
Welcome to the ARCHIVES—a collection of thousands of resources for witchcraft, spirituality, paganisWelcome to the ARCHIVES—a collection of thousands of resources for witchcraft, spirituality, paganisWelcome to the ARCHIVES—a collection of thousands of resources for witchcraft, spirituality, paganis

Welcome to the ARCHIVES—a collection of thousands of resources for witchcraft, spirituality, paganism, and the occult! Our content ranges from books & audiobooks, to videos, apps, and community made guides. We also feature resources for LGBTQ+ users and spoonies!

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Yule is celebrated at the winter solstice which can occur between December 20th and the 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the longest night of the year bringing about the promise of the returning strength of the sun. This Sabbat is celebrated with much joy as the Sun God, otherwise known as the Oak King, is reborn upon the next morning.

Some of the traditions known to Yule include the battle of the Oak and Holly Kings. The Holly King reigns over the dark half of the year and the Oak King reigns over the light half. During many Yule celebrations one can witness the reenactment of this duel between these two aspects of the God. The Oak King defeats the Holly King within battle taking his rightful place upon the throne until the return of the Holly King at Midsummer.

Another tradition (and my personal favorite) is wassailing. Wassail is a traditional Yule beverage which contains cloves, cinnamon, apples, and oranges. It’s a cider which one can either create with or without alcohol. My top choices for alcohol would be spiked cider, mead, or wine. However, rum and whiskey would be a close second. Below, is one such recipe for Wassail.

Other traditions include decorating the home with holly and ivy. This was thought to appease the Nature Sprites and create an inviting atmosphere for them to celebrate as well. Within my own tradition, we cast a sprig of holly upon the fire created from the Yule log and make a wish. The Yule log is traditionally made from Ash. It is said that the log must never be bought but should be either harvested from the land of the owner or given as a gift. Before setting it afire, the log is decorated with holly and other greenery, sprinkled with cider, and then dusted with flour or the ash from the previous Yule log.

Modern practitioners of the Craft and Paganism tend to use the Yule log as a base to hold three candles. These candles can be white, gold and silver, red and green, or representative of deities. The base of the log is then decorated with ivy, holly, berries, and other decorations for the season.

Many may recognize these symbols of Yule being represented within the Christian holiday of Christmas. These symbols include decorating a tree for the home as well as using holly, ivy, and mistletoe. Even Santa Claus, reindeer, and gifting presents are linked to Pagan roots. Below are some correspondences associated with Yule for your next ritual!

Symbolism: Yule Tree, Yule Log, Rebirth, Darkness and Light, Wassail, Holly and Oak King

Goddesses: Aphrodite, Fortuna, Gaia, Hel, Holla, Idun, Ishtar, Isis, Maat, Tiamat, Brighid, Diana, Demeter, Freya, Hertha

Gods: Apollo, Attis, Balder, Bragi, Dionysus, The Green Man, Helios, Janus, Lugh, Mabon, Marduk, Mithras, Odin, Ra, Saturn, Surya, Cronos, Horus, Holly King, Horned God, Oak King

Colors: Gold, Green, Red, White, Silver

Herbs: Chamomile, Rosemary, Ivy, Sage, Bay, Bayberry, Frankincense, Juniper, Mistletoe, Moss, Oak, Pine, Cedar, Evergreen, Blessed Thistle, MyrrhIncense: Bayberry, Frankincense, Myrrh

Gems: Alexandrite, Bloodstone, Blue Topaz, Cat’s Eye, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Ruby

Animals: Bear, Boar, Deer, Pig, Squirrel, Tiger, Wolf, Elk, Moose, Raven, Owl, Wren

Foods: Bread, Caraway Cakes, Cookies, Cream, Fruits, Fruit Cake, Nuts, Soups, Squash, Turkey, Poultry, Pork, Beer, Egg Nog, Spiced Cider, Wassail, Wine, Mead, Cinnamon Tea

Decorations: Bells, Candles, Evergreen, Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe, Pine Cones, Snowmen, Reindeer, Snowflakes, Yule Log, Wreaths, Sun

Magickal Intentions: Darkness, Divination, Light, Messages/Omens, Rebirth, Transformation, Purification, Renewal


Yule is about celebrating the Sun’s long journey back towards the Earth. During the time leading up to Yule, it’s a good idea to do some deep cleaning and de-cluttering, followed by a cleansing ritual so you have a fresh space to celebrate.

