#venus signs

VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is VENUS IN CANCERThese people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is


  • These people come into life fundamentally insecure. Their inner emotional reality is like a tornado of different emotional states that seem to come and go on their own terms. They can feel stable and secure in one moment, and highly insecure in the next.
  • Their basic needs are motivated by the desire to feel secure, to feel safe and stabilized. However, even when they are given love and nurturing, it’s never quite enough.
  • Each mood swing defines their reality at the moment it’s happening.
  • There is a fundamental desire to be taken care of, to be nurtured by someone whom they can trust.
  • It’s possible that is originated from some cataclysmic emotional event in which their ability to feel inwardly secure has been serverely compromised.
  • Cancer Venus has an inherent emotional expectation projected on relationships that others should somehow know just what the Venus needs without them actually verbalizing their needs. It’s a deep, silent expectation.
  • When unmet, these expectations can produce emotional behaviors that shock even the person with Venus in Cancer themselves. Behaviors that go from a deep, crushing silence to extreme displays of anger are common. These reactions are usually disproportionate to the event or circumstance that triggered them.
  • Cancer Venus relates to people on an emotional basis. They can naturally feel someone else’s emotional state, and the needs that such state produce, even when the other person isn’t verbalizing or actively projecting their emotions. They have an inherent ability to be compassionate.
  • When someone is going through emotional distress, Venus in Cancer naturally responds with real emotional caring, wisdom, support, nurturing, and love. They encourage others to let out their emotions.
  • The very essence of a Cancer Venus’ touch is warm, consuming, and reassuring; which reflects their own need to be reassured through touching and holding. They stablish trust through physical touch.
  • However, these people also have an inherent fear of being too vulnerable. Even verbalizing what they need or feel can be too exposing for them. In fact, when others ask how they’re doing, the answe is usually “I’m fine” even when they’re obviously not. It’s an instinctual response to their distrust of most people.
  • For those who are close and with whom there is trust, the best way to get a Cancer Venus to open up is through touch, combined with soft, soothing words.
  • Sexually, they need very strong touch, holding and kissing in order to feel sexually secure and trusting. Unless they feel emotionally safe, they’ll feel sexually insecure.

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⛓: I will not be giving specific word counts as I thinkforcing the outcome of anything is very unhealthy and can demage the reading! However I will be giving three possibilities which are short, average and detailed! And remember to not be scared to message me and ask for anything! I will welcome you with open arms!

s stands for short, a stands for average, d stands for detailed

i don’t take requests for anything that involves sexual questions about a person that won’t consent to me picking up on their energy. also no questions about health or immoral things! payment is done before the service.


: please remember that i am not amazing at this

birth chart analysis short being your big three, average your big six, detailed is everything i find important, trying to include everything ;; s5$a10$d25$

careerin this i will simply analyse your birth chart to be able to answer a question you s5$a10$d15$

love i will answer any love question you have by analysing your chart (and the one of your crush) s5$a15$d25$

healingguiding you in how to heal and from what, but you would need to provide information for this s5$a10$d25$

dream analysis

This actually depends on the length of your dream! I don’t mind what it is about as long as you keep respectful.

short5$ , average 10$ , detailed 18$ , extra long35$


loveany question as long as there is no third party involved. s5$a15$d30$

spiritsthese can involve questions about ones that are not your guide s10$a17$d25$

careerany question. s12$a20$d35$

custom question you can ask anything, but if it makes me uncomfortable i will decline. s5$a20$d28$


petss 5$ a 10$ d 15$

passed one s 5$ a 15$ d 25$

guidess 5$ a 10$ d 25$

your God! i don’t care which religion, just tell me your beliefs and what you think is a good additional information. s5$a10$d25$

your future selfs 5$ a 10$ d 20$

future spouse s 5$ a 10$ d 20$


past life we will discuss which topics of your past life you want to touch on! <3 s 10$ a 20$ d 35$

celebrity crush yess!! you can ask whatever! If they would like you! compatibility! yall in a relationship! but please be respectful towards them s 10$ a 20$ d 35$

you in x verse just ur life in whatever fictional universe s 15$ a 25$ d 45$

compatibilitywith ur crush!! Idc who it is, I’ll answer for u s 10$ a 20$ d 35$

shiftingyou can just go and ask whatever s 5$ a 15$ d 18$

Who am I for you?

Astrological tips how to find out what anyone thinks about you.

When a person doesn’t trust you or consider as a stranger he/she is not interested about the rising sign is shown. In some cases, even people who hang out together might use their ascendants because they don’t feel being compatible with each other. This is an uncontrolled reaction that’s why no one can fake it, moreover, not everyone even know about astrology so they won’t realise how obvious they are.

