
Deadline: June 19, 2020 . . . #themedicalchronicles #medicine #magazines #blog #art #science #humani

Deadline: June 19, 2020

#themedicalchronicles #medicine #magazines #blog #art #science #humanities #doctors #physicians #nurses #healthcareprofessionals #healthcare #writing #essays #shortstories #narratives #callforsubmission #covid19

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Books read in December 2021



OUR CROOKED HEARTS by Melissa Albert

THE INHERITANCE GAMES by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

THE HAWTHORNE LEGACY by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

There’s still time to enter our OsceoWriMo #Writing #Contest! Check out osceolalibrary.org/bib

There’s still time to enter our OsceoWriMo #Writing #Contest! Check out osceolalibrary.org/biblioboard and click “CREATE” to learn more about the platform you’d be using, how you’d become a part of our first Community Collection with other local #authors, and how to enter for a chance to win a $25 #giftcard.

The contest is open to adults and teens and multiple entries ARE allowed. Deadline is November 30, 2020 so write, write, write! We can’t wait to read your short stories! #osceolalibrary #writingcontest #write #authors #selfpublishing #libraryevent #nanowrimo #shortstories #osceowrimo

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18+ #kindleunlimited #getnaughty #anthology #hotinkpress #erotic #shortstories #bedtimestories #read

18+ #kindleunlimited #getnaughty #anthology #hotinkpress #erotic #shortstories #bedtimestories #read #bookstagram #writersofinstagram #editorsofinstagram #bloggersofinstagram @hotinkpress @aureliafray @sjdaviswriter
Nothing tastes as good as Naughty Feels.
Naughty Bedtime Stories First Taste - http://smarturl.it/NaughtyBedtime-HIP

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#dickens #charlesdickens #shortstories #shortstory #clownstory #clownbook #clown #clowngrimaldi #gri

#dickens #charlesdickens #shortstories #shortstory #clownstory #clownbook #clown #clowngrimaldi #grimaldi #wine #redwine #jester #fool #buffoon #klaun

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I’ll be featuring short horror stories on my podcast starting September 10th! You won’t want to miss this! https://anchor.fm/authorlauren

Stories written by indie authors will be featured each week and promoted with their social media and previous works!

#podcastshow #authorpodcast #indieauthor #indieauthorsofinstagram #shortstories #horrorstories #halloween #authorssupportingauthors #podcastersofinstagram

#SaltSlow is tugging me to places I didn’t know I could exist in. I’m in absolute awe of Julia Armfi

#SaltSlow is tugging me to places I didn’t know I could exist in. I’m in absolute awe of Julia Armfield’s writing. Thanks for the advance copy @kishani and congratulations on publishing this brilliant work, it’s everything and more.

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la grammatica di un finale

“È meglio così. Credimi.”

“Si. Forse. Non so.”

Si salutarono cordiali, senza un abbraccio, senza sorridere. Lui uscì e non pioveva. Lei rimase al suo posto nell’angolo defilato, a guardare come ipnotizzata, attraverso la vetrina, il grigiore della strada.

Fuori, il pomeriggio si faceva scuro. Passavano auto con i fari accesi. Gente nel locale? Poca.

Sola, disorientata, non le veniva in mente dove andare.

“Come si fa a vivere così lontano dal mare?” Ecco. A questo pensò.

la casa al mare

Le otto. Ora tiepida, settembre mite.

Nell’aria aleggiava un odore di alghe e umidità marina. Non faceva neanche un pizzico di freddo e il cielo era terso.

Subito, oltre la strada, oltre lo scoglio e la linea blu dell’orizzonte, oltre le nuvole lontane e ancora più in là, nel passato perduto per sempre, senza alcuno sforzo di memoria, riaffiorarono dalla schiuma delle onde scene dell’infanzia.

Dimenticare? che roba è?

Anche allora il mare era lì a ridosso della ringhiera, anche allora i sassi si susseguivano fino ad arrivare a mare, come piccole tartarughine appena schiuse.