Before Yule - A time for preparation

  • Knit or sew new clothes
  • Prepare for winter
  • Store food and herbs for winter use
  • Take in potted plants and harvest the last of your herbs

Arts & Crafts

  • Make stove top potpourri
  • Make witch balls and hang them around your home or on a tree
  • Make a wreath using herbs that correspond with your intent (peace, happiness, prosperity, etc)
  • Use birch branches to craft a besom

Cleaning & Cleansing

  • As you do any cleaning, visualize removing all of the negative energy from your life
  • Clean your bathroom – scrub toilets, wipe down counters, clean out the bathtub
  • Clean your mirrors
  • Clean your windows
  • Finish all your cleaning with a good smoke cleanse using sage, sweetgrass, pine needles or mistletoe, along with your other favorite herbs. Start at the front door and move the incense around the doors and windows of every room, following the lines of the walls.
  • Get rid of all the extra clutter in your house
  • Replace your home’s air filter
  • Sprinkle carpets and rugs with baking soda and vacuum, making sure you move all your furniture to get underneath. Vacuum walls, baseboards, ceiling fans and all the other hard-to-reach places
  • Use a broom to sweep up dirt


  • Bake and cook with family and friends, blessing the food with intent of prosperity and happiness
  • Brew cider infused with herbs and fruit that correspond with prosperity and happiness
  • Cook a feast of wintery foods


  • Add comfy white pillows filled with herbs to your sofa for a sacred space to meditate
  • Decorate your tree and bless all of your ornaments
  • Hang golden suns around your house to welcome back the sun
  • Hang mistletoe for love and protection
  • Hang a sprig of holly in the house for good luck and safety
  • Leave out birdseed ornaments
  • Light lots of candles to symbolize bringing light back into your life

Spell-casting & Divination

  • Cast spells for peace, introspection, wishes and new beginnings.
  • Do a winter solstice tarot spread for yourself
  • Cast spells for light, purification, renewal and rebirth
  • Divination centered around messages and omens

Other Activities

  • Burn a Yule log in honor of the sun, and toss in a sprig of holly to burn away the troubles of the past year. note: use only a small amount of holly if burning indoors, as the fumes are toxic
  • Give gifts
  • Go carolling
  • Make holly water by soaking the leaves overnight in spring water under the full moon
  • Play in the snow and collect some to use in spells
  • Take a walk under the full moon and record any important thoughts or visions you receive
  • Tie up any loose ends in your life
  • Volunteer in your community or donate old belongings
  • Write about your reflections of the past year and what your goals are that you’d like to achieve by the end of the coming year. Bless the page with motivation and love.

After Yule - A time for resting

  • Do not make new plans
  • Sleep as much as possible
  • Take care of your body
  • Take hot baths and moisturize your skin
violetwitchcraft:I came up with 50 things for you to do during the Winter Solstice so you didn’t h


I came up with 50 things for you to do during the Winter Solstice so you didn’t have to! Yay for not thinking!

