#sirius black


remus: it’s unhealthy to eat past 9pm

sirius, eating chocolate frogs at 3am: well, good thing time is a social construct!

A short message to all our wonderful Marauders fanfic writers and fanartists…

I love the Marauders. I love that people take time to create masterpieces based on characters which we see so little in canon. Their experiences at Hogwarts were hardly mentioned, yet we’ve developed our own collective ideas of how these 4 boys lived, loved and acted.

The Marauders were a group of very different personalities which blended together wonderfully- hence why they were such envied friends. Each member balances out the others perfectly and, without one, the group would not be the same. This is where my slightly unpopular opinion comes in.

There were FOUR Marauders. Four. Not three. Obviously, three of them are rightfully favoured over the other but their story wouldn’t have existed without ALL of them.

Peter Pettigrew was a morally flawed and, in future years, disgusting literary character… but he was a Marauder. No less of a Marauder than James, Sirius or Remus. His name’s on the map, he’s an Animagus and he was one of the most important building blocks of their complicated and sorrowful tale.

Please,please don’t leave him out of your fanarts or fanfics based on the Marauder’s time at Hogwarts. You may not like how he turned out (Heavens knows, I hate the man), but during his time at school, Peter was a good friend and an interesting part of the Marauder’s storyline. He’s the soft, shy alternative to James and Sirius’ loud personalities and Remus’ angst- without him there’s just a group of harsh nature’s clashing with each other.

Of course, if you’re drawing/writing canon timeline Marauders- do leave him out! He doesn’t deserve to be associated with such mature and wonderful characters as Remus, Sirius and the others. I know this post will receive very mixed views… but this is mine. The Marauders and Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs and they always will be.

“My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I’m right.”

                                                                                           Sirius talking to Remus

today as i started crying about yet another gay ship and eventually ran upstairs screaming the lyrics to taylor swift songs i felt like i was exactly the type of (almost) 16 year old my 9-12 year old self wanted me to be.

jjameslily: @marauderseranetwork​’s august event → sirius black“sirius was a brave, clever, and enerjjameslily: @marauderseranetwork​’s august event → sirius black“sirius was a brave, clever, and enerjjameslily: @marauderseranetwork​’s august event → sirius black“sirius was a brave, clever, and enerjjameslily: @marauderseranetwork​’s august event → sirius black“sirius was a brave, clever, and ener


@marauderseranetwork​’s august event → sirius black

“sirius was a brave, clever, and energetic man, and such men are not usually content to sit at home in hiding while they believe others to be in danger.”

Post link
ginnevraweasley:                             I never betrayed Lily and James.                       ginnevraweasley:                             I never betrayed Lily and James.                       


                            I never betrayed Lily and James. 

                                                      I would have died before I betrayed them. 

@fandomaestheticnet gtktm»Favorite Characters [5/∞] → Sirius Black ♡ (harry potter series)

Post link

When James & Sirius pranked Severus, I imagine the anger of Remus was such that he needed to took distance from them and here’s when his friendship with Lily could born.

I think she never disliked Remus at all but was kind of dificult to talk with him thanks to James, Sirius and Severus.

Their friendship was easy to start, they both had a lot in common and they both were seriously mad with their friends.

I like to imagine that Lily was the first one to notice Sirius liked Remus and had the idea to tease them this way, pretending they were dating.

Also i’d like to play with the idea of them teasing each other with the hole situation of been the repective chush of their friends, with Remus in denial of thinking Sirius liked him, and Lily trying to help him to come to terms with his feelings.

Muggle stuff:

“Remus always says that muggle things have its own magic… he’s a terrible liar…”

Headcanon: Sirius has many tattoos, but just a muggle one.

Wolfstar prompt part 2:

Idea credit goes to: @littleturtle95

*Part one has been posted previously if you need some context!