I ricordi di quei giorni spensierati tornavano impetuosi e disordinati come la corsa di noi bambini sulla spiaggia. Allegria. Allora come ora.

Le otto e mezzo. Le prime ombre, settembre mite.

No che non bisogna rinunciare all’allegria.

Ed ecco il caffè. Servito in una grossa tazza blu, come lo bevevano a Parigi negli anni 60 i poeti e i filosofi.

Ne bevo un sorso. La temperatura è giusta. Con un altro sorso vuoto un terzo della tazza e trattengo in bocca il caffè, lasciando che sprigioni la sua magia.

Lo mando giù, e tutti i pensieri aggrovigliati si dipanano.

“Com’è il caffè?” Chiede la cameriera.

“Te lo dirò quando mi sveglio”.

“Peccato. Fossi stata un uomo saresti andata lontano”.

E lei ci andò.

Andare: infinito, presente.

Non ho mai sopportato la luce di quel neon in cucina. Eppure siamo entrambi lì, seduti con un calice di vino in mano. Ultimo suono quello dei bicchieri che si riempiono. Ultima parola: nessuna.

La finestra sbatte. Prende il calice e va di là. Resto solo.

Con il bicchiere in mano mi alzo. Mi incammino verso la porta. La supero. Senza pensarci procedo oltre le scale. Il portone. La strada. Le case dei vicini. Di là, via. Lontano verso la città. Oltre la città. Scompaio.

Andarsene è una tentazione, un sollievo. Una muta, non violenta, ribellione. È un tradimento. È un rischio, un salto nel vuoto. Andarsene è un ode alla fragilità e alla forza di ogni essere vivente, che sia uomo, animale, pianta.

Andarsene è una storia d’amore.

compagni di corsa

Ogni giorno, durante la corsa mattutina, incontro un anziano signore anche lui impegnato nella sua camminata sportiva. Ci incrociamo nel tratto di strada che attraversa i giardini.

Io, con la mia andatura veloce, il mio abbigliamento termico, il monitoraggio cardiaco e GPS.

Lui, con la sua comoda tuta in acetato bicolore, un passo caparbio aiutato da ampi movimenti alternati delle braccia e con la serenità di chi conosce bene il ritmo del proprio cuore e la strada di casa.

Ormai ci riconosciamo da lontano.

Lui mi vede e accelera il passo, come a voler avvicinarsi il più velocemente possibile al sogno della mia età. Io invece rallento per dimezzare le distanze tra le nostre vite.

Al momento dell’incrocio lui sorride sempre. Ho imparato a farlo pure io.

Alza il braccio sinistro con la mano aperta in segno di saluto. Come si fa tra amici, coetanei, sportivi di pari livello.

Nella mano destra tiene invece stretto in pugno un mazzolino di fiori di campo, sempre diversi, piccoli, coloratissimi, forse felici di essere stati raccolti.

Chissà a cosa o a chi saranno destinati.

Onoreranno una foto custodita in casa, renderanno più bello il tavolo in cucina o semplicemente gli faranno colorata compagnia durante il tragitto.

Ci allontaniamo ognuno verso la nostra direzione.

Da qualche tempo ho imparato a fermarmi e guardalo mentre si allontana con la sua andatura marziale, incerta e dignitosa, con il suo mazzolino profumato e la sua vita stretta salda tra le dita.

la storia raccontata cento volte

Ho di nuovo bisogno di te.

Ancora. Si, ancora.

Evidentemente la nostra vita non procede in linea retta ma in modo circolare, è questo il motivo per cui ricadiamo sempre nelle stesse buche.

È il passato che ritorna. È l’abbraccio consolatorio che non sa o non vuole andare via.

Giorno. Stazione. Treno. Stavi per salire. Mi hai dato ancora un abbraccio. Quello. Cerca di stare bene. Hai detto. Lo prometto. Ho risposto.

E sono stato bene.

l’ultimo vagone

Lei lo vide allontanarsi affacciato al finestrino. Ciao, occhi neri. Ciao sorriso affascinante. Lo amava tanto, ma tanto tanto.