  1. Wear wreaths like flower crowns because… reasons. 
  2. Wear an obnoxious amount of red because. Reasons?
  3. Decorate your magical space with pinecones.
  4. Create your own festive incense blend with non-traditional ingredients. Get creative!
  5. Make a witchball.
  6. Adorn your house with reds, whites, greens, golds and browns.
  7. Gather twigs and branches and make your own tree figure for your altar.
  8. Alternatively, decorate a pinecone as if it were a yule tree.
  9. Invest in some strong citrus scents.
  10. Feast on foods with rich flavour.
  11. Be receptive to the needs of your friends; help them out if you can.
  12. Snack on dry fruits.
  13. Keep a candle burning late into the night.
  14. If New Years is for new beginnings, make your Yule about successful ends. Wrap up your projects and take time to rest, confident in your actions.
  15. Make a pomander! 
  16. Bake mince pies.
  17. If you’re an adult, it’s fairly likely that someone is going to gift you booze at some point. Why not use it as an offering?
  18. Hang mistletoe above your altar and blow any spirits or deities you work with a kiss.
  19. Create your own tarot spread in traditional winter shapes; stars, trees, etc
  20. Make your space a light in the winter darkness.
  21. Write a poem.
  22. Bake a Yule log. This is… a no-brainer, surely?
  23. As a devotional act or simply as the act of a good human being, go buy some cheap gloves, hats and blankets and donate them to homeless shelters. 
  24. Hang cinnamon sticks from your Yule tree for festive energy and positivity.
  25. Pay for the next persons’ drink at a coffee place.
  26. Reconnect with a friend or family member you’ve lost contact with.
  27. Make blessed water with snow.
  28. Design your own greetings cards.
  29. Create cinnamon stick candle holders.
  30. Make a yule ritual oil.
  31. Gather small tools for a mini ritual kit if you’re going to be away from home this season.
  32. Cleanse your house with Yulecentric scents like citrus fruits, frankincense, pine needles, cedar, sandalwood, juniper berries, etc…
  33. Craft a wreath and weave your intent into it.
  34. Tis’ the season of flu and colds; brush up on your herbal remedy knowledge.
  35. Consider making a special Yule dinner for a pet (before giving them ANY food they don’t usually have, ensure to research whether it is safe for them to eat.
  36. Explore the world of clay crafts; make decorations with protective intent, carve sigils into them.
  37. If you don’t have clay at hand, salt dough is the next best thing. Explore creating ornaments with herbs baked into them for extra magical zing.
  38. Consider environmentally friendly routes of doing your wrapping this year. I’ve often wrapped a gift within another gift. (for example, wrapping an ornament up in a blanket)
  39. If you can’t afford to donate to homeless shelters or any charity of your choice, do volunteer work. Nonprofit organizations are always short-staffed this season.
  40. Create new traditions. Tell stories, insist on weird party games before opening gifts. It’s the small things that your family will remember fondly for years to come.
  41. If you are alone this season, don’t isolate yourself any more than you need to. Look out for events going on in your area. Have a good phone call with a friend. Settle down and watch your favourite film. There’s no reason to force yourself to wallow.
  42. Hotlines are there for a reason. If you need to, use them. 
  43. Get your research game on; learn the history of Yule!
  44. Don’t stop there. Search the winter traditions of all cultures and faiths. They can inspire you with new ideas for your own practice.
  45. Practise an old tradition you wouldn’t usually have considered.
  46. Mourn the loss of the sun on the longest day… yet celebrate too, as he returns sooner than you think :)
  47. Yule is a great time to pay homage to work with earth and fire alongside each other in balance. If you’re lacking a meaningful connection to either of these signs, now is the time to make that bond!
  48. Pay homage to the tale of the Holly King and the Oak King by hanging both above your fireplace.
  49. Make mulled/spiced wine!
  50. Ignore literally all of these tips for at least a day and just CHILL dude. Have some fun. Sleep on your sofa for 8 hours. Live your best life.

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By Tess Whitehurst - October 31st is not just Halloween. It’s also Samhain: an ancient sabbat and powerful point on the wheel of the year.

Divinatory and protective practices connected with this time abound, as does lore about the realm of the dead and the realm of the Fae.

