#love writing


“Forgive him for being too young to realize what he had.”

— unknown

“Every time you come back you make me think it might work and then you go and break my heart all over again”

— s.c.

“you were my first love and you always will be. i can’t say i don’t miss you but i cannot keep you here with me forever. the memory of the person you used to be is slowly fading and i’m starting to forget what it felt like to love you. what it felt like being loved by you. i see you with her and i resent you. i’m scared that my memories of you as my first love will be overshadowed by the destruction you caused in the end.”

— s.c. (accepting change)


““Why aren’t you together anymore?” There’s so many ways I could’ve answered that because there were so many reasons. But it had been months since I had heard from him and even longer since I had seen him. I had to condense 5 years of happiness, sadness, anger, and a town full of memories into: “Well things just weren’t working out for us.” There was much more to it than just that and I had a lifetime full of pain to remember him by. And I’m so sure that years from now that pain will still be as prominent when he crosses my mind. It’ll be the most random moments that I’ll think of him and wish to be in his arms. I’ll be standing in an old gas station and our favorite song will come on and it’ll nearly bring me to my knees. My heart will break for the millionth time like it did the first day he left. But I’ll act like it doesn’t matter to me anymore and I’ll pretend like I haven’t thought about him since he has gone. And all the people around him will continue to think they know him through and through. And when they ask him why things ended, he’ll look away, shrug, and say, “Well things just weren’t working out for us.” The world will never know what we know. They’ll never be connected to him the way I was. He’ll continue to feel the same emptiness I feel when people ask our story. And when we see each other again, our hearts will feel full and our eyes will show pain and say all the things our mouths would never dare to. Because even though there were 100 reasons to our end, one thing still stands true. There’s an undying and unconditional love between first loves who began as best friends.”

— eternal love

“I’ll always secretly wish that the honor of being my first love went to someone more noble, honest, and deserving. I would never want to relive the 6 years of my life with you, especially if it would’ve ended in the same pain and destruction. But even though my heart sometimes fills itself with regret at allowing myself to become so misguided by my blinding love for you, I understand it was all necessary. It was necessary to surrender myself to the suffering you caused me to grasp the importance of knowing my own worth. To understand that I must put myself before anybody else. For the rest of my life the scars you left on my heart will shake when I think of my first love. But they will guide me in making decisions that will fulfill me. I have taken a lot of lessons away from loving you, like following my intuition and respecting myself enough to remove myself from toxic situations. And understanding that the way you treated me is the stark opposite of what I deserve. Most of all, loving you taught me that you cannot have bliss without suffering, simply because you do not know what true happiness is without feeling the deepest sadness.”

— s.c. { i will be happier than i’ve ever been and i owe it all to the way you destroyed me }

“You say I’m not your type and that you’re into her. But when put in a situation that I’m standing next to her, your eyes don’t seem to acknowledge her as much as she wish they would. Your eyes instead land of the presence of me. How oblivious of you to think that I could not see you stare at me from the corner of my eyes. It has been months and I don’t look at you like the way I used to and we don’t talk anymore, yet you still continue to stare at me whether you’re sitting behind me, diagonal from me, or right in front of me. So tell me, am I really not your type? And does she really have your heart?”

— the words I’m dying to tell you

I look into the eyes of lovers and see nothing but an empty night sky, while I look into the eyes of “just friends” and see so a whole constellation. Love has such a pure meaning yet it seems to get skewed throughout the years. My advice to the world is that through all you’ve been through, strive to find genuine love. A relationship filled with selfish desires will never flourish far. Love comes from within, love expresses itself in the simplest way. Love is simple, but we, we as people today over complex the meaning of love. So now love is deemed to be confusing, another source of sadness, something that brings more stress upon a person. Which love shouldn’t be, love should be another source of happiness and something that eases the soul. Love is really simple, but we, we as a society have made it into something much more than what it’s supposed to be. 

I met you and now I can see why people belive in saying, “right person, wrong timing.”

The Moon’s Love

You’ve always told me about your obsession with the late night sky,

How the stars lay across the bleek black canvas like white dotted paint,

As the moon stood for all to see,

I remember that night when you had no complaints,

You sat amongst the ruins with your head towards the moon,

And you asked, “Why is the moon so lonely?” on that very day,

And I could only utter out a small answer to your lingering question,

“Maybe its lover is too far away?”

You looked at me with confusion smothered all over your face,

“But why is there distance when there is love?”

The moon doesn’t see the sun often but it still loves the same,

That kind of love is, well–hard to get rid of,

Because distance doesn’t always break people up,

Distance teaches people patience and trust,

And without all of that,

The moon and the sun’s love would just be stardust.

~ heart2heartwritings

“I’m bored so let’s meet up so we can be bored together” is an underrated form of hang out that screams of comfort and fondness and love. The epitome of friendship and boredom.