When a person likes you as a personality he/she feels compatible with the Sun sign is shown. There’s a big percentage that people consider you as a friend because they’re comfortable enough around you to activate Sun.

The closest you can get to anyone is the Moon sign. If you ever seen a person showing it then note he/she opened its soul in front of you. It also indicates the fact that you became a part of person’s heart and will forever remain there literally you’ll be never forgotten by him/her. However, remember, the Moon is extremely rarely shown so don’t expect the person would act this way all the time, if you’ve seen it once then be 100% sure you are important in its life.

❣Probably the most useful information from this post lol. When anyone is interested in you romantically the Venus sign is shown. If you’re curious whether the person likes you or not look at the Venus sign and see if he/she uses it in front of you.

And the least greatest information is when a person is annoyed with you the Mars sign is shown.

Note: when somebody has too many placements in the same sign this is much more complicated. For example, a person has Sun and Venus in Aries so how would you see whether she/he considers you as a friend or it’s something more than that? For beginners this will be hard but the only way is to analyze the difference between those two planets. For example, the Sun is in 11 while the Venus in 12: if the person considers you as a friend he/she will be very talkative, active and so on. When you’re considered as a romantic object then the person will be more private and closed. In cases, when those placements are identical then the person itself can’t feel the difference. For example, Sun in 11 and Venus in the same house means the person might consider all friends as potential partners.


aries: venus vs. mars


  • aries venus is more romantic. they aren’t quite as “all guns blazing” as their martian siblings, and while they enjoy the chase of a new romance, they want to be swept off their feet from time to time too. they aren’t the most sentimental lover, but they are passionate, lively and romantic
  • they are less confident than aries mars. venus in aries isn’t a shy, docile placement; they are bold, adventurous and sometimes even pushy. that being said, they don’t quite possess the same brash, larger-than-life bravado that aries mars does. they are just a little softer around the edges
  • they are more easily bored. aries mars is a little more driven and determined, while aries venus, although they do like to chase and be chased, wants results at some point. they can’t, and won’t, chase a dream forever


  • aries mars is more dominant. while both placements can captivate and conquer the room, aries mars is just that little bit more commanding. mars being domicile in aries makes them incredibly powerful, and you can feel the energy radiating off of them when you meet one
  • they are less patient. they are cardinal, and really embody the martian spirit, which is drive. they have a certain spark that allows them to start new projects, dream up big ideas, and enter new chapters of life swiftly and easily. their lesson really lies in learning to restrain themselves, and practicing patience
  • aries mars is more controlling. both signs enjoy games, but mars in aries likes to win. they like to be the master, not the puppet, and can easily get frustrated and confused when they meet their match, resulting in power struggles


  • both placements are playful. I’ve said it before, but aries is something of a hunter. they enjoy both the hunt and being the hunted, as a change of pace is fun for them. this love of games and challenges takes many forms, but you’ll almost always see it shine through if you observe an aries venus or mars
  • they can both be impulsive. this trait is often especially apparent with aries mars, as you’ll see it show up in more areas of day-to-day life, while with aries venus, it often appears in relationships more than anything else. because their biggest strengths lie in starting things, they can sometimes struggle to see things through to the end, because when times get tough, they can easily jump ship and move onto the next big thing
  • both placements are powerful. they are easy to spot in a group, because they are incredibly animated, strong and daring. they have this bright, slightly abrasive vibe that is almost addictive to be around, and they radiate energy. their fighting spirits really shine through too, making it easy to discover them during hard times
  • they both love hard. they are strong, happy-go-lucky and passionate, and this is especially true when it comes to love and relationships. they fall in love incredibly quickly, and deeply too; they aren’t shallow, despite how they can seem at times. their love is pure, honest, and straightforward, just like they are

•Why you should TOTALLY date the signs

Aries: They are the definition of adventure, passion and intellectual stimulation. Their humor has the power to light up any bad day. Never boring & always full of energy. Willing to get out the best in you.


Taurus: They will teach you the benefits of slow reveal and do that old fashioned thing of getting to know each other first before ripping clothes off. Gentle & thoughtful. Won’t let anyone judge you.


Gemini: Their imagination is fascinating, just like their overall personality. They are such good partners that time spent with them flies by without even realising. Spontaneous, adaptable & talentated conversationalists.


Cancer: They’ll actually listen and give a f*ck about everything you’re saying. Cancer brings a sense of connectedness to the dating table. Sentimental & deeply connected to their family & friends. Great at making you feel cared of.


Leo: This sign will remind you off a sense of occasion – how much fun it is to dress up and choose the perfect accessory to compliment the perfect outfit. They also have really big hearts of gold & are a great shoulder to cry on. Fabulously nice.