Here are 10 such beliefs:

  1. Spirits and fairies walk among us - At Samhain, the veil between the worlds lifts, which means all usually unseen creatures are free to dwell in our human realm.
  2. Dressing up like an animal or a fearsome creature may trick the fairies into not kidnapping you - If you would prefer not to be kidnapped by a fairy, this gives you one more reason to dress up for Halloween.
  3. Jack-O-Lanterns help guide lost spirits to the light - No matter what vegetable was employed to create Jack-O-Lanterns (they were originally made from things like turnips and beets), their flickering light was said to guide trapped or gloomy spirits into a brighter and happier realm.
  4. A bonfire will protect you from unfriendly fairies and ghosts - As such, many ancient peoples in the British Isles lit a bonfire in the center of town, at the edges of crops, and near their homes.
  5. Thoroughly cleaning and tidying your home will help welcome in beloved deceased ancestors and friends - Burn some sweetgrass and copal incense afterwards for extra magical power.
  6. Two sticks of rowan tied together to form an equal-armed cross will protect you from fairies - Red thread is apparently the best thing with which to tie them.
  7. A bat in your house means a ghost got in - On Samhain, a bat in the house means at least one ghost is probably in there too.
  8. Two nuts, thrown in a fire, can provide romantic insight - First, name the nuts after yourself and your partner. Then throw them in the Samhain fire. If they burn brightly, expect a happy relationship. If they don’t ignite, it’s a sign of future unhappiness. Or if they jump apart, separation (or at least acrimony) may be in your future.
  9. A pair of shoes over a house on Samhain will reveal future travel plans - In short, you’ll know by the direction the toes are pointing.
  10. Seeing a spider on Samhain means you have a loyal ally in the realm of the dead. Whether it’s a friend, a close family member, or a more ancient ancestor, seeing a spider is a message that someone on the other side is looking out for you.

For more fun traditions and beliefs, check out Samhain: Rituals Recipes, & Lore for Halloween. 

[Tess Whitehurst]


☾ tea leaves or ground coffee

make a cup of tea/coffee and leave it on your porch, on your windowsill, or by the fire for a night. sprinkle coffee grounds or tea leaves outside your home.

☾ beer or wine

leave a small chalice of wine/beer at your altar or by your door.

☾ breads or baked sweets

when eating at the table, leave an offering of bread on a plate and leave a seat open for spirits.

☾ apples or pears

cut an apple in half; eat half and leave the other half outside your home to share a blessing with the departed.

☾ flowers, or a pretty leaf arrangement

arrange some fall leaves outside (or in a cemetery) into a mosaic or nice design to pay respects to the earth spirits. make some dandelion wishes to spread their seeds; dandelions are known to call spirits.

☾ honey or pollen

buy some local honeycomb at a farmer’s market and place a small piece by the grave of a loved one or ancestor.

☾ incense or candles

light some incense at your altar or on your front porch and meditate on the smoke curling and rising to share a moment with the departed.

marigoldwitch:Samhain will be here before you know it. Sometimes referred to as “The Witches New Y


Samhain will be here before you know it. Sometimes referred to as “The Witches New Year” it is, not only a time that’s believed to be when the veil between our world and the afterlife is at it’s thinnest, but also a time to reflect on the past year and look to the future.

Let this spread be a guide as you prepare yourself for the cold and dark months ahead. 

Card 1 : Your Past

This card represents all you’ve learned and experience this past year (since last Samhain). Let this be a reminder to you of how far you’ve come.

Card 2 : Your Future Love Life

Will you have one? Is it important? What should you be focusing on in your relationship in the new year? These are all questions that this card can answer for you.

Card 3 :Your Future Work

This card will represent your career for the coming new year. Whether this be to help you figure out any doubts you have about a new career path or promotion, or if how you can better improve your current work ethic / attitude. Let this card help you figure out where you’re trying to head [in your career] in the new year.

Card 4 : Your Present

What are you still dealing with right now? This card will help you better understand where you’re at in this moment so that you’ll better understand how to get to where you want to be.

Card 5 : Your Future Self

Let this card be a guide for your coming new year. Allow it to represent where you need to be in the future, as far as self and self-love goes.

