive, argues a lot, angry

❄️ Associated Deities: The Morrigan, Freyja, Odin, Athena, Nike, Bellona

survived dorian, multiple tornado warnings, and the first three weeks of class

A photo of a sunset, focused on a yellow cloud with the chimney of a house and trees also visibleALT

finished good omens just in time for the new semester

A photo of the book Good Omens, showing the cover, next to a pair of glasses and an empty mug.ALT

school’s out!!

less than one week left!! the weather is nice so i decided to do my reading outside for once

it’s been a hot minute since ive actually posted anything study related, mostly bc once im done w my work i don’t want to look at it anymore. ive got just over a month left of this semester to push through before i begin my final year!

AU where Clark tells Lex his secret in S3.

Lex is the KING of concussions. I can list at *least* a dozen episodes where ~blunt force trauma~ meets his shiny bald head.

Riptide is a sword and a pen but did u know it ALSO functions as a stim toy when Percy is bored in class??

(click for quality!)

I absolutely hated PRU but I’m addicted to the idea of john boyega piloting a giant jaegar

anyways. *plays kryptonite by 3 doors down*

warning: new fav character incoming (I’ve been obsessively drawing for weeks)