Seguirono altri vagoni con volti affacciati e altre mani che salutavano.

In pochi minuti la banchina si svuotò, le mani si abbassarono, i corpi si girarono all’unisono guardando immobili verso l’uscita. E lei con loro.

Il silenzio durò pochi attimi. Poi il cuore, i muscoli, il sangue e la vita decisero che poteva bastare.

E se ne andò.

I miss you.
Are unspoken words I want you to hear. I hope you realize how much it aches my heart to see you and not tell you. I miss you. I will always do.

Today I have a new short story available for you to read! It’s called “Meet Cute”

Today I have a new short story available for you to read! It’s called “Meet Cute” and it’s in the latest @weneeddiversebooks anthology, Fresh Ink, edited by @lamargiles.
This is a rarity for me — a fun and romantic story with a happy ending! “Meet Cute” is basically my short story version of a romantic comedy, set at a Comic Con-style convention. The two characters who meet cutely are Nic, who is cosplaying as a gender-flipped Sulu from Star Trek, and Tamia, who is cosplaying as a race-bent Dana Scully from The X-Files.
I’m so happy to give you all a happy little story, and even happier that it’s in Fresh Ink, which is a great new anthology from the wonderful organization We Need Diverse Books. In addition to my tale, you’ll find stories from YA stars including Jason Reynolds, Gene Luen Yang, and Sara Farizan, as well as from talented newcomer and out trans athlete Schuyler Bailar. It’s a really great collection and I hope you’ll check it out!
Buy links and more info at malindalo.com/blog
#weneeddiversebooks #freshink #bookstagram #youngadult #shortstories


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So excited that the cover for FRESH INK is out now! This is a #weneeddiversebooks YA anthology featu

So excited that the cover for FRESH INK is out now! This is a #weneeddiversebooks YA anthology featuring short fiction by many authors including me! My story is a romantic comedy about two girls who meet at a Comic Con and it’s titled “Meet Cute.” That’s right this is a happy f/f story from me! ❤️ FRESH INK will be published in August 2018! #authorsofinstagram #freshink #queerya #shortstories

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Thrilled to announce that I have joined the editorial team at Metonymy Press as an acquisitions edit

Thrilled to announce that I have joined the editorial team at Metonymy Press as an acquisitions editor. Metonymy Press has been such a supportive home for my work & I look forward to paying this forward by supporting other emerging artists refine their craft & publish their work.

I will be mostly focussing on acquiring French to English translation rights, but if you have a manuscript lying around (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, hybrid forms) check out submission guidelines on Metonymy’s website & send us your work at [email protected]

#Repost @metonymypress
We are over-the-moon excited to share this news with you. All metonymy acquisitions will now be made collectively by our newly formed acquisitions committee : @notesofacrocodile @theonlyelitareq and @kamalamackerel alongside co-pubs @smashmtl & @oliverpickle. Send us your queries to submissions [at] metonymypress [dot] com.

[image id: headshots of three writers/editors collaged against a pink gradient background. Text reads “Meet our new acquisitions editors”]

#canlit #literature #poetry #poem #poet #fiction #nonfiction #novel #novelas #shortstory #shortstories #lit #lgbt #lgbtq #queer #trans #transgender

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Fue tan rápido que antes de poder asumirlo ya había finalizado.

Recitatif, the only short story Toni Morrison ever wrote, is about race and the relationships that s

Recitatif, the only short story Toni Morrison ever wrote, is about race and the relationships that shape our lives, with a new substantial introduction from Zadie Smith
This powerful story about race and friendship, tells the story of girls Twyla and Roberta who meet at the age of eight in a children’s home. Inseparable as children, they lose touch as they grow older, only later to find each other again at various junctures in their lives. A beautiful abstract painting by Liverpool based artist Millie Toyin Olateju graces the cover. The layers and overlapping of colours in Millie’s piece reminded the designer of the meetings between Twyla and Roberta in the story and serves as an abstract representation of their story building and their relationship.