**feel free to print this out and add it to your tarot journal, BoS, Grimoire or whatever sort of notebook system you use**

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After so many of you enjoyed the low-energy ways to celebrate Samhain and Yule, I have decided to continue this little series for everyone who just doesn’t have the energy or time for big celebrations and rituals. Remember that your path is exactly that: only yours. Your practice isn’t worth less or means less just because it might be different to the ways others are able to celebrate. Have a blessed Imbolc my dear friends.

-Honey purifies and stands for beauty and prosperity, so you might want to stir an extra spoon in your morning tea or enjoy it on a nice piece of toast.

- Imbolc is a good time for beauty and selfcare magic and another way to benefit from the honey would be to mix it with some oats and milk and apply it as a face mask. Do something nice for yourself, maybe even draw some sigils onto yourself while applying it.

- Today we want to invoke the sun, brightness and happiness and invite them in our home. Citrus fruits represent just this. You might put some lemon in your water, snack on an orange or get yourself some sweet lemonade.

- Take a nice bath and try to use the time in there to reflect. What do you want in your life from this moment on? What brings you hapiness? A good idea would be bath additives with flowery or fresh scents, like lavender, roses or other flowers you enjoy.

- Imbolc is about celebrating light and the sun, so watching thesunrisewould be a nice way to start the day. If you can’t make it up early, you might want to watch a video of a sunrise or light a nice candle to welcome the sun’s returning.

- Integrate flowers in your day. It can be something that takes a little more time like planting some flowers in nice pots or your garden, but it may also be as simple as wearing clothes with a floral pattern, apply nail stickers with flowers on them or wear any colorful jewelry that might remind you of flowers.

Ways to Celebrate Mabon - the Autumn Equinox

Take a walk in nature to observe the transition of the seasons

Gather fall leaves, acorns, creek stones, and mushrooms

Gratitude journaling

Host a bonfire with music & dancing

Have a potluck or feast with loved ones

Hang up plants & herbs to dry

Practice ancestor veneration

Give offerings to your God or deities

Works of charity — give to others

Rituals for prosperity, protection, and power

Bake bread or fruit pies

Honor the Harvest Moon

Decorate your altar to honor and highlight the season

Visit an orchard or vineyard

Use grapes and apples in your spellwork

Pray or set intention for a bountiful harvest, new opportunities, and protection of your blessings

Pyromancy and fire rites

More detailed tips and info about the Autumn Equinox HERE

December 20-23

The Winter Solstice and longest night of the year. Yule is a Sabbat for celebrating the Oak King’s rebirth, transformation, reflection, and mysteries. Gift exchanges, feasting, and wreath making are common ways to celebrate. Kiss under the mistletoe for good luck.

Popular Symbols for this holiday are mistletoe, poinsettia, wreaths, bells, holly, evergreens, reindeer, and a Yule Log.

Color Associations - Red, Green, White, Blue, Yellow

Tarot Cards associated with Yule are The Sun and Judgement.

Crystals to use on your altar or for spells on this holiday could be Bloodstone, Emerald, Quartz, Garnet, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye, Ruby, Topaz, Rose Quartz, Diamond.

Animal energies to channel could include bears, reindeer,

Herbs and Plants - Bayberry, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Laurel Mistletoe, Myrrh, Oak, Pine, Thistle

Spells good to perform on this holiday are those for New Starts, Blessings, Peace, Harmony, Luck, Wealth, Love, Happiness

Activities to help get in the Yule spirit and celebrate are participating in a gift exchange, caroling, decorating the yule tree and burning the yule log, kissing under the mistletoe for luck. Baking, cooking, and feasting with friends and family are great activities. Hand making decorations for the tree or even a wreath. Wassailing the trees.

image credit - daystilchristmas.tumblr.com
October 31 - November 1

The last of three harvesting Sabbats; Samhain is a time when the veil is at it’s thinnest. DIvination and communication with the spirits comes more easily. Feasts are a common way to celebrate this holiday. As the Witch’s New Year it comes at the last harvest and the start of the darker time of year.

