






Why do billionaires look like a seventh grader’s first sculpting project?


Haha ugly People bad

original context

something i’ve noticed as my mental health has been improving is that i still have some unhealthy behaviors and thought patterns left over from when it was worse. one example is that i still think about hurting myself every time i experience minor setbacks. another is that i still think about negative things when i let my mind wander.

i guess what i’m trying to say is that even as you start to recover, you’re still going to have to overcome little habits like this. they don’t magically go away even if you’re feeling a bit better. that being said, doing so will be worth it, as it will allow you to get better and truly thrive.


here is a flower for anyone not feeling their best today




Nothing warms my heart like watching Captain Christopher Pike run around all over the bridge of his ship in the middle of a crisis to support his officers personally with his presence and kind words. Now that’s a captain.

pike’s time on the bridge
20% - captain’s chair
80% - running around high-fiving people into doing their best job while death itself ingests the enterprise’s starboard nacelle

Pro tip: Whenever you’re feeling down and lacking motivation, imagine Captain Pike giving you a high five and telling you that you’re doing amazing.

You are more than the pain and shame others have made you feel. You are more than the abuse you have suffered.

These things have impacted you, changed you, but they have not ruined you.

You are never ruined, never broken, never worthless.

You are worthy of love, of support, or protection. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to be free.

cwote:Times are tough, but you are tougher. cwote:Times are tough, but you are tougher. 


Times are tough, but you are tougher. 

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cwote:You are beautiful and perfect all by yourself, okay? cwote:You are beautiful and perfect all by yourself, okay? 


You are beautiful and perfect all by yourself, okay? 

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Every night, from 8pm to 9pm, Mr slug is always at the same little stretch of sidewalk. We always gi

Every night, from 8pm to 9pm, Mr slug is always at the same little stretch of sidewalk. We always give him a little pet and then go on our way.

For more cute and wholesome comics, go like and subscribe on Webtoon!

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It’s okay to grieve the things you’ve lost, whether that’s a person, your health, or hopes you had f

It’s okay to grieve the things you’ve lost, whether that’s a person, your health, or hopes you had for a particular future

There’s no timeline for grief, but one day it won’t feel quite so heavy anymore

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i cannot remain silent about this anymore.

all my friends are so skilled and creative and intelligent and incredible and they deserve so much recognition for their work and all the happiness in the world

good afternoon bisexuals!! i hope every one of yous are having a great day!! and if not then it will get better!! y’all are amazing, beautiful and valid ♡♡


Happy pride to mspec lesbians, aces, aros, demisexuals, demiromantics, agender people, bigender people, questioning people, demigender people, feminine trans men, masculine trans women, feminine nonbinary people, masculine nonbinary people, people who use neopronouns, bi and pan people with opposite gender partners, he/him lesbians, she/her gay men, polyamorous people, and everyone who has a “lesser known” queer identity or has been told they “aren’t queer enough.” We’re all queer and we’re all valid and we all deserve to be proud of who we are.

Labels aren’t as important as some people make them out to be. We’re all queer. Happy pride to all queer people.


day nine!!!

gray/grey aces, how does it feel to be cool as FUCK? let no one tell you you’re just allo because you experience sexual attraction at all, because thats not true and i will literally scream at them. i wish you the happiest pride month!


Happy pride to all my aromantics, asexuals, aroaces, greysexuals, demis and arospec friends out there! Please know that you are valid and always welcome in our community!


April will be filled with joy.

April will be filled with love.

April will be filled with peace.

April will be filled with trust.

April will be filled with kindness.

April will be filled with miracles.

April will be filled with hope.


Be kind to yourself if you aren’t coping in the ways you want to right now. You will get there. You deserve patience.