Sirius had found what the trolley lady had promised was the best chocolate on the train to bring back to Remus. Sirius would have to take her word for it because ever since he gained the ability to turn into a dog chocolate had made him very ill. He knew for a fact that Moony’s affinity for chocolate spread much further than his insistence he would be prepared for a dementor attack, so just in case he grabbed a few other chocolates of choice and raced back to the train car.

Back in the car Remus graciously accepted the chocolates and began discussing the matters of choosing classes for their next year would be to Sirius, going into vivid detail on how each of their OWL scores from the previous year would open new doors for tir NEWTS and so on and so forth. To be honest Sirius did not care nor did he hear Remus was saying, he was too fixated on the way in which talking made Remus’ dimples show and how he had the most perfect teeth. Matters far more important than actually thinking about Sirius’s future. So he just sat and nodded along as they pulled into the grounds of Hogwarts.

After arriving at Hogwarts and unpacking what they had brought home for break the four of them settled in greeting Snivellus to a welcome back wedgie. Then Lily and James went their own way and Peter crashed on his bed snoring within minutes. Remus went into the shower and Sirius plopped down on the floor next to his bed and pulled out his OWL score sheet.He had received it the summer leading up to their sixth year and the four of them agreed to wait until they met up on the train to open them together.

When they did Sirius was sure he would have failed just liked he did with everything else. When they opened them he shielded it from Remus at the time because he knew how much of a failure he was and he didn’t need the most brilliant, Remus Lupin, to know that. To his surprise when they opened the envelopes Sirius had all Es and even an O in transfiguration, plus an A in herbology but he’d never cared much for plants anyways. He was so happy that he always kept that paper spellotaped to the top of his trunk. A single reminder that he wasn’t a complete failure. Plus Remus was so thrilled for him that he gave him the biggest hug which made Sirius feel all sorts of happy. He pulled out some of the textbooks from his trunk and started sorting his school supplies by subject disassociating from the world for a few minutes until he was brought back to reality by a certain cheerful voice.

“Hey, do my eyes deceive me or is Sirius Black actually organizing something other than pranks and ways to torment other students?” Remus said standing above Sirius who jumped not noticing he had come back into the room.

“Why yes Moony, I felt that I should actually start being a productive member of society for once. Now that I did well on my OWLs people are going to start expecting I actually have my life together” Sirius said, feigning confidence and Remus sat beside him on the floor.

“So, does that mean I don’t have to do all of your homework this year?”

“Well, to be fair, I do not actually have my life together. It may only appear that way to the untrained eye.” Sirius said opening their new potions book in an attempt to finish all of their homework from before break the night before classes started up again.

“So I see. Well at least let me help you, I mean if you fail and have to stay back then we will have to find someone else to turn into a dog and that seems like much too much work.

“Yeah, okay that sounds like a brilliant idea, on one condition”

“What, aren’t I the one helping you?” Remus said smirking

“Yes, but that’s not the point, will you please take Astronomy with me next year? I did really well in it, cause ya know I’m Sirius, a literal star, and James won’t do it with me, and I don’t want to be alone, and…”

“Yes, okay, I will suffer through learning about balls of gas millions of light years away so that you can pass your classes. Let’s go then before Peter wakes up.” Remus finishes picking up a stack of Sirius’ books and heading for the door.

“Go, go where? We can’t just leave of McGonagall will have our heads”

“To the library, of course. Also, I am a prefect if you didn’t know, so I can go wherever I want within the confines of the school.”

Sirius nodded, grabbing the rest of his things and slipping on his jacket. Of course he was happy that Moony was willing to help but it seemed a little odd. Remus never broke rules for anyone, especially surrounding curfew. Well, he did but not in the obvious ways, more so he was the brains behind all of the Marauder’s excavations. This was different though, there was nothing at stake, except Sirius’ grades, but there was no reason why they couldn’t have stayed in the room to do some work. Since when did he care about whether or not Peter got a good night’s sleep?