Divination, communicating with spirits, and lighting a candle for those who’ve passed on are ways to celebrate. Having a Dumb Supper is another popular practice. Leave out milk and honey for the fae and other offerings for the dead.

Popular Symbols for this holiday are Apples, Gourds, Pomegranate, Acorns, Pumpkins

Color Associations - Black, White, Orange, Purple, Gold, Silver

Tarot Cards associated with Samhain are The High Priestess, The Magician, The Hanged Man, Death

Crystals to use on your altar or for spells on this holiday could be Amber, Ametrine, Apophylite, Bloodstone, Calcite, Carnelian, Dragon’s Blood Jasper, Hag Stone, Jet, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz

Animals energies to channel could include Blackbirds, Eagles, Wild Goose, Owl, Salmon, Wolf

Herbs and Plants - Apple and Bay Leaf, Almond, Calendula, Cedar, Fern, Heather, Marigold, Mugwort, Patchouli, Sage

Spells good to perform on this holiday are those for banishings, blessings, seeking clarity, guidance or protection, releasing, and divination.

Activities to help get in the Samhain spirit and celebrate could include setting up an altar for your ancestors. Make a besom. Light a bonfire. Learn about a past life. Maybe recreate family traditions or recipes, be around your family and share stories. Cooking. Feasting. Remembering loved ones who’ve passed and reconnecting with them through stories.

image credit - falling-through-autumn.tumblr.com

The Autumn Equinox - September 23

The second of three harvesting Sabbats; Mabon is a time to give thanks to the Earth, and to celebrate the harvest and abundance. It’s a time when the night and day are equal, crops are harvested, and food is stored away. Days following become darker which starts a time of reflection and letting go.
Making and drinking wine is common practice around this time.

Popular Symbols for this holiday are Apples, Pinecones, Gourds, Oak Leaves, Acorns, Berries, Pies, Bread, Grains, Grapes, Carrots, Onions, Potatoes, and Corn.

Color Associations - Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Indigo, and Gold

Tarot Cards associated with Mabon are Judgement, and The World.

Crystals to use on your altar or for spells on this holiday could be Amber, Aventurine, Cat’s Eye, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Sapphire, Yellow Agat

Animal energies to channel could include Blackbirds, Eagles, Wild Goose, Owl, Salmon, Wolf

Herbs and Plants - Cinnamon, Chamomile, Frankincense, Marigold, Oak Leaves, Myrrh, Pine, Rue, Rosemary, Sage, Thistle, Yarrow

Spells good to perform on this holiday are those for Balance and Harmony, Blessings, Divination, Prosperity, Protection and Security, and Self Confidence

Activities to help get in the Mabon spirit and celebrate are baking, decorating, donating to a local charity. Going for a walk,burning bad habits, lighting candles, having a bonfire, making and enjoying a stew or a soup… Meditation, harvesting from your garden or a friend’s… Starting a week or so before the Sabbat, try throwing spare change into a jar steadily. Use that on your altar to help encourage prosperity to come. Donate that money (or some food and other goods) to a charity or cause you believe in. Put good energy out, receive good energy in turn

Happy Mabon and Blessed Be!

image credit autumn-mabon.tumblr.com

I’m not being paid to promote this haha, but I have to share my adoration of Sam Guay’s Blood Moon Tarot! It consists of a full set of 78 standard-sized tarot cards, with original watercolor art on each one. The minor arcana consists of Dreams, Songs, Skins, and Honey!

You can learn more about it here:


It’s currently available to order from a few independent shops in MA!


Mesomedes of Crete’s “Hymn to the Sun”

The roman-era greek poet Mesomedes is said to be the composer of a few ancient melodies that we know of. One of them that I seldom see around here is the said Hymn to the Sun - an hymn to the Sun-God Helios, although bear in mind with me that on this particular era (around the 2nd century ACE), I believe Apollon and Helios were already very much conflated, the same goes for Artemis/Diana/Selene.

