
sluteverxxx:petticoatruler:tw violence, murder, dismemberment dreamingofhalab:musaafer:watansluteverxxx:petticoatruler:tw violence, murder, dismemberment dreamingofhalab:musaafer:watansluteverxxx:petticoatruler:tw violence, murder, dismemberment dreamingofhalab:musaafer:watansluteverxxx:petticoatruler:tw violence, murder, dismemberment dreamingofhalab:musaafer:watan



tw violence, murder, dismemberment




An 8 year old girl describes the night Robert Bales killed 17 civilians. Watch the video here [x]

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Panjwayi massacre in Afghanistan in which a US soldier, Robert Bales, left his military base and murdered 16 innocent civilians (9 children, 3 women) in two separate villages, cut off their limbs and set them on fire.

This would be U.S. imperialism for you.

Look at her eyes.

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-Bernie Sanders will win the election

-The Imperial-Corporatist government of the United States will continue its unchecked reign of terror and tumult throughout the Middle East

-Unarmed black people will continue to be slaughtered by state terrorists without any legal recourse

-American women will continue to be arrested for simply attempting to exercise the same rights as American men

-The rich will continue to amass their billions in blood money, and the poor will continue to adjust their sense of “normality” to new lows and blame themselves for their disparity

-People will experience a galvanizing moment of tragedy–one that could unite all peoples against their worldwide oppressors–but cowardice and wage slave mentality will cause them to abandon the call for direct action and call for “hopes and prayers” instead

-Things will continue to get worse

-People will continue to look forward to 2017 (a NEW year), when things will somehow magically get better on their own

It hurts a lot when your mum gives you a death/dark look while asking you seriously if you defend terrorists.
All that because i said that terrorism isn’t always religious, that terrorists aren’t always muslim and/or vice versa.

For her terrorism means bombs and muslin. Terrorism actually means the use of terror to “defend” a cause, ideology, religion, etc.
So Ku Klux Klan was a terrorisr organisation, Hitler’s actions and ideas were terrorist.

February 26th 1993: World Trade Center bombingOn this day in 1993, a truck bomb was detonated below February 26th 1993: World Trade Center bombingOn this day in 1993, a truck bomb was detonated below February 26th 1993: World Trade Center bombingOn this day in 1993, a truck bomb was detonated below

February 26th 1993: World Trade Center bombing

On this day in 1993, a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The bomb was intended to knock the North Tower into the South Tower to destroy them both, but this did not occur. The attack still killed six people, including a pregnant woman, and injured over one thousand. The terrorist attack was planned by a group of conspirators and masterminded by Ramzi Yousef. In 1994, four men were convicted of carrying out the bombing and two more were convicted in 1997. The group were funded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who would go on to be the principal co-ordinator behind the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001. The memorial to the victims of the 1993 attack was destroyed on 9/11, but they are currently memorialised at the North Pool of the National 9/11 Memorial, opened in 2011.

“It felt like an airplane hit the building”
- eye-witness Bruce Pomper on the 1993 attack

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Collection phase of #RangLayeGaLahu officially ends tomorrow. Those of you still interested to drop their letter, email your entry at [email protected]

Show your support for Pakistan Army. United we are against terrorism.

We are writing letters to the soldiers telling them how we feel about them who are busy killing the militants at the border at Waziristan.
After all, it’s for a good cause. Just knowing that each person has taken their time out to write a letter and put so much love and care into each one does make a lot of difference
This will surly atleast make them feel good. Over there they have no phone, no tv, no contact with their family since weeks or months.


Finally, a flag that truly represents our values as a nation

“George Tiller was a compassionate physician who risked his life to help women in need. He was

“George Tiller was a compassionate physician who risked his life to help women in need. He was assassinated by an anti-choice terrorist.”

Dr. George Tiller: August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009.

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China in 1982 made a policy decision to flood the developing world with atomic know-how. Its clients include Algeria, Pakistan, and North Korea. One of China’s bombs was created as an “export design” that nearly “anybody could build.” The blueprint for the simple plan has traveled from Pakistan to Libya and Iran. … Why did Beijing spread its atomic knowledge so freely? In The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation, authors Thomas C. Reed and Danny B. Stillman speculate that it either wanted to strengthen the enemies of China’s enemies – for instance, Pakistan as a counterweight to India – or to encourage nuclear wars or terror in foreign lands from which Beijing would emerge as the “last man standing.” [Hidden Travels of the Atomic Bomb, by William J. Broad, review of The Nuclear ExpressandThe Bomb: A New History, in the New York Times]

ithelpstodream: Meanwhile white men caught preparing terrorist attacks are not charged under terrori


Meanwhile white men caught preparing terrorist attacks are not charged under terrorism laws.