Virgo: They usually have a mindful aura. They can help you live a healthier life and also keep you inspired with their knowledge. Five star time managers Virgo will also teach you how to seamlessly fit a lot more into an average day without stress overload. Sort of mysterious.


Libra: They are carefree, fun people that just simply LIVE for a little romance. Cliche-ic or not, they will give you the exact amount of attention you need, without asking for anything in return. Their love can make them become completely selfless. Dreamy & peace makers.


Scorpio: They represent temptation in flesh and bones. Firey personality, they will make you pray for their presence in your life. Extremely passionate & possesive. The thrill is always there.


Sagittarius: They are the kind of people who aren’t afraid of showing affection in most weird ways possible. Blame it on their spontaneous character or on their free spirit. Open minded geniuses & super sweet when in love.


Capricorn: They’ll motivate and life you up. They typically reprezent the perfect partner as they will constantly try to inspire you and help you reach your goals. Relaxing presence & generous.


Aquarius: They are the eye-opener you’ve probably searched for for so long! They’ll challenge you to examine yourself, they’ll teach you how to love yourself and everyone around you. Great listeners & encouraging. Sometimes can be selfless.


Pisces: They can easily help you out by sharing their funky viewpoint upon life. They’ll talk about anything and everything and will always protect you, under any circumstances. Sensitive but not a fool. That one person who will never laugh at you if you cry at movies.





thank you for tagging me @cherubimbo ily pick you up for our date at 7 ♡

describe your signs/placements with whatever pictures you already have in your camera roll

leo stellium

libra moon

scorpio rising

cancer mercury

venus square ascendant

air grand trine

saturn opposition ascendant

sun sextile moon

tagging@cancerfairy@waytoobright@rue-and-the-moon@cheriiangel (i have no idea if you have already done this so feel free to ignore if you have or aren’t comfortable doing it heh love you )

describe your signs/placements with whatever picture you have in your camera roll:

thanks for tagging me bestie @enamouredfae<3

cancer stellium:

taurus moon:

mercury sextile venus/venus in the 7th:

aqua rising:

gemini mercury:

neptune conj ascendant:

mars conj jupiter:

lol this was fun but i’m tagging @eternalpisces@womanofsubstances@saintzjenx@notelise@mind-collapse

Pisces sun

Gemini moon

Pisces Mercury

Aries Venus

Venus Sextile Neptune

Scorpio Mars

Libra rising

Thank you for tagging me @cancerfairy!

Tagging:@spiicykaay@the-falling-star@floatin-through-the-stars@angelvibezluv@jahlovelykiss@evilesqe@kyrze@satsuworld@womanofsubstances@astrologyninaa@saintzjenx@treacherous-venus@abby-cry-baby@plutosdate@thereminlover + anyone else!

Describe your placements w pics of your camera roll

Scorpio sun

Cap rising

Cap moon (we go through a lot babes, it’ll get better)

Scorpio stellium

Scorpio mars

Scorpio venus

Venus conjunct Mars

Scorpio jupiter

Scorpio mercury

10th house stellium

Y’all can judge me, I’m a person who takes constructive criticism✋

Thanks for tagging me @eternalpisces ! I’ll tag: @d4rkpluto@princess-of-water-lilies@k-rising@kazalyhpuppy@im-ethereal@mellifluous-cosmos +anyone who wants to join in!

Aquarius stellium

Aquarius sun

Leo moon

Pisces rising

Pisces Venus

Mercury sextile Venus

Pluto 10th house conjunct mc

Venus square Pluto

Saturn square venus

Aquarius mercury 12th house

Gemini Venus

Tries to be consistent but can’t help but be easily bored by the monotony of relationships. 

Libra Venus

Wants Love to be like a fairytale but forgets all fairy tales don’t have happy endings

Aries venus: Uninhibition. Moments and emotions which feel ablaze. 
Taurus venus:Intemperance. Moments and emotions which feel sempiternal.
Gemini venus: Renaissance. Moments and emotions which feel exalting.
Cancer venus:  Warmth. Moments and emotions which feel completing.
Leo venus: Glory. Moments and emotions which feel unsurpassable. 
Virgo venus: Heed. Moments and emotions which feel assuaging. 
Libra venus:  ElevationMoments and emotions which feel dazzling.
Scorpio venus: Plunging. Moments and emotions which feel divulging.
Sagittarius venus: Salvation. Moments and emotions which feel true.
Capricorn venus: Reverence. Moments and emotions which feel fortifying.
Aquarius venus:Transcendence. Moments and emotions which feel esoteric.
Pisces venus:Dissolvement. Moments and emotions which feel conjuring. 