But without further ado, let’s appreciate the song a bit. Which, by the way, you can listen to here.

Hymn to the Sun


Father of the Dawn with her snow-white eyelids,
you who follow in your rose-pink chariot
the track of your flying steeds,
exulting in the gold of your hair,
twining your darting rays
across the boundless vault of sky,
whirling around the whole earth
the thread of your all-seeing beams,
while flowing rivers of your deathless fire
beget the lovely day.

For you the peaceful chorus of stars
dance their measure across Olympos their lord,
forever singing their leisured song,
rejoicing in the music of Apollo’s lyre;
and leading them the silvery-grey Moon
marshals the months and seasons,
drawn by her team of milk-white heifers.
And your benevolent mind rejoices
as it whirls around the manifold raiment of the universe.


Pai da Aurora com suas pálpebras alvas como a neve,
tu que segues em sua carruagem rósea
a pista de seus alados corcéis,
exultando com o ouro do seu cabelo,
entrelaçando seus raios dardejantes
através da abóbada sem limites do Céu
girando em torno de toda a Terra
o fio de seus raios onividentes,
enquanto fluem rios de seu fogo imortal
que geram o amável Dia.

Para ti, o coro pacífico das Estrelas
Dançam sua medida n'Olimpo, seu senhor,
para sempre cantando sua canção de desenfado
regozijando-se com a música da lira de Apolo;
E conduzindo-as a Lua (Selene)cinza-argêntea,
comanda os meses e as estações,
desenhados por sua equipe de novilhas brancas como leite.
E sua mente benevolente se alegra
enquanto giras em torno das múltiplas vestes do universo.


Χιονοβλεφάρου πάτερ Ἀοῦς,
ῥοδόεσσαν ὃς ἄντυγα πώλων
πτανοῖς ὑπ’ ἴχνεσσι διώκεις,
χρυσέαισιν ἀγαλλόμενος κόμαις,
περὶ νῶτον ἀπείριτον οὐρανοῦ
ἀκτῖνα πολύστροφον ἀμπλέκων,
αἴγλας πολυδερκέα πάναν
περὶ γαῖαν ἅπασαν ἑλίσσων.
ποταμοὶ δὲ σέθεν πυρὸς ἀμβρότου
τίκτουσιν ἐπήρατον ἁμέραν.

σοὶ μὲν χορὸς εὔδιος ἀστέρων
κατ’ Ὄλυμπον ἄνακτα χορεύει,
ἄνετον μέλος αἰὲν ἀείδων,
Φοιβηΐδι τερπόμενος λύρᾳ.
γλαυκὰ δὲ πάροιθε Σελάνα
χρόνον ὥριον ἁγεμονεύει,
λευκῶν ὑπὸ σύρμασι μόσχων.
γάνυται δέ τέ σοι νόος εὐμενὴς
πολυείμονα κόσμον ἑλίσσων

I hope you guys appreciate it! May we always honour the Gods with their lovely hymns and art. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong on something or even expand the post.

May Eirene (Peace) be with you!


Hello lovies!! i have an updated recipe for my healing tea!!! its especially effective against soreness and tummy aches :)

in a pot simmer water with

eucalyptus leaf

nettle leaf

blessed thistle

hibiscus flower

white willow bark

red rose petals

raspberry leaf




bay leaf

ginger (i used ground but u can use the root)

a cinnamon stick

add this mixture to a cup with honey and enjoy!

i didnt but i recommend using clean moon water!

it tastes rlly good yall

⚠️ do not consume mugwort if pregnant, and plz research all herbs before consumption⚠️

here is the link to where you can get most of these ingredients!



