#quotes about love


Do you think I can have one more kiss? I’ll find closure on your lips and then I’ll go. Maybe also one more breakfast, one more lunch, and one more dinner. I’ll be full and happy and we can part. But in between meals, maybe we can lie in bed one more time. One more prolonged moment where time suspends indefinitely as I rest my head on your chest. My hope is if we add up the “one mores”, they will equal a lifetime and I’ll never have to get to the part where I let you go. But that’s not real, is it? There are no more one mores.

I met you when everything was new and exciting, and the possibilities of the world seem endless. And they still are… for you, for me, but not for us. Somewhere between then and now, here and there, I guess we didn’t just grow apart, we grew up. When something breaks, if the pieces are large enough, you can fix it. Unfortunately sometimes things don’t break, they shatter. But when you let the light in, shattered glass will glitter. And in those moments, when the pieces of what we were catch the sun, I’ll remember just how beautiful it was. Just how beautiful it’ll always be. Because it was us. And we were magic. Forever.

Someone Great (2019)
Jenny Young

It’s all romantic mystery until they uncover the pain that everything which makes you beautiful was cultivated in such an ugly way// The mirror telling more than an article these days and instead of avoiding my reflection I’ve learned to keep ripping out every page

I hold onto your memory like scrapped paper and broken rubber-bands// You never know//I might find a use for them again

-Junk Drawer Heart-

I hate the way my mouth tastes after hanging up the phone, eyes and chest heavy, concaving like styrofoam. My thoughts boil rapidly; clumsy lines, blurred vibes, inability to process the emotion behind your reverberating sighs. These bubbles press against my temple as my abdomen begins to tremble-deep lines cutting into my expression, taking form with artistic repression.

Every unfiltered word splinters in a thousand directions, your adoration for my quirks measured loosely by your conditional affection. One day I’m bold and the next I’m aggressive; I don’t know how to be feminine, yet also progressive. You ache for my voice and then speak over me like rain;

I’m trapped in your water, numbed by the pain.

I should’ve stayed with him tonight. I should’ve let him put his hands in my hair and dig his nails into my back. I should’ve pressed my hip bones against him and took out all my anger with my teeth in his shoulder. I should’ve almost said your name and collapsed into an unfamiliar bed. But instead I lay awake in mine, drinking up the poison you left for me instead.

I’ve been burning up for you so fiercely I’ve manifested a fever. My stomach turns like carnival rides and this month I’ve swallowed so much pride it feels like sandpaper sledding down my throat. The only thing more deafening than this silence is the heartbeat in my ears. I’ve scribbled so many messages and sent them with nothing to lose. Please, what can I do? What can I do to get you to stay, or stop myself from loving you?

“I am so fucking tired of choking on broken promises like smoke. I guess I should’ve realized- I only know to love what burns my throat.”


I feel everything

But mostly I feel


The morning threatening

To peek around the blind

I search for your hand

Amongst the frozen sheets

You are not there

You are never there

And yet

At 3am

My heart still believes

The distance between you and I was heavy. It was a weight of a world between us, a wreck waiting to happen. It was more than just a long car ride, a trip on a plane. It was silent pauses on the phone, it was text messages full of nothing but words replaced as action. A smiley face in place of a kiss, a heart in place of a hug. So many nights I’d stare at the phone wishing to see your eyes. Pillows took the form of you, blankets became arms, and your voice was the only lullaby I could fall asleep to. There was always empty space around me, a seat never taken, a spot never filled. A hand never held. One thing was constant, and that was your absence. But love overtook the longing. And the thought of you, the truth that we were under the same sun, the same sky, was enough. Your body, over there. Your heart, here. Always here.

Isabel Cabrera