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 A woman holds a sign that reads “I sing today for those voices that you have dared to shut up

A woman holds a sign that reads “I sing today for those voices that you have dared to shut up. We are not afraid” while observing a minute of silence at Placa de Catalunya, a day after a van crashed into pedestrians at Las Ramblas in Barcelona.
Susana Vera/Reuters

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 A woman gestures as she is escorted out by Spanish policemen outside a cordoned off area after a va

A woman gestures as she is escorted out by Spanish policemen outside a cordoned off area after a van ploughed into the crowd in Barcelona.
Pau Barrena/AFP/Getty

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Another teen sent deliberately to his death by the Islamist movement. One can only blame the Arabist elders who filled this 17-yr old teen’s head with hate, initiated him to Islamic Jihad, stuck a machine gun in his hand and sent him in to die, just so they could create a new photo op and (utterly false) victimization narration. And Pallywood airbrushed out his gun to perpetuate a lie and magnify hate. 


One of the biggest, most stubborn and costliest untruths of our time is the notion that the jihad waged by Arabs in the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Gaza against Jews in Israel is a national struggle of an indigenous people for independence.No matter the facts, the lie persists to the tune of billions of dollars in international aid and political prestige, which makes it increasingly difficult for anyone involved to admit that the whole thing is nothing more than a propaganda stunt.Unlike the fairy tale of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, everyone pretends to be blind and deaf when it is pointed out that the emperor is naked. In fact, if the emperor himself were to stand up and yell, ‘I am naked folks, go home!’ the crowd would go on complimenting his non-existent garments.Last week the naked emperor did just that:“Before the Balfour Promise, when the Ottoman rule [1517-1917] ended, Palestine’s political borders as we know them today did not exist, and there was nothing called a Palestinian people with a political identity as we know today”, historian Abd Al-Ghani admitted on official PA TV on November 1.“Since Palestine’s lines of administrative division stretched from east to west and included Jordan and southern Lebanon, and like all peoples of the region [the Palestinians] were liberated from the Turkish rule and immediately moved to colonial rule, without forming a Palestinian people’s political identity.”In 1917, says this Arab historian on official PA TV, there was no such thing as a Palestinian people. This statement amounts to saying that the whole narrative of an ‘indigenous Palestinian people’ was made up at a later point in time.As Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad speaking on Al-Hekma TV said in March 2012: “Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians…”There is a reason, why the “Palestinian National Museum” is empty of historical artifacts.The Arab historian’s admission corroborates the observations of 19th century travelers to the region, who notably had no specific political agenda when they visited, unlike so many visitors to Israel today:”Outside the gates of Jerusalem, we saw indeed no living object, heard no living sound”, wrote French poet Alphonse de Lamartine about his visit in 1835.”The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population.” wrote British Consul James Finn in his 1857 description of the Holy Land.”Palestine sits in a sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that withered its fields and fettered its energies. …Palestine is desolate and unlovely….It is a hopeless dreary, heartbroken land.” wrote American author Mark Twain in his description of his visit in 1867.Nevertheless, the Arab propaganda machine gets away with publishing fantastic falsehoods, such as this one on the Palestinian Authority’s tourism website: “With a history that envelops more than one million years, Palestine has played an important role in human civilization. The crucible of prehistoric cultures, it is where settled society, the alphabet, religion, and literature developed, and would become a meeting place for diverse cultures and ideas that shaped the world we know today”.The international community not only approves of these falsehoods, it happily pays for them.Historian Abd Al-Ghani’s declaration on PA TV was a historic, highly newsworthy admission that ought to have made the headlines everywhere, considering the importance the issue is given by political leaders, diplomats, the media and other establishment figures all over the world.After all, if the Arabs themselves admit that the ‘Palestinian people’ is an invented entity, should not the consequence be that the countless UN projects, billions of dollars in international aid, and the endless campaigns against Israel cease and be used for more noble purposes?The answer is yes, but no one is paying attention.We live in a post-factual world. Facts no longer have any currency, unlike feelings and ideological posturing. The truth has been reduced to a troublesome inconvenience and if it happens to stare you in the face, nothing could be easier than closing your eyes or simply looking away.


A girl, a Nigerian student, is beaten, murdered with stones, and then set on fire, based on comments she made critical of Islam, in a WhatsApp social group. So the school mob killed her. The police were on hand and failed to stop a mob of fellow students in Sokoto who set victim on fire.   https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/12/female-student-nigeria-beaten-to-death-sokoto?fbclid=IwAR2b5IRw0YdifVgZXMZT4Jc-dmjiLSlOV0nyblqdhXhsOikCsak4VU7sz8A

Antisemitic Arab worker in Israel desecrating an an Israeli flag in the town of Akiva and posting on Tik Tik.

It may be time to formerly expel anyone exhibiting this kind of antisemitic, anti-Israel behavior. They don’t deserve the freedom and civil rights that Israel offers all citizens, rights that don’t exist in the Arab world.