Chiron in Aries (or 1st House):

  • Wounds: Anger management, lack of self-worth, aloofness and isolationism, cutthroat competition style—needing to be #1 or refusing to participate, comparing and despairing
  • Healing Gifts: Empowering people to embrace their individuality, channeling anger into creative expression, fearless individuality, modeling independence

Chiron in Taurus (or 2nd House):

  • Wounds: Stubborn resistance to (and fear of) change, following the flock instead of forming your own values and beliefs, addiction to comforts like eating and drinking, materialism and money struggles
  • Healing Gifts: Creating serene environments, savvy financial planning, holding down the fort during turbulent times, calm in the storm, practical magic, teaching/modeling traditional wisdom

Chiron in Gemini (or 3rd House):

  • Wounds: Fear of being alone (without a “Twin“), approval-seeking, nervous chatter or addiction to gossip, constant pivoting that makes it impossible to finish what you start (Sparklepony Syndrome), anxiety about being judged, sibling rivalry
  • Healing Gifts: Play-based learning, communication arts, cooperation and mediation, using wit and humor as a tool for connection, putting people at ease/inclusivity

Chiron in Cancer (or 4th House):♋

  • Wounds: Trouble feeling “at home” or safe—both in your body and in the world, hoarding resources and money, emotional eating, xenophobia and “stranger danger,” family dysfunction (possibly with the mother)
  • Healing Gifts: Creating a safe haven for community, empowering women, nutritional wisdom/nourishing with food, savvy financial planning

Chiron in Leo (or 5th House):

  • Wounds:Need for validation, attention and approval, presenting a false front, addiction to drama and intensity, romance/love addiction, chasing the high
  • Healing Gifts: Empowering others through authentic self-expression, playfulness and healthy hedonism, using the arts to uplift and spread a positive message

Chiron in Virgo (or 6th House):

  • Wounds: Debilitating perfectionism, people-pleasing, distorted self-image (body image), anxiety about people’s judgments, being excessively critical of others, hypochondria
  • Healing Gifts: Creating structures to help people improve their lives (from home organization to wellness), being a storehouse of practical wisdom, creating empowering media

Chiron in Libra (or 7th House):

  • Wounds: Inability to commit to relationships, paralyzing indecision, romanticizing, trying to force peace at any price, trouble ending relationships
  • Healing Gifts: Fostering peaceful communication and harmonious compromises, diplomacy, creating beauty and heart-opening experiences, being a messenger for Cupid

Chiron in Scorpio (or 8th House):

  • Wounds: Nihilism, sexual addiction (possibly springing from childhood sexual abuse), power struggles, jealousy and obsession, trouble leaving bad relationships
  • Healing Gifts: Soul-deep sexual healing, alchemy (turning “trash” into treasure), helping people through extreme life passages such as births, deaths and other transitions

Chiron in Sagittarius (or 9th House):

  • Wounds:Fanatical or zealous beliefs, disruptive nomadic tendencies, aggressive or tactless communication style, chasing the “high” of the next big thing
  • Healing Gifts: Revealing higher truths with compassion, fostering diversity and inclusivity, creating conscious media, laughter as medicine

Chiron in Capricorn (or 10th House):

  • Wounds:Obsessive ambition, using career as an escape, fixation on gaining status and approval, family dysfunction (possibly showing up as daddy issues)
  • Healing Gifts: Levelheaded leadership, environmental consciousness, utilizing resources to provide for everyone

Chiron in Aquarius (or 11th House):

  • Wounds:Destructive rebellion, scientific detachment from emotions, trying to “fit in”
  • Healing Gifts: Social justice/activism, fostering utopian communities and a sharing economy both online and IRL, uplifting idealism

Chiron in Pisces (or 12th House):

  • Wounds: Fear of asserting boundaries, escapism, addiction, denial/not living in reality, having a parent with an addiction or who was mentally ill
  • Healing Gifts: Helping people let go of limiting beliefs, spiritual and esoteric leadership, psychic/metaphysical/shamanic powers, helping people live out their fantasies