

you have no idea how badly i wanna smoke a cigarette right now oh my god

Omg I’m so fat time to literally ✨starve✨ myself❤️

hey guys.

i’m in a spiral of losing myself. constant binges, i mean. i’m all for recovery but i’m asking for tips and tricks and rules that any of you have.

so please, please dm me or comment on this post if you have anything. stay safe. i love you all.

questions for the ED community

1) does anyone in your family know about your disorder?

2) have you ever been for outpatient therapy?

3)have you ever been for inpatient therapy?

4)how long have you had your ed for?

5)do you consider your ED something of a friend?

6) what does it feel like to actually be at your gw

7)if you could be anything in the world other than “skinny” what would it be? (childhood dreams etc)

8) does anyone else in your family have eds?

9)have you hit rock bottom of your ed, if so why was it your rock bottom?

10)how has your eds effected your relationships?

11)what have you had to give up for your ed?

Would y’all be interested in me posting some of the stuff I learn from therapy? I know a lot of us don’t have access to this kinda stuff and I’m a big advocate for talk therapy in certain situations. It’s helped me learn about myself and it’s made life easier to get through.

I just started up therapy again and my therapist is really damn good. I had my second session today and had THREE “Aw shit that’s why my brain does the thing” moments. It’s been v nice.

If you think that’s be something you’d want to show up on your dash like, once a week then interact or drop a like on this post❤️

I don’t know who I thought I was making a exercise plan saying I was going to exercise for an hour .


Not me loosing weight and then

binging and purging all weekend

I have no idea if i’ve lost now, probably maintained



Weighed myself yesterday and found out I was 165

This was really really really hard for me

especially considering before I recovered I was 95 lbs

And because i’ve been fasting for a long time and lost ~20 lbs so far

So basically

Im gonna continue fasting during the week and limit myself to 100 cal on the weekends until the problem is gone haha.



Fasting is all fun and games until

you have to go up a flight of stairs


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Using body checks of myself pre-recovery as thinspo hits different I can’t even

when i finally consider recovery my body decides to be repulsed by the thought of food <3 nice


It 1:41AM :) and I’ve realized I’ve been barely trying to recover. I won a brownie because I wrote the best short story in class and I had a mini panic attack because I didn’t wanna eat it but I also won it and it’d be rude if I didn’t… I ended up giving it to my friend :/

today has all been about the way i look and EDs in everyone and every1 worrying for some1 that isn’t me i’m so tired why can’t i ever reach for help im at my serious limit i hate this so much i know i don’t show signs iknow it’s my fault it always is why am i always like this why can’t i be normal why why why why can’t i b a good s/o whag is wrong w me i’m genuinely so close to killing mshelf there’s always something wrong w me

man i wanna die