Unless. Sirius took out the paper his mother had forced upon him and read the second part of the list. “2.Wants to spend time with you alone.” Then again why should he trust some stupid pureblood paper from a dumb book. It was probably nothing. Remus would have helped any of his friends to study. Sirius wasn’t special, Right?

When they arrived at the library Remus checked around first to find an empty table. The librarian liked Remus so she excused him for being their past curfew and he thanked her with a bag of lemon drops from the train. Then they spread out all of the textbooks and got to work. Remus took to teaching Sirius the subject matter one class at a time, careful to explain things in a way that could be understood but sure to never make Sirius feel stupid or as if things were being simplified. Remus knew above all Sirius’ self esteem was something that was not to be played with. Sirius appreciated this and with Remus’s calm demeanor and Sirius’ constant questioning they were able to finish by around four o’ clock in the morning.

“How’d I do Pads?” Remus asked stacking the textbooks and collecting the piles of papers spread across the table, “Sirius?” Remus looked back and found that Sirius had fallen asleep on the table almost immediately. He was so peaceful for once that Remus didn’t dare disturb him. So he carefully stowed all of the books inside the bag which Sirius had brought and put it over his shoulder. Then in an attempt to not wake him Remus slung Siruis’s arm over his shoulder and carefully carried him back to their room gently laying him down in his bed.

“Good night Padfoot”

So I found this really cute prompt from @littleturtle95 and ran with it!!

Here’s my attempt at a wolf star version of this prompt, at least the first part!!


“I don’t want your Stupid pamphlets, mother!” Sirius yelled storming into his bedroom, “I know I am a disappointment, no need to rub it in” he said slamming the door and tossing the new pamphlet under his bed amongst a pile of others.

His mother had the preconceived notion that if she kept giving him pieces of paper they would somehow fix her problem son so she need not actually parent him. Sirius didn’t read any of them. This one was intitled “Teenagers Beware of the “friend” of your own sex who…” and it went on to list a series of signs. Sirius knew his mother was even less pleased that he was gay than the fact that he was a Gryffindor.

He flopped down onto his bed and pulled out his phone. All he wanted was to go back to Hogwarts and get away from the confines of his bedroom which only made him feel worse about himself. It didn’t help that his brother, Regulus, was also home and was a constant reminder that Sirius would never be good enough. So the closest thing to an escape Sirius had was to blast Queen through his earbuds and close out the world.

4 years later

“Shh, James Potter, I swear if you wake up my mother I will never hear the end of it” Sirius said climbing in through his window. He had ran away to stay with James, his best friend of many years and also the least quiet person Sirius had ever met. They had returned to Sirius’ bedroom via a third story window to retrieve some of Sirius’ belongings that he had left behind.

As Siris went around the room in search of some essentials James poked around Sirius’ room in search of anything of interest. Now don’t get it wrong, Sirius trusted james with his life, but he had also never met anyone more nosy and kept a keen eye on his friend in case he stumbled across anything embarrassing.

“What are all of these?” James said, pulling a stack of papers out from under the bed.

“A collection of pamphlets reminding me that I will never be the perfect son” Sirius replied attempting to fit a leather jacket and three pairs of combat boots into a backpack made for a child. “They’re from my lovely mother.”

“You know, if this one is true it sounds an awful lot like you and Remus” James said holding up Walburga’s latest pamplet adressing Sirius’ homosexuality.

“Please, Remus likes me just as much as the rest of you. Plus, he’s my friend and nothing more. Now, would you kindly stop talking and help me fit this motorcycle helmet in my bag” Sirius retorted trying to shove the helmet into a bag that was half its size.

“Why do you keep these anyways?” James said using the extension cham on Sirius’ backpack.

“Thanks. Mother dearest gives me so many that I gave up on throwing them away and just decided to shove them under my bed”

“We could have like a giant bonfire, a toast to Walburga Black, worst mother to ever exist”

“Sure, but I refuse to put those papers into this bag, I don’t want them amongst all of my good things, they will kill the vibe” Sirius said zipping the bag stuffed with everything from chocolate frogs, to music tapes, and even an old street sign he had “borrowed” on one of the Marauders’ many outings.

