

I want a big butt and thin legs. I try to reach that now but it seems impossible for my body to look like this

y’all ever tell someone about ur ed and immediately regret it?!


update bc i’m trying not to binge:

i decided to add time to my my fast, since i gained so much weight this week. i’m now 21 hours into my 84 hour fast. thankfully i just got pods so at least i have nic and water for when i get hungry ‍♀️

let’s do this again, shall we:

food doesn’t control me, i control food.

skip dinner, wake up thinner.

nothing will EVER taste as good as skinny feels.

i’m not hungry, i’m bored. go exercise.

think of everything you can wear when you’re finally ✨small✨.

remember who you’re doing this for. remember why.

it’s a slow process, but giving up isn’t going to make it go any faster.

self control is a key attribute. so control yourself.