#bookdesign #bookcover #newbooks #jacketdesign #graphicdesign #coverdesign #tonimorrison #abstractpainting #recitatif #bookphotography #blackhistorymonth #shortstories

Design by Kris Potter.

Published by @chattobooks, Recitatif is available now.

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Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, John Cheever - variously referred to as &l

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, John Cheever - variously referred to as ‘Ovid in Ossining’ and the 'Chekhov of the suburbs’ - forever altered the landscape of contemporary literature.
Satirical, fantastical, sad and transcendent, A Vision of the World is a collection of stories that speak directly to the heart of human experience, and remain a testament to the wit and vision of one of the most important and influential short story writers of the twentieth century.

#bookdesign #bookcover #newbooks #avisionoftheworld #graphicdesign #coverdesign #thriller #johncheever #shortstories

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Hey. Pssssst! You! Yeah, you. Come here. I have to sweet hook up on all the horror over here. Do you

Hey. Pssssst! You! Yeah, you. Come here. I have to sweet hook up on all the horror over here. Do you like scary things? No?!
Why not??? Get out of here!! Go read your baby books.
My review of 13 Views of the Suicide Woods is up on Goodreads. Link in my bio. Spoiler: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
In the review, I unpack this collection and highlight my favorites so scoot your buns over there if you want a little more but for this crowd right here, I’ll tell you that I’m a fan of authors that can throw down some Grade A short stories. Bracken MacLeod is a heavy hitter folks. A one-two punch for the KO.
You need to get on this guy. I’m excited I have his latest Come to Dust on my nightstand, thanks @the.nocturnal.readers.box
Hmmm I’m read Zeroes by good ol Chuck Wendig next. I don’t want to squander my horror stack in the summer! Summer isn’t worthy.
#brackenmacleod #13viewsofthesuicidewoods #anthology #shortstories #scarybooks #scarystories #horror #horrorfan #horrorlover #bookreview #goodreads #bookandcoffee #vintagetypewriter #bookcoverlover #flatlay #flatlaystyle

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This prompt was definitely @thereaderswardrobe idea! Colorful shoes to match a colorful book? #circl

This prompt was definitely @thereaderswardrobe idea! Colorful shoes to match a colorful book? #circleofbookishfriends

What are colorful shoes??
I don’t own any of those. But these Cons match The Long Walk perfectly yeah?
I love the original artwork by @dansmonsters we got from the @the.nocturnal.readers.box
I heard the August box will blow our minds!! did you get in on that box? Don’t miss out! (It might be too late ) get September’s box!
What’s your favorite Bachman book?
#richardbachman #stephenking #stephenkingfan #stephenkingbooks #bachmanbooks #thelongwalk #chucktaylors #cons #flatlay #flatlaystyle #booknerd #bookworm #shortstories #anthology #horror #horrorfan #horrorlover

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I have to tell you guys some things: 1. I’m officially obsessed with thistles. I find them and

I have to tell you guys some things:
1. I’m officially obsessed with thistles. I find them and hurt myself picking them and hurt myself more photographing them. But worth it, yeah? Look at them!
2. This is a book called Bone Mother I was trying to save for Fall but I “accidentally” browsed through the pages and saw that they were short, scary folklore tales with creepy photos! I read like 10 of them last night.
3. I’m anticipating my @the.nocturnal.readers.box SO BAD! I’m trying not to leave the house so I can be here when it arrives
4. I have a translucent thorn in my fingertip that hurts when I type on my phone. I can’t see it to remove it. Any suggestions??
Hope your Monday isn’t too Mondayish
#bookstagram #bibliophile #bonemother #thebonemother #folklore #openbook #thistles #horror #horrorfan #horrorlover #storycollection #shortstories

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Enjoy the brilliance of Anika Noni Rose as she reads (& sings!) my story Hell Diving Women for NPR’s Selected Shorts. Also featured:  a short interview about how I came to write this story, and how amazing Tiny & Ruby really were. 