Turning to leave his old bedroom Sirius gave the room one last look over. James had already maneuvered his way out onto the ground but Sirius reached under his bed and grabbed the piece of paper which James had found. Not because he actually believed that Remus may like him, of course not, that would be silly. Though it couldn’t hurt to keep it, for academic Purpose.

A few months later… ☆☽☆

It had been a few months since Sirius had officially moved into the Potter household. They had taken him in graciously as if he were their own son and even gifted him a motorbike for his 16th birthday which Sirius held as his most prized possession. He was finally happy and for once excited to come home for break,and spend his first real Christmas with the Potters. Soon it was time to go back to Hogwarts and Sirius and James got everything packed and arrived at King’s Cross Station to meet their friends before boarding the train.

Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James boarded the train in the same compartment they had sat in since first year. The sitting order had been set when they were eleven and from then on none of them dared break it. Sirius and James sat on one bench and Remus and Peter on the other. Peter got the window because he got motion sick and Remus sat with him so he could read and sleep while Siris and James came back and forth between train cars prestering their fellow classmates and reading the snack trolley. This year though things were different because Lily Evans was involved. James now had a girlfriend and while all of them accepted Lily as an honorary Marauder it was still very different as she added a fifth person to their group, because of this Lily and James got one bench and Sirius was forced in between Remus and Peter.

This would not have been a problem for Sirius except for the fact that ever since he had talked with James, Remus had been a constant presence in his mind. It also didn’t help that across the way James and Lily were gazing at each other, leaving Sirius nowhere to look but at Remus.

“They’re kinda cute, huh?” Remus said to Sirus under his breath.

“Oh, uh, I mean try spending a whole summer with him and it’s a different story. All he’d talk about is Lily.” Sirius said and was met by a smirk from Remus.

“Oh, I got you something,” Remus said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a small wrapped box.

Sirius opened it and found a keychain with a wolf, a black dog, a stag, and a rat hanging from it all painted gold. “Oh, wow, this is so cool, you really didn’t have to”

“James told me they got you a bike, so I figured you’d like to decorate your keys. I made it myself, but to keep it on the down low, I didn’t have time to make anything for Pete or James” Remus replied.

“Thank you, but I didn’t get anything for you.” Sirius replied, slipping the keychain onto his keys and stashing them back in his pocket.

“Oh, please Siris, it’s a gift I don’t need in return.” Remus replied pushing back his hair, “but if you insist I would love some chocolate from the trolley”

“Yeah. I can do that” Sirius replied scrambling out of his seat in search of the trolley lady. Why was he being so awkward all of a sudden. Thinking back to that list he pulled it out of his pocket looking for the first one. What was it “1. Is too “nice to be true” but that was just Remus. He was just a nice person, that’s all it was. Sirius told himself this and headed off to find the best chocolate that the trolley lady had in store.

To Be Continued

Part two is up now!

And not a day went by that he didn’t miss him

Harry Potter


Harry Pawtter


Ron Weasley


Ron Woofley


Hermione Granger


Howlmione Grrrrranger


Fred & George Weasley


Fang & Gnaw Woofley


Ginny Weasley


Ginny Woofley 


Albus Dumbledore


Alpha Dumbledog


Severus Snape


Severuff Snarl


Sirius Black


Sirius Bark


Rubeus Hagrid


Ruffeus Houndrid


 Bellatrix Lestrange


Bellatreats Lestray 


Peter Pettigrew 


Peter Pedigree


Lucius Malfoy


Leashius Muzzlefoy


Draco Malfoy


Draclaw Muzzlefoy


Lord Voldemort


Lord Voldemutt


Cis/het people will never understand the feeling of wondering if you want to be with or want to be someone. And then the realisation that it’s both.
