#rant tag


Like honestly if being gay was a choice I’d be the gayest human in the galaxy. “We cant have gays on tv because it will turn our kids gay” like excuse me but if it was a choice we’d be the gayest of the gays. We are who we are and if that isnt enough for some people than they can fuck all the way off.

I’m having a hard time with people online and in real life that are always saying “you dont need to casually mention you’re gay or wear pride pins or flags cuz if people wanna know they will ask.” Like excuse the fuck our of me I didn’t spend 17 years in the closet to have some straight white guy named Josh tell me to tone it down. I haven’t bought a helicopter to write it in the sky…… yet….. so dont try me you fuckin pasty chicken wing.

What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with some feminist. Like some “feminists” bost about wanting equality for ALL WOMEN and yet they bully disabled people, laugh at trans women and belittle poor women or women of color. But they brag about being feminists, you’re not a bloody feminist unless you stick up for all women regardless of how they look. This is an inclusive community and if they arent treating all women as equals then they dont stand for any of us and they’re no better than men that belittle women.

Does anyone just have those irrational conversations that people drag you into because they think their opinion is an absolute solid fact that’s indisputable but in fact they are fucking idiots? I got drug into a conversation about “gays going to hell” at a bloody maccys. Like no sir we aren’t going to hell a clean 50% of us dug our way up from hell just to get some bloody hot fries and to shitpost the other 50% are absolute angels sent from god to keep the shitposters in line. Bloody hell I can assure you you’ll end up their before any of us do so good day sir and piss off.

Living in a heteronormative world is really odd to me. Like we as a society have grown up with predominantly straight couples in shows, movies, and on social media. But if a gay couple is in a movie or even an animation for any amount of time mums and dads alike are raising hell and screaming that “the lgbtq+ community is trying to corrupt their child and they’ll have none of it” so their gonna start a petition that does absolutely fuck all just to show that they are immature bigots. Like I grew up watching straight couples being plastered everywhere up until I was about 16 and look at me, alla that straight influence and I’m still gay as fuck. Like I dont understand this shit and the people that think that we as a community are trying to corrupt people while most of us spend all day shitposting and eat hot chips while avoiding social interaction of any kind.

Toxic society

I dont understand this world at all, people are brought into this world and their automatically forced to be something resembling perfection. Kids being put in a position where they have to be “perfect and socially acceptable” in a world that isnt perfect. “My child is a perfect darling he never acts up and makes perfect grades”. “My daughter is cheer captain with a 4.0 gpa shes the perfect child”. People brag about their good children and because of this idea of the “picture perfect kid and family” parents end up comparing their child or children to this seemingly perfect kid that does no wrong. And then the parents and family wonder why that child grew up to dislike them. What epic cluster fuck of a failed society are we living in if people do shit like that and its considered normal?

“ Still here


Are despicable,




Mortifying and truly…


Just because I may have ‘forgiven you’,

Doesnot mean I have forgotten,

I never have and never intend to forget,

So beware,

Watch out,

I am still very much here, so,






Actually, people are good by nature and you’re a fool if you think otherwise.

When you sneeze in public, strangers will say “bless you”, even though they don’t know you.

When you ask for directions on the street someone will show you the way, even though they have nothing to gain from it.

People squeeze their legs against the chair so you don’t have to hop over them on your way to your seat in the theatre, and make funny faces to make babies laugh, and purposefully step on leaves to hear them scrunch, and hold the door open for someone leaving behind them, and ask what floor you’re heading to when you enter the elevator, and send others photos of things that reminded them of them, and recommend each other songs, and ask if anyone else wants a coffee because they’re getting one, and make videos teaching how to sew a button, and wish on shooting stars, and share fun facts, and listen to others rant about things they don’t even understand, and let you cross the street first, and give a bit of their food to others, and laugh at jokes they don’t find funny to make you feel good, and listen to kids talk for hours about nonsense, and let you know your keys fell from your pocket, and they may be strangers, but with every little gesture they’re saying “I love you, I love you, I love you”.

God, I needed to read this today. Humanity is overwhelmingly full of hope and kindness and it’s very easy to forget that these days.

life and humans are not inherently mean. you guys just have unresolved trauma.

go to therapy, talk with someone you trust, touch some grass, breathe in fresh air, enjoy nature, eat good foods, surround yourself with good people, stop indulging in negativity and stop building walls to shut others out. you reap what you sow.

in the nicest way possible, nihilism ain’t cute, sweetie.

perhaps op’s post can help you romanticize you life a bit. pretend it’s a studio ghibli movie. anything! as long as you are attempting to have a more positive outlook on life.

i genuinely mean all this.

we all have dark moments but there are always good people out there that are willing to be your light through that time (sometimes they can even be a random stranger on the internet!). but nothing can change for the better unless you allow yourself to feel, grief, forgive and then grow.

people are good by nature


typically i would be a very gentle person but in my experience sometimes those that are struggling may need a bit more of a wake up call. that’s the only way i was able to get through my dark moments. sometimes you just need someone to shake you awake and then you can open you eyes to the possibilities. so i apologize in advance if my wording comes off as harsh but it’s intentional and has a purpose. i may be a random blog to you but you deserve to feel loved and happy. in the meantime i’ll be here shouting “humans are good!” until you start to believe it.

lots of love, birdo
